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Pakistan boasted of nuclear strike on India within eight seconds

But one collective fart in the direction of Pakistan by 1.2 billion Indians will blow Pakistan away - FATA, Baluchistan, Sind, Punjab and all!!!


Just like the PLA collectively pissing your nation into the ocean?
Lol...8 seconds!! :rofl:
But one thing..India is now having Air defence system in place. Atleast 2/3 out of 5 missiles will be intercepted taking worst case scenario. But what about pakistan? It's sitting right there in front of us....ready to welcome the devastation from India in the form of nuclear, bio , and chemical weapons. :butcher:

Each of their launcher can fire 7 missiles in a minute at the rate of 8 seconds! lool :D They just need more launchers! Multiple nukes at the same time in the span of 8 seconds. :rofl:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: If the general was not drunk and said so then yeah if I was a Pakistani I would be very worried.

And I am sure you as an Indian are a content citizen since your Generals after introducing terminologies such as Cold start, surgical strikes, hot pursuits etc. etc. have gone back to the drawing board.:laugh:
Some desperate poor souls have no other way of soothing their nerves then a imagined destruction of the enemy.

Reality is too difficult for you to digest so please take pleasure only imagining imaginable things!
Prove me otherwise. Has there been a case where the U.S Nuked Japan to leave Korea and neighbouring islands effected?
Those were only 2 bombs dropped on different days.

The fallout of many nuclear explosions simultaneously will be incredible.
And I am sure you as an Indian are a content citizen since your Generals after introducing terminologies such as Cold start, surgical strikes, hot pursuits etc. etc. have gone back to the drawing board.:laugh:

to draw a plan of wiping poverty from army perhaps? oh i mean shortage of ammo! :partay:
Indian Intellectual capability showing now....Let's have more common sense here please... This specific reply was discussing how general conduct themselves on media and it was a reply to someone who was laughing like hell that Pakistani generals are saying these things to journalists while in comparison i showed how Indian Generals conduct themselves in media.

Why are you discussing their war time strategies and other screwups?

Of all the indians posting in this thread, this post takes the cake 8 second nuke has taken more toll on your mental capability and has affected your comprehension capabilities too... Chill out mate, we will take 60 seconds to nuke you, Now happy?
but Kargil lasted for more then 8 seconds and 60 seconds?? why u trigger happy ppl dint used it then when your soldiers were getting killed without any benefit and objectives met...u must not feel happy after this ..the fact is Pakistan can and wont be able to use its Nukes..coz India knows how to balance a war and still win it.:tup:
but Kargil lasted for more then 8 seconds and 60 seconds?? why u trigger happy ppl dint used it then when your soldiers were getting killed without any benefit and objectives met...u must not feel happy after this ..the fact is Pakistan can and wont be able to use its Nukes..coz India knows how to balance a war and still win it.:tup:

What war you guys won?

If I read 41 bhartis posting 1971, then I will understand Indian desperation.
And I am sure you as an Indian are a content citizen since your Generals after introducing terminologies such as Cold start, surgical strikes, hot pursuits etc. etc. have gone back to the drawing board.:laugh:
but nothing beats 8 seconds:rofl: lol and u must b wondering the intelligence of mighty generals...we dont need hot pursuits when you have 8 seconds generals inside the PA
even solid fueled missiles take 3 to 4 minutes to be launched

fighters carrying nukes will take even more time to be loaded

so this claim is exaggerated
And I am sure you as an Indian are a content citizen since your Generals after introducing terminologies such as Cold start, surgical strikes, hot pursuits etc. etc. have gone back to the drawing board.:laugh:

Yes I am sure our Generals are pretty aware of the logic or the lack of it that they face across the border, and are quite aware of the trigger happy Generals there. :D

And we don't have Generals who say that they can blow out Pakistan within 8 seconds. Believe me we Indians would be the first one's to laugh at him and he would be losing his office.
1. It seems pakistani generals don't care about their own people as they think they are already living in stone age.
If he is not be taken seriously, you are not be either.

2. Wipe out India :rofl: :rofl:
A very realistic possibility given the size of Pakistani nuclear arsenal.

3. Even before pakistan thinks about using nukes it will be wiped out of world map.

4. USA already have plan and practice to take out pak nukes.
It is a US contingency plan; not India-specific. And who knows? US may have similar plan for India as well.

5. We already have BMD + Russian missile defense to take out missiles.
Indian BMD is not yet mature. Yes, India may take out some missiles. But then Pakistan can fire dummies too.

6. Pak at the best can target or destroy 3-4 cities but you see India have 720 districts and over 2000 cities.
BS of highest order.

We are talking about nukes; not conventional bombs.
Indians will have NO TIME to respond but watch hopelessly how the nukes fall on their country.

even then several Indian cities will survive

also several MRBM and IRBMs, hidden is secret bases across India will survive

after canisterd Agni 5 joins duty and possible upcoming versions of A 4, A 2 which will be canisterd it will be more hard to take out or Indian delivery systems in first strike

survived Indian missiles will then be launched in retaliation

attacking India with nukes is not as simple as some think :lol:
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