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Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days: Samson

You and I don't share blood nor we share same history or role models.
You are an Indian enough said. What victory does your history have other than 1971? We(muslim) smashed you again every Pakistani tribe ruled over sub continent. You will never understand what its like to take a risk.
When Ruski's were in backyard we shoved them back to where they came from. So did Yanks you know it dude.
Your age your information your research your conversation your point of view are meaningless.
You are a part of that helpless bunch who is hostage in his own country. Why lecture me? I bet you can't say a word against Modi without being called traitor in your own home.
Now do you understand why we are tuned into 2 different channels. You are tuned into helpless bunch(may be good intentions) but can't make an inch of difference .
I believe in strength and belief on achieving whats unachievable and therfore my hero is Jinnah not Ghandi.
Who is short sighted and not in touch with reality.

I love to read rants like this one. Your weakness is best displayed in these barnyard performances.

You and I don't share blood nor we share same history or role models.
You are an Indian enough said. What victory does your history have other than 1971? We(muslim) smashed you again every Pakistani tribe ruled over sub continent. You will never understand what its like to take a risk.
When Ruski's were in backyard we shoved them back to where they came from. So did Yanks you know it dude.
Your age your information your research your conversation your point of view are meaningless.
You are a part of that helpless bunch who is hostage in his own country. Why lecture me? I bet you can't say a word against Modi without being called traitor in your own home.
Now do you understand why we are tuned into 2 different channels. You are tuned into helpless bunch(may be good intentions) but can't make an inch of difference .
I believe in strength and belief on achieving whats unachievable and therfore my hero is Jinnah not Ghandi.
Who is short sighted and not in touch with reality.

A reminder: Jinnah took twelve years to succeed in his aims.

His successors have taken six times that period to fail.
I love to read rants like this one. Your weakness is best displayed in these barnyard performances.
As I said. You are looser in your country. Go lecture your kind before coming here and rubbing all that sophistication in your posts.
I use to read your opinions but now you sound like a soar looser. First fight for your own rights and try to figure out what the F happened to your country .
Then and only then you can claim some mortality here.
if I am right, half of Pakistan doesn't exist today. I think it exist as Bangladesh. the dude is right unless u have the money to fight and sustain the war. don't fight a war

Yeah half, lol India never won in western sector since 1947. Not even in 1971.
I love to read rants like this one. Your weakness is best displayed in these barnyard performances.

A reminder: Jinnah took twelve years to succeed in his aims.

His successors have taken six times that period to fail.
That should tell you how strong was his work that what he founded in 12 years with all the corruption and failed polices playing war war with big boys and still its here. Isn't it a marvel?
I love to read rants like this one. Your weakness is best displayed in these barnyard performances.

A reminder: Jinnah took twelve years to succeed in his aims.

His successors have taken six times that period to fail.
jeez louise! rambo is still here wasting time on nothings instead of being out there wresting control of haji pir pass, neelum valley, GB and 8 fingers etcetera etcetera along with other ekta akhandta people like fekendra modi and pandit nawaz et, al..

jai aryavarta, dangay matram!
As I said. You are looser in your country. Go lecture your kind before coming here and rubbing all that sophistication in your posts.

I do. Without prompting.

I use to read your opinions but now you sound like a soar looser. First fight for your own rights and try to figure out what the F happened to your country .
Then and only then you can claim some mortality here.

I note that you know what I write without reading my posts. Most impressive.

I note that I may claim my mortality on PDF. If it is all the same to you, I would rather claim that mortality in real life, not in an artificial world that does not exist. Or perhaps someone should remind you what mortality means.

That should tell you how strong was his work that what he founded in 12 years with all the corruption and failed polices playing war war with big boys and still its here. Isn't it a marvel?

Very true. It is a marvel. One truly outstanding person creates an edifice. His successors manage to fill it with corruption and failed policies - if we are to go by your words - playing war war with big boys (quite the telling phrase, that). Marvellous.

Even more marvellous is that you turn around and display these to the whole world without inhibition, even with, I believe, pride.

Yeah half, lol India never won in western sector since 1947. Not even in 1971.

A cynical person might muse - in his own mind, of course, never to humiliate a cock crowing on his own heap of ordure - that India never sought to win anything since 1947.

The cock, in its animal spirits, might have overlooked that it was an aspiration of its own in 1947, and it succeeded brilliantly; from 0 to 35%. It might have overlooked the careful plans and preparations eighteen years later, and it succeeded brilliantly; its towering martial races master humbly begged for and got back strategic features from a diminutive and ailing little man in a dhoti. A truly inspiring martial achievement. It might have overlooked the strategic value and potency of airdashes to Washington in 1999; never let it be said that it did not understand air power, in its true, Zen sense.

What a world to crow over, and to dwell on with pleasure and fresh, budding ambition.
I dont see china going to war with india. they may bully india into getting some land but fullscale war is out of question when USA is waiting for china to make that mistake.

I felt like this is the time, but then I watched Orya Maqbool Jan today and he brought up some good points. Why push Pakistan into a war which US is waiting for us to enter? He predicted by 4his time 2021, there will not be a united India left.

Pakistan and China revealed the failures of Indian armed forces and political bullying. The work can be done by Indians to destroy India from within.

Pakistan and China can easily then take Kashmir, Sıkkım, Seven sisters, etc. Nepal can take its claimed territory. BD can expand also and maybe absorb West Bengal and Assam parts.

Our COAS was in Sri Lanka yesterday, they may want a piece of the pie as well.

It is wait and see now.

We just keep slapping India back when it gets out of line, India is its worst enemy.
Chinese do not want Kagil or siachin, just Leh and Aksiachin. likewise Pakistanese don't want Chinese areas only GB ones (+ jammu and the valley of Kashmir)


Good, China stake in IoK is what Pakistan needed right now. With our current coward PM always crying on twitter about false flag and possible attack by India. This gave these stupid delusions of conquering GB/AJK. Before that they were always in defensive as they were more then happy with what they got knowing fully well IoK never belonged to them. Thankfully China came to our aid in the right time.
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Son he probably have had more service than your age. He was involved in sensitive matters and nuclear matters not only related to Pakistan but internationally when you were running around in chaddi calling upon mommy for feeders.
You are going to educate him? Who are you?
A random poster on pdf like me no better.
Shame on you calling a retired soldier a day dreamer.

Do u even know me? Were those not the same militaty person who lost bangladesh? If he is of age it means he is right ? What a loser statement this is ?

Give me facts on the basis we can win a major with India.

What oil reserves u have.
What ammunition reserves u have.
How many foreign currency reserves u have?
How many missiles u have.

Compare this with India.

I dont understand why stupid people like u dont understand that any attavk on Ladakh will be converted into full blown war. So may be u might be able to get ladakh but at what cost by complete destruction of lahore karachi bombay and dehli ? Or even if u dont go nuclear how will u fight after 15 days when your ammunition wll be consumed ? How many factories u have to make tanks aircraft ammunitions and and its parts?

If u really want to fight atleast build the capacity
Yeah half, lol India never won in western sector since 1947. Not even in 1971.

well that would be something to be ashamed not proud. And the fact that they couldn’t take the other half shouldn’t be a thing of pride or a concession for taking the first half specially when you’re bashing them for just losing 60km of territory
I am worried that we have given our SOME military secrets to India last 27 Feb. Imagine if we didn't have shown them, we would have completely defeated them in upcoming war because we were superior in BVR, AWACS, SOW weapons, jamming, management, and fear management.

But 27 Feb has exposed our strength
That's a correct. Now india knows and we did not even down other aerial targets giving them opportunity to beat drums of their success that Pakistan was forced to return Abhi that fast. It was a silly political move.
PAF has to develop more tactics and to jam their EM frequencies which they would have altered by now.
well i guess , you should put the same question to people who sacrified everything when migrating to pakistan,1947...............

you realy under estimate the power of islam. wonders , and mircles happened before, and will happen again..... just need to hold on to the rope of faith,

My own famil is one of those migrated people.

But are we the same? Ask yourself? If we r willing to sacrifice everything for Islam we can defeat even USA, but are we that pious now?
LOL ............. an indian talking about distorted reality and deep insights.

chech chech chech

Did you ever watch your news media churning out lies day and night?
or are you claiming no Indian watches that shit and pulls the facts out of their arses?
just compare the news clips from both India and Pakistan around Feb 27, 2019 and see for yourself which side (media, government, military, politicians) tells blatant lies, gets busted and still lies more shamelessly.

This has been disproved by your own sources so many times that the only wonder left is the persistence of individuals who keep repeating these fables about civil interference baulking thoroughly beaten military endeavours from snatching victory out of defeat.

It is something that affords a deep insight into a segment of the population that is willing to distort reality just as much as is needed, with no limits, to bring themselves comfort and solace in their having prevailed. Pathetic in a way, useful - in a clinical, humanity-distanced sense - in another.
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You live in a stone age. Pakistan will demolish Hindustan from one side and China from the other.
China will not come to our rescuse. We were of the same opinion about USA in 1965 on the contrary we received arms embargo.

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