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Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

Yup it's true what can u expect from pee pee pee govt

We still have to wait for an official confirmation.

Not only PPP but the army as well as it has shown time and time again that it is as "good" as the civilian governments of Pakistan.
What's surprising about that? It was always only a question of time before Pakistan reverted to the status quo which is the only pragmatic way out of the logjam where Pakistan is concerned.

Two reasons I can think of:

1. It's about those dollars!
2. And the mortification of seeing all aid agencies like the World Bank and IMF curtail or even suspend future aid to Pakistan, under pressure from the US of A.

And that would be disaster for Pakistan's economy. So in this case it is the classic - 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.' You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. And needless to say, those drone attacks would recommence sooner than later.

Bottom line: You can thumb a nose at a super power but you can't show it the stick! :undecided:
the thing is NATO supply routes are more imp to Pakistan than Nato itself , if Pakistan doesn't budge to them now sure they will have to wind up most of there camps but notall , thay not ganna leave this potential goldfield ......some Big EGOs might get heart but thats a fact , moreso the esteblishment in pakistan very well knows that if this supply route thing spirals into a big thing then their interests will be more compromised do youreally think that Zardari &co has that kind of spine to say no to there immidiate bosses?????????????THINK?????????
US is one of the biggest trading partner of Pakistan... USA is one of the few country against whom pakistan has TRADE SURPLUS. So guys.. this is how it works.
this was expected guys i know its shameful but seriously did people think our current gov would grow a pair and say no to usa thats where they will be going after the elections:p:P:P we are not and i repeat not iran that can make enemies with the world and usa they have a strong gov and army we dont have a loyal gov which is very much needed to make any kind of stand......
as was said by batiatus in spartacus:P;);)
a little edited of course

and once more the gov slip open the ch33ks and put c@#k in a$$ of the awam :D
US is one of the biggest trading partner of Pakistan... USA is one of the few country against whom pakistan has TRADE SURPLUS. So guys.. this is how it works.

guess whatkind of tradeindia has with china, yeah its big, both are enemies

guess what, china has trade with USA, and yeah its big

USA is trying to 'encircle' china through taiwan, japan and what not, and guess what, it lends its trillion dollars to USA

so i think your logic fails here

mutual trade is not one country being sympathetic to another, its mutually beneficial to both
Keep flaming and trolling and people WILL get banned as they did in the original thread on the unprovoked US attack on Pakistani soldiers.

Thread cleaned up.

DO NOT respond to Trolls

---------- Post added at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 AM ----------

Threads merged.
No need for a new thread until an official statement and actual resumption of NATO supply transit
No one wants to flame, and I was only expressing my Point that In many posts earlier I had written that this blockade was temporary and will be re-opened. But it was taken as a joke and troll.

It was just a step by Pakistani government( better say Zordari government) to show the population that they have taken a stand AGAINST AMERICANS, to show they have a backbone too. People forgot the matter, they reopened the blockade. That is how politic works not just in Pakistan but in every country.
There has been no official statement of intent - where is the speculation coming from - has anyone got any info if nato supplies are still being blocked?
I appreciate your post but it doesnt say whether the blocks will be ending. I believe a strong signal has now been sent and some sort of negotiation and settlement may be on the horizon. What the poignant question is what have Pakistan gained as regards to the negotiations - and outcome has officially emerged from the last 2 months.

But the PCNS has given the green signal.

Though, Mr Basit twice said at the briefing that he was unaware about any proposal to reopen the blocked route, diplomatic sources have separately indicated that PCNS had paved the way for the government to reopen the Nato supply route after getting assurances from the US that there will be no repeat of the 26/11 attacks on Pakistani border posts by coalition forces in Afghanistan.
US is no longer the niggest trade patner of pakistan, its china..check the statistics..

there is no harm in opening NATO supplies if USA give an apology and accept our sovereignty and stop cross boarder militant attacks ..arent we suppose to help current govt in afghn.?
NATO supplies shold not be opened at any cost..yeah they can be given the way to get out of Afghanistan only so that we can live with peace here.......:smokin:
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