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Pakistan boasted of nuclear strike on India within eight seconds

I think Mr Campbell took a quip too seriously..
I had an army colonel talk about blowing su-30's out of the sky with his tanks AAA.. and I knew then to roll my eyes and hide my smile.

the actual launch window.. from decision to missile launch is closer to a few minutes.
LOL who was the idiot who listened to a couple of drunk generals and wrote a book about it. It so much paints Pakistan as a irresponsible trigger happy state with dangerous weapons at their disposal.
The author was scared for India, scores another point in the wests media campaign of showing that counntries like Pakistan are a danger to the civilised world.

Notch up a point to the west's demonising of Pakistan via a stupid General.

and the attack within 8 seconds could be true which inadvertantly means the nukes are always kept in a ready state and can anyday fall into the hands of terrorists. Which poves the fear of the world towards Paks nukes. :lol:
Of all the bakwas one has read on this thread this takes the cake.

More disciplined ..Ayub, Zia, Mush ..Coups .. Disciplined ???

Intellectual ability... Ayubs Gibraltar, Laungewala without air cover or supplies, Kargil .. Intellectual ??

Lets have some more adjectives please.

Indian Intellectual capability showing now....Let's have more common sense here please... This specific reply was discussing how general conduct themselves on media and it was a reply to someone who was laughing like hell that Pakistani generals are saying these things to journalists while in comparison i showed how Indian Generals conduct themselves in media.

Why are you discussing their war time strategies and other screwups?

Of all the indians posting in this thread, this post takes the cake 8 second nuke has taken more toll on your mental capability and has affected your comprehension capabilities too... Chill out mate, we will take 60 seconds to nuke you, Now happy?
Indian Intellectual capability showing now....Let's have more common sense here please... This specific reply was discussing how general conduct themselves on media and it was a reply to someone who was laughing like hell that Pakistani generals are saying these things to journalists while in comparison i showed how Indian Generals conduct themselves in media. Who are discussing their war time strategies and other screwups?

Of all the indians posting in this thread, this post takes the cake 8 second nuke has taken more toll on your mental capability and has affected your comprehension capabilities too... Chill out mate, we will take 60 seconds to nuke you, Now happy?

What i think u can do it just by thinking.........:rofl:
Threads like these make us realise the standards of this 'Pakistani international forum' looool :P

And people like you make us realize that wherever you go, standards will surely become low. :P
What you will say about the guardian where the actual news came from?

No the kind of posts some Pakistanis here are posting. looooool :D

LOL, the Indians are so ****-hurt.

General sahib,

Mission Accomplished.


Can you not see the amount of fun Indian members are having on this thread? It's like a one-day picnic for us, before this thread gets closed down. :D :P
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