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Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

Tell me why in a country of freedom, for many their only individual freedom is to starve to death? Isn't that worse than serfdom?

Freedom is our birth right that I automatically receive after I am born and from there onwards where I head is upto me and my fellow country men, most of the so called Indian middle class were none but sons of poor farmers who just worked hard and charted their destiny.

Starvation is there in India, no doubts about it, rather then reaing currnt UN reports and going gaga over it why dont uou talk to those same intellugent UN officials. According too the UN officials most of the projections for MDG will be acieved by India. Yes we Indians cannot undo our past but we hold a good future where poverty allevation is not happening in a steady line but in the form of an exponential curve.

Above all I am willing to die as a free man rather then be slave to some party. Yes thats us, dirty, poor according to you starving and yet free Indians for you-Free men.

What a sour-grape mentality! Not living in poverty equals a life in cage? Haha.

What makes you think a billion Chinese are super rich.Wow you seem to be such a stud , why don't you work or associate yourselves with UNICEF or UNDP pewrsonell who have done a tour of duty in China, They will tell you how difficult it is to perform monitoring and evaluation.

Lying media such as Rediff, CNN, BBC must be banned from the scene of crime to prevent them from cheating the world

Who cares, ban them if you want and if you want dont listen to them, who stopped you from doing so.
If Chinese are so worried then why are they shuttong off Lhasa to journalist. Stop serving your pious plattitudes.

PS: Wonder why Pakistan mambers are so enthused by develoments in China. Are you as a nation so shallow that you have thump your chest over another nations future. Heck I respect you guys more then them, Look at all the muslim world after all the trouble yet you and Turkey have stood as an example for freedom and democracy.
You are fre men be proud of it and I am sure you are
China should consider the case of Tibetians before the world misuses them.

Our men were misused by the Americans, and now they are so much deviated from thinking that they have started attacks on their own country.

The Americans will do the same with the Tibetians. So the chinese must strike peace before the tibetians strike terror and the East Pakistan like story will be repeated.

After all the tibetians are not asking a separate country. All they are asking is more autonomy. Hope the people in the communist govt think wisely.
Freedom is our birth right that I automatically receive after I am born and from there onwards where I head is upto me and my fellow country men
yes, freedom is the birth right of kashmiris, people of Assam, and so forth. you must give them their birth right and follow with their wishes. also stop raping women while you're at it.
How do you define a decent life?

Not starved to death, for instance.

51% of Chinese are unhappy as per the website!!!

Why democratic Indians are unhappier than Chinese?

Material richness? China has one of the worst income divides in the world, as for Happiness figures it is all subjective and relative...

Why democratic Indian has more billionaires than Japan and Indian average income is lower than Chinese one?

Happiness doesn't come from material richness .. Bangladeshis are happier than you...

Still doesn't overwrite the fact that Indians are less happier than the Chinese.

sorry can't do... learn to explain..

Agreed that explanation is teacher's job, how to learn is learner's job.

Bangladesh is happier and has a dictatorship??
And you base your beliefs on this website??

Rather believe the site than believe you.

Who says an authoratarian govt doesn't care for the people? but do you want to be dictated or do you want to have a freedom of choice?
Do you think 1.3bn CHinese are incompetent to have responsible leaders or to have a freedom of choice?
Think about this..

First, freedom to eat, freedom not to be starved to death..., then...

Think about this.
yes, freedom is the birth right of kashmiris, people of Assam, and so forth. you must give them their birth right and follow with their wishes. also stop raping women while you're at it.

The unfortunate part is that you also do not understand democracy.

Out of practice?

Democracy means the wishes of the majority and that is best achieved by holding elections.

Elections have been regularly and in some cases in front of diplomats and international journalists.

That is the best that a democracy can do to ascertain the voice of the majority.

All states of India have elections and at regular intervals.

Therefore, the birthright of the majority has been ascertained and implemented.

If have a better system in your mind,do let us know.

You might turn out to be better than the ancient Greek who it is believed originated democracy. Though some believe that Mesopotamia before they became a monarchy had democracy and were the originators.

As far as raping is concerned, let us not open wounds of yours!
Not starved to death, for instance.

Is that right?

Better to slave away in labour camps for believing in oneself and saying so and getting a pittance just to fill the stomach!

Is that what you think is freedom?

The animals in the Zoo get a lot to eat, and the ones in the jungle may starve. But at least, they have the choice of what they want to eat.

Imagine eating one type of food 365 days of the year and that too just adequate for sustenance and have the statistics correct. All for statistics and nothing for the requirement of the person!!

Why democratic Indians are unhappier than Chinese?

How does one know?

There is no free media in China to report, nor foreign journalists allowed where things are horrid.

Communists and their govt orchestrate happiness or else re-eduaction camps or labour camps. Great Leap Forward was total happiness.

Why democratic Indian has more billionaires than Japan and Indian average income is lower than Chinese one?

Because each to his own ingenuity and enterprise.

Still doesn't overwrite the fact that Indians are less happier than the Chinese.

Happiness in China?

Read as above.

Happiness is abstract and it cannot be statistically analysed.

Agreed that explanation is teacher's job, how to learn is learner's job.

That is if the learner has the potential and the comprehension power.

Rather believe the site than believe you.

Obvious isn't it? How can you force one to believe in your sites and not extend the same courtesy to others.

First, freedom to eat, freedom not to be starved to death..., then...

First, freedom of choice and then eat.

But then, you will not understand freedom.
as far as i can remember, i was talking about kashmiri's hopes for independence.

That is your perception that they want independence.

If they did, then they would not have voted.

not wounds of ours, the wounds of those who are running bangladesh today, aka heads of jamaati islami.

Heard of honour raping?

Must I start?
That is your perception that they want independence.If they did, then they would not have voted.
uh huh, is that why the most powerful parties in kashmir are all for liberation and independence? you know, you are fighting a battle you can't win here.
Heard of honour raping?Must I start?
nope buddy, say all you want. the truth is the same people who raped women in bangladesh are running this country today, or should i say almost immediately after the death of mujeeb?
Democracy is one thing and governance is another.

The bangladesis revolted against the Pakistan govt and joined hands with the Indian army to defeat us. This is a mistake of our govt who allowed the opression of the local people.

No matter what we claim about kashmir, the local people did not revolt or helped the Pak Army in any of the wars that we have fought till now.
Its better that we stop supporting the kashmiri people, as they are more supportive of Indian govt than us.
uh huh, is that why the most powerful parties in kashmir are all for liberation and independence? you know, you are fighting a battle you can't win here.

Like the out of work foreign terrorists?

India does not have to win.

Do you have to win what is yours?

nope buddy, say all you want. the truth is the same people who raped women in bangladesh are running this country today, or should i say almost immediately after the death of mujeeb?


Could you be more explicit?
Statistics can never give the true situation.

Instead, Rediff gives truth... you give truth, :rofl::rofl:

It is an approximation to reality.
approximation is better than rediff and Western media.

It requires sampling and extrapolation.

It is a mathematical model

The intangible and abstract cannot be exactly determined.

Still better than lying!
One does understand and sympathise with you over your revulsion to the great contribution of the Great Helmsman, Mao - The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.

That was done to get rid of "liberal bourgeoisie" elements and continue the revolutionary class struggle. Nobel thoughts. But, in the typical ?Communist double speak it was basically used as a method to regain control of the party after the disastrous Great Leap Forward led to a significant loss of Mao's power to rivals Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. Remember the "Three Years of Natural Disasters" and the "Great Leap Forward" that led to this?

The Chinese media which is being acclaimed as the bastion of truth gave the call. On June 1, 1966, the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the CCP, stated that all "imperialists", "people with affiliations with imperialists", "imperialistic intellectuals", et al., must be purged. Soon a movement began, that was aimed at purging university presidents and other prominent intellectuals.

How how many died then? That would be an interesting question.

All that doesn't refute the fact that:

...the Leap or Revolution are down into the history, but 40000 pregnant women die yearly even today!
Not really.

But living under a police state situation and being spoon fed is!

You tell me spoon fed is worse than starve to death??:rofl:

And those happily living there are all spoon fed?? :rofl:

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