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Pakistan boasted of nuclear strike on India within eight seconds

LOL who was the idiot who listened to a couple of drunk generals and wrote a book about it. It so much paints Pakistan as a irresponsible trigger happy state with dangerous weapons at their disposal.
The author was scared for India, scores another point in the wests media campaign of showing that counntries like Pakistan are a danger to the civilised world.

Notch up a point to the west's demonising of Pakistan via a stupid General.

and the attack within 8 seconds could be true which inadvertantly means the nukes are always kept in a ready state and can anyday fall into the hands of terrorists. Which poves the fear of the world towards Paks nukes

Considering the highlighted part, hell, what chance does Pakistan has when the Indians have Arm chair Generals, who can predict and determine the state of Pakistani Generals and it's nuclear status just by click of a button. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
8 seconds I think the general is referring it as the time span between which Pakistan will launch number (amount) of nuclear bombs on the Indian side. Not referring as the reaction time after the declaration of war between both countries. In short 8 seconds of bombing from our side will completely annihilate India which if true is one hell of an impressive thing.
Considering the highlighted part, hell, what chance does Pakistan has when the Indians have Arm chair Generals, who can predict and determine the state of Pakistani Generals and it's nuclear status just by click of a button. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: If the general was not drunk and said so then yeah if I was a Pakistani I would be very worried.
No the kind of posts some Pakistanis here are posting. looooool :D

Can you not see the amount of fun Indian members are having on this thread? It's like a one-day picnic for us, before this thread gets closed down. :D :P

I invite indians to members club and join us there in a thread named "PINKIE TURNED BLUE" you will surely enjoy their too and can extend your one day picnic :partay:
8 seconds is enough to wipe India out of the world map with over 100 nuclear war heads.

1. It seems pakistani generals don't care about their own people as they think they are already living in stone age.

2. Wipe out India :rofl: :rofl:

3. Even before pakistan thinks about using nukes it will be wiped out of world map.

4. USA already have plan and practice to take out pak nukes.

5. We already have BMD + Russian missile defense to take out missiles.

6. Pak at the best can target or destroy 3-4 cities but you see India have 720 districts and over 2000 cities.
1. It seems pakistani generals don't care about their own people as they think they are already living in stone age.

2. Wipe out India :rofl: :rofl:

3. Even before pakistan thinks about using nukes it will be wiped out of world map.

4. USA already have plan and practice to take out pak nukes.

5. We already have BMD + Russian missile defense to take out missiles.

6. Pak at the best can target or destroy 3-4 cities but you see India have 720 districts and over 2000 cities.

Man why are you having seizure attacks? Nobody gonna wipe you out in 8 seconds coz DRDO is building a star wars type LASER which can destroy any ballistic missiles ;)
I invite indians to members club and join us there in a thread named "PINKIE TURNED BLUE" you will surely enjoy their too and can extend your one day picnic :partay:

Please do mate. :partay: But after I finish this one. :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
Lol...8 seconds!! :rofl:
But one thing..India is now having Air defence system in place. Atleast 2/3 out of 5 missiles will be intercepted taking worst case scenario. But what about pakistan? It's sitting right there in front of us....ready to welcome the devastation from India in the form of nuclear, bio , and chemical weapons. :butcher:
But then even if their nukes do not even work according to their scientists they just fizzle:

K Santhanam is a respected Indian atomic scientist who was project director of the 1998 nuclear tests.

He now says that one of the five tests that were carried out, in which a thermonuclear device or hydrogen bomb was detonated, did not perform as well as expected.

He also said that everyone associated with the tests immediately recognised that something had gone wrong.

If his statement is accurate it points to a massive cover-up by India and also confirms what many in the West suspected at the time - that the nuclear devices India tested were not as powerful as had been thought.

That is from a source respected by Indians the BBC:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India nuclear test 'did not work'

the way pakistan is progressing I doubt they can even light up a missile leave alone firing...lol in near future you wont have energy to fire up your car engine leave alone nuke...well its your choice eat and sleep nuke.. we dont have any problem, we are happy with what we got.

8 seconds:rofl:
The wind does not always blow in the direct of Pakistan.
But one collective fart in the direction of Pakistan by 1.2 billion Indians will blow Pakistan away - FATA, Baluchistan, Sind, Punjab and all!!!

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