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Pakistan can defend its air space effectively and efficiently?

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There is no threat to your air space space currently . . . Btw your air chief recently said that PAF can change its doctrine and respond to any incident within 2 minutes. It better if some think thanks share their views on this CURRENT DOCTRINE of PAF
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BTW, the topic at hand has been discussed. Mods please close the thread.
what is there to debate on isn't it obvious? if Pakistan couldn't defend the airspace then Pakistan wouldn't be having nuclear installations anymore like Iraq . :cool:
Only A war can tell this !!!!!!!!!!!
all FUTURE IND-PAK wars will be manupulated by ISRAEL..the jamming , long range SAM's will tested in war..hope WAR doesn't takes place
But the history tells us PAF did indeed defended its air space very effectively, prime example 65 and 71 war.

thats right..i agree..thats history u were well off with US help & equipments..and India had modernnised its weapons like anything (Israel & US hightec systems etc )..the LR SAMS & AWACS & BVR missiles will cripple any defence within a few hours
thats right..i agree..thats history u were well off with US help & equipments..and India had modernnised its weapons like anything (Israel & US hightec systems etc )..the LR SAMS & AWACS & BVR missiles will cripple any defence within a few hours

Ya america did helped us soooo much.First step of their help was to sanction Pakistan as soon as the war started so PAF could bleed to death due to lack of spare parts.
Are Drone strikes inside Pakistani territory included in this discussion? :pop::pop::pop:
whats the use of defending sky when u can not defend half of your nation??:whistle:

that was a political and internal issue but india took advantage of it and then history tells us that biggest cross border state sponsored terrorism happened ...
that was a political and internal issue but india took advantage of it and then history tells us that biggest cross border state sponsored terrorism happened ...

It stopped being an internal issue wen two things happened
1)millions of refugees started flooding India and hurting our fledgling economy
2)wen operation Chengiz khan started.

Operation Chengiz Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So stop Harping on 1971 being an internal issue.We attacked only wen we were provoked.
Are Drone strikes inside Pakistani territory included in this discussion? :pop::pop::pop:
when drones rise from Pakistani bases in Pakistan & with the consent of the government than its pointless to discuss this issue
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