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Pakistan buying 150 railway engines in emergency Chinese suppliers fail to deliver

In india we make our own engines for railways..i know they are not super fast but they do the trick...i cant understand why cant pakistan do the same..
In india we make our own engines for railways..i know they are not super fast but they do the trick...i cant understand why cant pakistan do the same..

Sir Pakistan does make Engines,Pakistan Locomotive Factory Makes it ,In collaboration with Japan I guess, But It has so far not succeeded in making powerful Engines....

Where as In India there are..

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works
Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW)
Golden Rock Locomotive Workshops
Bharat Earth Movers Limited
Indian locomotives

Who make Powerful Engines
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In india we make our own engines for railways..i know they are not super fast but they do the trick...i cant understand why cant pakistan do the same..

The Diesel Locomotive Co. commenced the manufacture of the 4,000 Horse Power Diesel Locomotives based on the EMD Transfer of Technology in 1999. These Locomotives have had their power upgraded to 4,500 BCV and I believe the first "Upgraded" Locomotive was delivered to the Indian Railways in 2007.

The Chittaranjan Locomotive Works manufactures the WAP-7 Electric Locomotive of 6,000 Horse Power 140 KPH for Passenger use and the WAG-9 Electric Locomotive of 6,000 Horse Power 100 KPH for Freight use.

In addition I believe the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited manufactures Electric Locomotives of up to 5,000 HP.

Who makes the diesel power plant for the locomotive.

You want trouble free service---the best diesel powerplant is american---period---.

Pakistanis have erred in their thinking that china is the answer and solution for all their problems.

It is a habbit of my beloved countrymen and myself to learn the hard way.

Pak railways had a wonderful experience with the american locomotives for decades---there was no reason to switch over.

Politics took over from technocrats.

Who makes the diesel power plant for the locomotive.

You want trouble free service---the best diesel powerplant is american---period---.

Pakistanis have erred in their thinking that china is the answer and solution for all their problems.

It is a habbit of my beloved countrymen and myself to learn the hard way.

Pak railways had a wonderful experience with the american locomotives for decades---there was no reason to switch over.

Politics took over from technocrats.

True, Pakistan needs American locomotives.
we do also want to maintain our good working relationship with the Chinese; we should do what is most cost effective and what is in national interests

railways is a mess right now; in fact ADB will be releasing $500 million assistance to help this grossly mis-managed entity
we do also want to maintain our good working relationship with the Chinese; we should do what is most cost effective and what is in national interests

railways is a mess right now; in fact ADB will be releasing $500 million assistance to help this grossly mis-managed entity

102 routes suspended that used to occur losses + No new Railway projects planned in this year's budget and the allocated money will be used for existing projects + 500 million dollars assistance from ADB.

Seems like somebody is trying to bring railways back on track?
i sure damn hope so!

When was the last time they were even profitable yaar?

There is no such as cheap and cost effective when your life line depends upon it---.

If your baby is very very sick---would you give him antibiotic made in china which costs you 100 ruppess or the one made in america / britain / switzerland but cost 200 ruppees.

I guess you got the answer. Quality has a value of its own. It was not the railways that went for the chinese diesel engines----the pak railways had used the american GMU 25 and 30 for a long long time---they were used to the technology and understood the system very well---pretty much all their diesel locomotives were either american or of canadian origin---.

There was no reason for pak railways to go anywhere else. It was a political decision---.

There is no such as cheap and cost effective when your life line depends upon it---.

If your baby is very very sick---would you give him antibiotic made in china which costs you 100 ruppess or the one made in america / britain / switzerland but cost 200 ruppees.

I guess you got the answer. Quality has a value of its own. It was not the railways that went for the chinese diesel engines----the pak railways had used the american GMU 25 and 30 for a long long time---they were used to the technology and understood the system very well---pretty much all their diesel locomotives were either american or of canadian origin---.

There was no reason for pak railways to go anywhere else. It was a political decision---.

Pls get some loco's from Erode...we have engines that pull millions of travellerrs and tons of load every day !!
Pls get some loco's from Erode...we have engines that pull millions of travellerrs and tons of load every day !!

I believe these Locomotives are being purchased out of Development Loans from the USA and there is a stipulation that the amount can only be used for buying American Goods.

I trust, if I am wrong, I will be corrected by the better informed Members.
I believe these Locomotives are being purchased out of Development Loans from the USA and there is a stipulation that the amount can only be used for buying American Goods.

I trust, if I am wrong, I will be corrected by the better informed Members.

You are correct.that is why many countries offer loans to other small countries.Even in Indias case its the same.They offered loans to B`Desh,Srilank,Nepal,Tajik and many others.......but these are infra developmental loans and comes with an obligatory clause that you need to spend that money on buying from from your loaner.

Same with the loans pakistan getting from china.did I ever noticed pak buying fancy stuff from else where with chinese loans?

these international clauses are as simple as such that ,why would I give you loan to buy from others instead of me? If you buy from me,its a win-win shot for me :azn:
PR likely to get financial assistance

ISLAMABAD: To get Pakistan Railways (PR) out of the current financial crisis, the government is likely to allocate Rs 50 billion under non-development expenditure and Rs 13.629 billion under development expenditure for the entity in next fiscal year of 2010-11.

The PR had given two options to the federal government, of which, one was to close 120 non-profitable trains and the other was an allocation of Rs 70 billion non-development budget, sources told Daily Times.

Secretary PR, Sami-ul-Haq Khiljee while talking to Daily Times said in this respect, the PR would get additional development budget as compared to other departments. “The Pakistan Railways would purchase more goods trains to increase its revenue”, he added.

On the other hand, sources also said that the US has offered a $400 million Export-Import Bank loan for immediate purchase of 150 locomotives by the PR, which may come to a halt because of massive engine failures.

Railway officials say that PR has written a letter to the federal government seeking permission to accept the loan as they find themselves in a desperate situation after failure of the Chinese locomotives and refusal of the Chinese company to honour the warranty on already purchased engines, which are wearing out in junkyards in Karachi and Lahore.

The PR sources say the US Export-Import Bank has written a Letter of Intent (LoI) to the PR offering 85 percent of the total amount of purchase of 150 locomotives. This financial facility will amount to $400 million, leaving behind 15 percent to be arranged by the PR.

For an organisation in loss and with no funds, even this 15 percent local portion amounting to almost $60 million is a very big amount, according to the PR official.

“The PR would need the approval of the Finance and Economic Affairs Division to go ahead to avail this financial facility and get the American locomotives as soon as possible in order to save the Railways from disaster” sources added.

Sources said the PR has already floated international tenders for these 150 engines and the Chinese company has been disqualified because of its previous performance but the need to get the engines is so urgent that only built-up engine available in the US or Europe can meet the demand in a few weeks or months.

According to Railway sources, a pre-bid conference regarding this tender is being held on May 31 in Islamabad and bids for the said tender will be opened on June 7.

“Out of these new American locomotives, seven to eight will be used for goods trains. These experts say that if one freight engine runs daily for a year, it gives railways a profit of Rs 1 billion. They say that as soon as the Railways get these locomotives, the chances of survival of it would start appearing” sources maintained.

It’s worth mentioning here that the announcement of the purchase of 150 American standard locomotives by the PR through a tender infuriated lobbyists, and in 2009 a full-fledged campaign against the Railways was started.
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