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Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

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bhai go through the thread I linked -- they will be very close to blk50 however I dont know exactly how many mlu f16s have come back from turkey yet

Exactly as Manticore said close to Bock 50 and to bring them in commonality with fleet not much of a huge difference between block 42/50...radar upgrades from APG-68V[1 or 5] to APGV9 would be required which for 13 could cost some 30m+/-...some other Kits and equipment could be purchased over all around $375ishM is a good deal.
There is no need for tracking devices or bugs. A lot of "magic" can happen in 16 million lines of software code.

People dont realise what the power of a few lines of code are. It's the software that matters more in military machines than hardware itself. I can cripple entire networks with just six lines.

Radar Range improvement needs upgraded software, better in flight management needs software and so on and so forth.
@orangzaib, theory? they actually found the devices in Turkish F-16. You call that a theory:)

And Turkey is a NATO member:)
Go reread my post again. If you did that, you wouldn't need to write this post :). I also explained WHY there would be bugs. I know there are bugs and should be. We want to make sure our technology isn't sent to China like that old F-16 we got lied about .....remember?
But bugs to track movement, toying with the airframes, etc are different than KILL SWITCH. A Kill Switch means, your jet won't fly or fire. Either one means the name behind the product (the US Government, the LM, Boeing, GD, etc) are going to take a reputation hit. I don't think you know a lot about the US. We don't commit to shi&t. But when we do, we go ALL the way. So in this context, we refused to even provide Block 52's. But when we did, we went all the way and gave AMRAAMS and everything else pretty much. Instead of seeing that or being appreciative that the US is trying to build a long term relationship with you, you guys are too thankless. It is ALWAYS the Americans that cause problems. You guys drink holly water and have nothing wrong in the society or in your neighborhood.
We've asked you HUNDREDS of times to do an operation in N-Wazirastan area. You guys always thought we had other agenda. If you guys had listened, SO MANY THOUSANDS of people wouldn't be dead right now because you would've dismantled their training facilities years ago and the production of terrorists would've reduced significantly. But you waited and waited and didn't trust the US advise. Today, you are paying not to act on time. Take a look around you, these Talibastards are EVERYWHERE in your country!!! So please, quit blaming the US for everything. Here, the jets have always worked (60's war with India, 71, and later with Russians) and will always work. When America makes a commitment, she does it right!!
People dont realise what the power of a few lines of code are. It's the software that matters more in military machines than hardware itself. I can cripple entire networks with just six lines.

Radar Range improvement needs upgraded software, better in flight management needs software and so on and so forth.

Hardware is important too, but the software is crucial. For example, Pakistani F-16s must use a DTC system to plan for missions, including a validation code. It will still fly very well, but try planning a complete and accurate mission without it. ;)

But bugs to track movement, toying with the airframes, etc are different than KILL SWITCH. A Kill Switch means, your jet won't fly or fire. ................

Why must it be such a binary division? There are many shades of gray in between that are far more useful and undetectable. :D
Who told you? To me it seems we are going raise another F-16 Squadron.

@Dazzler @Manticore
i've posted what I could find via alan -- the number of f16s are 17 [full squadron] and not 13, perhaps 13 are coming in march -- secondly looks like p.falcon2 batch-- which is great news

still waiting on confirmation by alan on twitter
@orangzaib, the point is if they put undeclared bugs in the aircrafts of a NATO ally and for a less trusted country they can put other "security mechanism" only to be used when core american interests are at stake. As for showing to be reliable supplier, they never even pretended and have put cripple sanctions on spares multiple times in the past, now its just a bit more high tech because technology allows it now.
by H khan
This along with AH-1 and forthcoming of M270 along with some MRAP are all part of US backed EDA. The US decided that they'll pass EDA to Pakistan via third party to avoid noise level at DC.

There is also talk of six SH-60 Sea hawk helicopters for Pak navy via EDA
@orangzaib, the point is if they put undeclared bugs in the aircrafts of a NATO ally and for a less trusted country they can put other "security mechanism" only to be used when core american interests are at stake. As for showing to be reliable supplier, they never even pretended and have put cripple sanctions on spares multiple times in the past, now its just a bit more high tech because technology allows it now.

Please keep in mind that any bugs found could be planted by many other countries wishing to track assets.
Please keep in mind that any bugs found could be planted by many other countries wishing to track assets.

In sealed components that came from US:)

Again the point is not about bugs/hardware/software or mechanism of doing it, its precedence that is important in this example.
There is no need for tracking devices or bugs. A lot of "magic" can happen in 16 million lines of software code.
Just as an FYI.. the F-16 block 52 has around 2-2.5 million lines of code.. the block 60 close to 3 million. The F-35 has 8 million lines of code.. So .. 16 million is a little exaggeration.

However, a lot can happen.. which is why the Turks wanted the source codes. That being said, Pakistan will be able to use its F-16s against India as it wishes, when it wishes.. that is the balance provided by the US to the region.
It will be a whole different matter trying to use the systems against the US.

Ironically, the non-upgraded Block-15s were more secure in terms of operational "privacy" when compared to the now upgraded and new systems.
Just as an FYI.. the F-16 block 52 has around 2-2.5 million lines of code.. the block 60 close to 3 million. The F-35 has 8 million lines of code.. So .. 16 million is a little exaggeration.

However, a lot can happen.. which is why the Turks wanted the source codes. That being said, Pakistan will be able to use its F-16s against India as it wishes, when it wishes.. that is the balance provided by the US to the region.
It will be a whole different matter trying to use the systems against the US.

Ironically, the non-upgraded Block-15s were more secure in terms of operational "privacy" when compared to the now upgraded and new systems.

The exact number depends on what you count: just the plane, or all of its ancillary systems, onboard or not. Besides, we both know a lot can happen within that code, no matter how it is counted. As I have said before, the F-16 will remain an important asset for the PAF as agreed upon with USA, no doubt about that.
Ironically, the non-upgraded Block-15s were more secure in terms of operational "privacy" when compared to the now upgraded and new systems.

The older systems were indeed more secure. "New and Improved" is not always better. :D
Exactly as Manticore said close to Bock 50 and to bring them in commonality with fleet not much of a huge difference between block 42/50...radar upgrades from APG-68V[1 or 5] to APGV9 would be required which for 13 could cost some 30m+/-...some other Kits and equipment could be purchased over all around $375ishM is a good deal.

Its very cheap at 28.85 million dollar . when compare to untested JF-17 At 25 million
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