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Pakistan can, in fact, hand over fugitives to India

And then you blame us for our wrong perceptions about Pakistan.Great!

Errr. like Jihad pointed out ...when India is threatening war and surgical strikes, I don't think Pakistanis are the ones who have to be concerned about 'wrong perceptions' ...
Anyway, the issue is dead and buried - the GoI accepted the right of Pakistan to try any suspect in Pakistan, and the UK and US have also categorically supported the decision of Pakistan to try the suspects in Pakistan.

India needs to stop beating a dead horse. You got your answer on extradition from the GoP a long time ago - NO!
we already knew that Pakistan could potentially extradite as a signatory to the SARC charter, which allows for such in the absence of treaties.

The government in Pakistan has to answer to the electorate as well - India herself dashed any hopes of extradition to the ground to the ground with her belligerence. Next time they should learn to be a bit more civil and respectful while asking for favors.

Hi AgNoStIc MuSliM! The Highlighted part of your posts itself is Pretty self-explatonary. One correction. India is asking Pakistan to run it's own writ in it's own territories and not favours. LTTE Killed Rajiv, Bhinderwale Killed Indira, Jihadis killed Benazir.....:devil:
Hi Jihad,

I have been following your posts for quite some time. Your post are quite reasonable and logical, hence, I would assume, the author to be same. Leaving aside, the Mumbai issue, there are a few issues, for which I would request you to share your views on.

Terror : Whether we like it or not, fact remains that terror acts in Pakistan has risen alarmingly in the last few years.

Kind greetings, Thebignag.

On your point on terror, yes it is absolutely true that it has risen to alarming heights especially in the last few years.
This is a problem that has been inside Pakistan for ages but was ignored because it didn't pose that much of a threat nor did these mullahs clash with the govt. of Pakistan.
However, after 9/11, Pakistan was seen as a traitor and a "slave" of the U.S., which led to anger among these mullah extremists, and up to this day, they have exploited and made (unfortunately) good use of their freedom so far to harm Pakistani civilians and interests.
That's why the Pakistani Army is doing it's best and is trying to crack these people down once and for all because certainly, people with their mindsets, mentality, and their habits of rectifying others in the name of Islam is completely wrong and forms a big obstacle in our growth ahead.
I'm confident that in time, they will be washed out of FATA + Swat and other regions along with their mindsets, it's only a matter of time Inshallah.

Terror Deaths : Number of people who die in Pakistan is the highest in the world and much more than India

That could be true, however, i'm not sure how many die in India, and if that's more then the deaths inside Pakistan, but that doesn't matter, it's a problem both nations face.
Certain groups who think they are above the law exist in both Pakistan and India, and simply need to be dealt with.

Arms : Unlicensed arms are prevalent in the society, specially in the Tribal areas, where Automatic weapons are owned and used by civilians.

Yes, true, but this is rather a safety concern for those people who want to take things into their own hands instead of relying on the police.
Pakistan being a 3rd world country, it has alot to improve on and especially our safety workforce and institutes, under Musharrafs rule, we could see a decline in corruption among police officers and such.
Anyhow, these arms are not used only for defensive purposes, i'd be ignorant if I said so.
These arms are unfortunately also used against the wrong people and against Pakistani security forces, hence why they need to disarm because they cannot win against the PA.
I'm confident that in due time, the whole problem of unlicensed arms in Pakistan will be tackled, and the huge black weapons market will be under control by the govt.
However, right now, govt. of Pakistan has alot of other domestic issues to worry about, once those issues are improved or solved, the govt. will look beyond and tackle the other remaining problems.
It's natural for a developing country, i'm sure the same problem exists in India aswell, especially with such a huge population, it could be a much more complicated and bigger problem over there?
I also think that the issue of unlicensed arms especially regarding FATA is now being checked upon and legislated by the govt. of Pakistan, wouldn't you think? Especially if we are really keen on destroying these extremists.

Economic Problem : Pakistan today is facing a major Economic problem, with inflation crossing 20%. Forex reserves at it lowest. Similar to India in 1990-91.

Yes the economic outlooks for Pakistan as of today are not that bright compared to a few years ago under Musharrafs rule.
However, i'm not that worried, our govt. will come up with stimulus packages or will invest more to counter this
It's unfortunate but the financial crisis has struck us aswell, also the war on terror we're waging is very costly and plus the fact that there is uncertainty in Pakistan and also fear of these extremists doesn't do any good for an economy that has potential to become huge.
If India is able to recover from the 1990-91 situation, then Pakistan should be able to recover from the current situation aswell in my opinion, but that would require the right market reforms and economic decisions from our leaders, it's all about the policies and if they can really deliver action instead of mere words.
The whole change in leaderships and the turmoil it has caused and all the civil unrest in Pakistan due to that has not done the Pakistani economy any good, it's simply gonna take time to recover, and if our government is stable and fulfills her promises, we don't have to worry that much.

Keeping the above in view, what, in your opinion, should Pakistan do to actualize itself and what , should be ( not be ) the role of India. ( This is in no way an attempt to compare India with Pakistan )

I think Pakistan should continue with her military pressure and tactics to remove these mullahs, the sooner the better, so our resources can be used on something else instead of the Army for their war in FATA.
Pakistan should do its best to improve its image as a tourist-friendly nations, look at swat for example, it has been said that Pakistans tourist industry has a potential market for up to 10 billion dollars.
It's such a shame people stay away because of this image which is unfortunatelly true for quite a part, but on the other hand is always torned by the western media who only seem to portray the bad sides of Pakistan and not the good.
Anyhow, where Indias role comes into play regarding Pakistans economic recovery and growth.
Right now, the issue between both nations needs to be worked out in order for ties between Pakistan and India to grow.
Right now, they're stagnant or even deteriorating, and like I said before, if both countries simply jointly tackle these issues of terrorism in BOTH nations, and if that plans to be succesful, i'm sure it's gonna spread over to the economic ties that both countries maintain and hopefully, they will increase and improve too because the govt. of Pakistan and India have acted as an example and shown that it is indeed possible.
Both nations can only benefit from working together on all fronts, i'm serious, it can hardly become any worse unless one party decides to screw it up.
I wouldn't dare to say how far India's role is concerned regarding our recovery and our fight against terrorism and our economic problems.
I can however write a huge post on what I'd like to see India do for example for Pakistan and what in exchange between both nations and so fort, but that's gonna take a long time and I really need to take my shower.:lol:
To sum things up, things are better for both if egos and pride are set aside and real work is begun, if it's not, then both countries will continue on their own on many fronts, but won't have the right to whine or point fingers at eachother because they chose the policies that led to no co-operation.

I hope I answered your question to a certain extent. :tup:

Do not use the PA*I slur on this forum again, or it will be a permanent ban next time. Given that it is common knowledge that the term is derogatory, especially with the recent fracas over Prince William using it, your usage of it was deliberately intended to be offensive..

Take a month off.
Hi AgNoStIc MuSliM! The Highlighted part of your posts itself is Pretty self-explatonary. One correction. India is asking Pakistan to run it's own writ in it's own territories and not favours. LTTE Killed Rajiv, Bhinderwale Killed Indira, Jihadis killed Benazir.....:devil:

Favors requests whatever - next time learn to ask respectfully and with civility. ... and yes, the GoP has categorically stated that the answer to extradition is NO!

You can cooperate with the investigation and help bring the perpetrators to task, or sulk, pout and thrown tantrums like infants, which has characterized Indian behavior so far.
Kasab statement no evidence to implicate Pakistan: Modi

* Congress expresses shock at Modi’s objection to ‘evidence’, seeks clarification and apology

AHMEDABAD: Possibly reflecting Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani’s claim that the Indian dossier contained information, not evidence – Indian Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has lashed out at the UPA government for asking Pakistan to accept the statement of the lone gunman caught during the Mumbai attacks, saying the country itself “does not have a similar provision under its laws”.

“We tell Pakistan that Ajmal Kasab has given the statement ... consider this evidence, as everything has been done from Pakistan. We tell the US also that his statement should be considered as evidence,” the Indian media quoted Modi as saying. “What if Pakistan and the US both ... [ask] India that ‘does your law have a similar provision which accepts Kasab’s statement as evidence?’ What can be more unfortunate?” he said.

“There is no law in our country that would consider the statement of an arrested person before a top-level police official as evidence,” he said.

“Despite the situation, we are trying to convince Pakistan to consider the statement evidence. This is very much contradictory,” said Modi.

“The abolished POTA had that provision, the Gujarat Control of Organised Crime has the same provision and even MACOCA has a similar provision,” he said, adding, “We also need a similar law at the national level to fight terrorism.”

Reaction: Reacting to the statement by Modi, India’s ruling Congress party on Monday expressed shock at the Gujarat chief minister’s objection to the ‘evidence’, and brushed aside his remarks as ‘irresponsible’ behaviour.

Modi’s comments appear as if “an advocate of Pakistan is speaking”, said Congress spokesman Shakeel Ahmed at a press conference. He demanded that Modi clarify and apologise immediately for ‘anti-national remarks’. He called on the Bharatiya Janata Party to seek a clarification by Modi.

Shakeel said Modi had gone ‘overboard’ to make the despicable remark, “which actually helps the perpetrators of the terror attacks”.

Tensions between the South Asian rivals soared after the Mumbai attacks – which India blames on Pakistan. But Pakistan and certain Western countries deny the charge. daily times monitor/iftikhar gilani

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Politically, extradition was out of the question after the GoI and Indian media's attitude in the aftermath of Mumbai - we already knew that Pakistan could potentially extradite as a signatory to the SARC charter, which allows for such in the absence of treaties.

The government in Pakistan has to answer to the electorate as well - India herself dashed any hopes of extradition to the ground to the ground with her belligerence. Next time they should learn to be a bit more civil and respectful while asking for favors.

That's what I am trying to say for a long long time.

Intentionally or not, the way India has acted is, I think, politically correct.

Let's assume a different condition -
Pakistan has handed over the 'wanted' people to India. Now, it leaves India with nothing to cry out about. On the same time, it wipes out the possibility of GoP playing a part in the attack. Also, it is a slap for those crying for state of law and order in Pakistan. Not only that, it is underlined that the nuclear weapons in Pakistan are in safe hands. It has affected the way NSG thinks about Pakistan and, who knows, there is a possibility that Pakistan will also get some nuke deal done. The list does not end here, may be small, but there is a certain affect on criminal / terrorist activities on Pakistani soil due to this message given by GoP.

But alas, GoP denied and all these hopes for Pakistan died. Not only that, now GoI has more issues to attack with. It is not at all winning condition for Pakistan. Even if there comes nothing more than threats from Indian side.
Kasab statement no evidence to implicate Pakistan: Modi

* Congress expresses shock at Modi’s objection to ‘evidence’, seeks clarification and apology

AHMEDABAD: Possibly reflecting Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani’s claim that the Indian dossier contained information, not evidence – Indian Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has lashed out at the UPA government for asking Pakistan to accept the statement of the lone gunman caught during the Mumbai attacks, saying the country itself “does not have a similar provision under its laws”.

“We tell Pakistan that Ajmal Kasab has given the statement ... consider this evidence, as everything has been done from Pakistan. We tell the US also that his statement should be considered as evidence,” the Indian media quoted Modi as saying. “What if Pakistan and the US both ... [ask] India that ‘does your law have a similar provision which accepts Kasab’s statement as evidence?’ What can be more unfortunate?” he said.

“There is no law in our country that would consider the statement of an arrested person before a top-level police official as evidence,” he said.

“Despite the situation, we are trying to convince Pakistan to consider the statement evidence. This is very much contradictory,” said Modi.

“The abolished POTA had that provision, the Gujarat Control of Organised Crime has the same provision and even MACOCA has a similar provision,” he said, adding, “We also need a similar law at the national level to fight terrorism.”

Reaction: Reacting to the statement by Modi, India’s ruling Congress party on Monday expressed shock at the Gujarat chief minister’s objection to the ‘evidence’, and brushed aside his remarks as ‘irresponsible’ behaviour.

Modi’s comments appear as if “an advocate of Pakistan is speaking”, said Congress spokesman Shakeel Ahmed at a press conference. He demanded that Modi clarify and apologise immediately for ‘anti-national remarks’. He called on the Bharatiya Janata Party to seek a clarification by Modi.

Shakeel said Modi had gone ‘overboard’ to make the despicable remark, “which actually helps the perpetrators of the terror attacks”.

Tensions between the South Asian rivals soared after the Mumbai attacks – which India blames on Pakistan. But Pakistan and certain Western countries deny the charge. daily times monitor/iftikhar gilani

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Wow that's interesting!!

Many members on this forum are working hard to prove the reason behind Mumbai attacks is Hindu terrorism. Since ATS chief died in the attack, Narendra Modi was also linked with the attacks. Many were convinced that denial of Karkare's widow to get help was the proof Modi was involved. Many such points were invented.

And when Modi said something in favor, Pakistan is treating his words as if those are the last words which could be doubted!
Favors requests whatever - next time learn to ask respectfully and with civility. ... and yes, the GoP has categorically stated that the answer to extradition is NO!

You can cooperate with the investigation and help bring the perpetrators to task, or sulk, pout and thrown tantrums like infants, which has characterized Indian behavior so far.

GoP has acted like a child. 'Ask respectfully and politely if you want to....'. What a crap. No one, except Pakistan, has blamed India for 'the way of asking'. Yes, there are different views about 'the things to ask for'. From the very start of this issue, Pakistan is the nation in question. And every statement from each an every nation was to satisfy India about the progress. No one, NO ONE has blamed India for anything.
Kind greetings, Thebignag.

On your point on terror, yes it is absolutely true that it has risen to alarming heights especially in the last few years.
This is a problem that has been inside Pakistan for ages but was ignored because it didn't pose that much of a threat nor did these mullahs clash with the govt. of Pakistan.
However, after 9/11, Pakistan was seen as a traitor and a "slave" of the U.S., which led to anger among these mullah extremists, and up to this day, they have exploited and made (unfortunately) good use of their freedom so far to harm Pakistani civilians and interests.
That's why the Pakistani Army is doing it's best and is trying to crack these people down once and for all because certainly, people with their mindsets, mentality, and their habits of rectifying others in the name of Islam is completely wrong and forms a big obstacle in our growth ahead.
I'm confident that in time, they will be washed out of FATA + Swat and other regions along with their mindsets, it's only a matter of time Inshallah.

That could be true, however, i'm not sure how many die in India, and if that's more then the deaths inside Pakistan, but that doesn't matter, it's a problem both nations face.
Certain groups who think they are above the law exist in both Pakistan and India, and simply need to be dealt with.

Yes, true, but this is rather a safety concern for those people who want to take things into their own hands instead of relying on the police.
Pakistan being a 3rd world country, it has alot to improve on and especially our safety workforce and institutes, under Musharrafs rule, we could see a decline in corruption among police officers and such.
Anyhow, these arms are not used only for defensive purposes, i'd be ignorant if I said so.
These arms are unfortunately also used against the wrong people and against Pakistani security forces, hence why they need to disarm because they cannot win against the PA.
I'm confident that in due time, the whole problem of unlicensed arms in Pakistan will be tackled, and the huge black weapons market will be under control by the govt.
However, right now, govt. of Pakistan has alot of other domestic issues to worry about, once those issues are improved or solved, the govt. will look beyond and tackle the other remaining problems.
It's natural for a developing country, i'm sure the same problem exists in India aswell, especially with such a huge population, it could be a much more complicated and bigger problem over there?
I also think that the issue of unlicensed arms especially regarding FATA is now being checked upon and legislated by the govt. of Pakistan, wouldn't you think? Especially if we are really keen on destroying these extremists.

Yes the economic outlooks for Pakistan as of today are not that bright compared to a few years ago under Musharrafs rule.
However, i'm not that worried, our govt. will come up with stimulus packages or will invest more to counter this
It's unfortunate but the financial crisis has struck us aswell, also the war on terror we're waging is very costly and plus the fact that there is uncertainty in Pakistan and also fear of these extremists doesn't do any good for an economy that has potential to become huge.
If India is able to recover from the 1990-91 situation, then Pakistan should be able to recover from the current situation aswell in my opinion, but that would require the right market reforms and economic decisions from our leaders, it's all about the policies and if they can really deliver action instead of mere words.
The whole change in leaderships and the turmoil it has caused and all the civil unrest in Pakistan due to that has not done the Pakistani economy any good, it's simply gonna take time to recover, and if our government is stable and fulfills her promises, we don't have to worry that much.

I think Pakistan should continue with her military pressure and tactics to remove these mullahs, the sooner the better, so our resources can be used on something else instead of the Army for their war in FATA.
Pakistan should do its best to improve its image as a tourist-friendly nations, look at swat for example, it has been said that Pakistans tourist industry has a potential market for up to 10 billion dollars.
It's such a shame people stay away because of this image which is unfortunatelly true for quite a part, but on the other hand is always torned by the western media who only seem to portray the bad sides of Pakistan and not the good.
Anyhow, where Indias role comes into play regarding Pakistans economic recovery and growth.
Right now, the issue between both nations needs to be worked out in order for ties between Pakistan and India to grow.
Right now, they're stagnant or even deteriorating, and like I said before, if both countries simply jointly tackle these issues of terrorism in BOTH nations, and if that plans to be succesful, i'm sure it's gonna spread over to the economic ties that both countries maintain and hopefully, they will increase and improve too because the govt. of Pakistan and India have acted as an example and shown that it is indeed possible.
Both nations can only benefit from working together on all fronts, i'm serious, it can hardly become any worse unless one party decides to screw it up.
I wouldn't dare to say how far India's role is concerned regarding our recovery and our fight against terrorism and our economic problems.
I can however write a huge post on what I'd like to see India do for example for Pakistan and what in exchange between both nations and so fort, but that's gonna take a long time and I really need to take my shower.:lol:
To sum things up, things are better for both if egos and pride are set aside and real work is begun, if it's not, then both countries will continue on their own on many fronts, but won't have the right to whine or point fingers at eachother because they chose the policies that led to no co-operation.

I hope I answered your question to a certain extent. :tup:

It seems I am not a good lawyer at all.

All these are the things I was dying to explain to you. But I just could not. Thanks to Thebignag, you got it. Here I agree with you in most of the points. So, should we go on for a healthy discussion?
Pakistan can, but is it willing to..?
Ask yourself these questions, goes for all you Indians.
Would you do a favor for someone who's been threatening to kill you from the very start?
Think beyond your Indian superiority mentality.

This kind of attitude is what let the cancer of terrorism grow in Pakistan.

Spare yourselves a nation. Lest the terrorists rise.
This kind of attitude is what let the cancer of terrorism grow in Pakistan.

Spare yourselves a nation. Lest the terrorists rise.

No, my attitude is simple, don't think you can simply threaten our people and get what you want.
The cancer is people like you who're justifying hate and military actions against Pakistan so automatically against the people of Pakistan.
My "attitude" has absolutely 0% to do with the terrorism in my own country, thanks for trying to derail this thread.
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