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Pakistan can, in fact, hand over fugitives to India

It seems I am not a good lawyer at all.

All these are the things I was dying to explain to you. But I just could not. Thanks to Thebignag, you got it. Here I agree with you in most of the points. So, should we go on for a healthy discussion?

Perhaps if you've tried putting your words in a different context other then blaming Pakistan all the time, we could've continued our debate. :D
But ofcourse, we can always go on for a healthy discussion, I look forward to it. :tup:

Edit: Modi is completely right on this matter, wow, I can't believe someone in India actually said that, especially someone with his position and status.
Not the fact that he said something "in favor of Pakistan".
But because he said something that is actually very true if you look past all the hurt feelings and the Mumbai hysteria of alot of Indians.
There is too much anger in public of India and media is keeping it alive. there will be some thing productive this time for India. i bet they will get some of these terrorist but only after a few months just before election and get reelected but ( it might as well be on the cost of Mr. Jardari's own seat). this anger in Indian public is kind of change . sort of change obama talked about sort of change we realized after indo china war. There is nothing much Pakistan's government can do about it.
War wont be there , but with this delay in action Pakistan might loose some of its psudo friend like US of A.
But all this handling over wont be done in dignified manner we will go in mud slinging first.
There is too much anger in public of India and media is keeping it alive. there will be some thing productive this time for India. i bet they will get some of these terrorist but only after a few months just before election and get reelected but ( it might as well be on the cost of Mr. Jardari's own seat). this anger in Indian public is kind of change . sort of change obama talked about sort of change we realized after indo china war. There is nothing much Pakistan's government can do about it.
War wont be there , but with this delay in action Pakistan might loose some of its psudo friend like US of A.

Pakistan's friendship with the USA has been on a respirator for the past few years now. Wouldn't be long before a massive change in policies from both sides comes into play.
but its all political issue. it will be interesting to see how it unfolds. i seriously think that Pakistan will handover some of the people demanded by India. but for that mr. jardari will have to pay by loosing his seat. which will be a bit unfortunate because he will be doign this under lot of pressure from international community. but as usual a mob is run by emotion and citizen of Pakistan wont understand him.
Perhaps if you've tried putting your words in a different context other then blaming Pakistan all the time, we could've continued our debate. :D
But ofcourse, we can always go on for a healthy discussion, I look forward to it. :tup:

Edit: Modi is completely right on this matter, wow, I can't believe someone in India actually said that, especially someone with his position and status.
Not the fact that he said something "in favor of Pakistan".
But because he said something that is actually very true if you look past all the hurt feelings and the Mumbai hysteria of alot of Indians.

So you mean he is trying to commit a suicide?

If, as he says, there is not enough evidence for a Pakistani hand; then, according to many people on this forum, he becomes the prime suspect of the attack.

The whole thing means........

Either you stop blaming Modi's (and eventually Hindu extremists') hand in the matter OR do not believe Modi's statements.

So, what you choose?
GoP has acted like a child. 'Ask respectfully and politely if you want to....'. What a crap. No one, except Pakistan, has blamed India for 'the way of asking'. Yes, there are different views about 'the things to ask for'. From the very start of this issue, Pakistan is the nation in question. And every statement from each an every nation was to satisfy India about the progress. No one, NO ONE has blamed India for anything.

The only one throwing tantrums like an infant here is the GoI and its officials. Pakistan has been diplomatic and reasonable from day one, and offered several routes of cooperation, all spurned by India. India's attitude has been arrogant and belligerent, so yes, next time if she asks with 'civility' she might get better results.

As to 'who considers India's requests ridiculous' - both the US and UK have explicitly stated that they see nothing wrong with Pakistan prosecuting the suspects under Pakistani law and in Pakistan. Neither has endorsed India's position and asked Pakistan to extradite the suspects. The British FM in fact said that in Delhi right in front of your media, next to your FM, and in act made the GoI state that there was nothing wrong with the suspects being prosecuted in Pakistan.

So yes, India's demands have been quite clearly been rejected by the world, and Pakistan's position endorsed.
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The only one throwing tantrums like an infant here is the GoI and its officials. Pakistan has been diplomatic and reasonable from day one, and offered several routes of cooperation, all spurned by India. India's attitude has been arrogant and belligerent, so yes, next time if she asks with 'civility' she might get better results.

As to 'who considers India's requests ridiculous' - both the US and UK have explicitly stated that they see nothing wrong with Pakistan prosecuting the suspects under Pakistani law and in Pakistan. Neither has endorsed India's position and asked Pakistan to extradite the suspects. The British FM in fact said that in Delhi right in front of your media, next to your FM, and in act made the GoI state that there was nothing wrong with the suspects being prosecuted in Pakistan.

So yes, India's demands have been quite clearly been rejected by the world, and Pakistan's position endorsed.

Hard truth covered up in silky words....

Everything the world has said is to repeal India from getting into war. They were doing it to make India believe that everything is going in right direction and there is no reason for India to panic. As I have already said, no one has blamed / criticized India for the use of words.
As I have already said, no one has blamed / criticized India for the use of words.

On the other hand, they have outright and directly supported most GoP positions on the issue.

Since India's stance in the aftermath of Mumbai primarily runs counter to Pakistan's, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn from the outright support for Pakistan's positions - a rejection of India's rhetoric and policies.
On the other hand, they have outright and directly supported most GoP positions on the issue.

Since India's stance in the aftermath of Mumbai primarily runs counter to Pakistan's, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn from the outright support for Pakistan's positions - a rejection of India's rhetoric and policies.

Ya, sure Pakistan can take out any conclusion suitable....

I have already told you the reason for these statements. If you just refuse to believe the simple logic, the choice is yours.

If whatever you say is right, I can't understand why it has to be Pakistan always who gives the answers? If the condition is as per you state it, it should be Pakistan in aggressive mood.
Ya, sure Pakistan can take out any conclusion suitable....

I have already told you the reason for these statements. If you just refuse to believe the simple logic, the choice is yours.

I don't care for whatever 'reasons for these statements' you arrive at through some convoluted thought process.

What I do care about, and what is evidently clear, are the official statements from these nations largely supporting the GoP point of view.

If whatever you say is right, I can't understand why it has to be Pakistan always who gives the answers? If the condition is as per you state it, it should be Pakistan in aggressive mood.
Why should we be in an aggressive mood?

The GoP's diplomatic and cooperative approach is what has won us the worlds support. We have tempered that civility on our side by outright warning India that civility and friendship from our side will not last were India to undertake any sort of military action against Pakistan, and India will face the consequences if she chooses to attack Pakistan.

Its a perfectly reasonable and appropriate approach, and like I said, it has paid enormous dividends diplomatically. We'll leave the unproductive bluster, hostility and foaming at the mouth drivel for India and Pranab Mukherjee.
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