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Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

you are utterly stupid!!
only the rich can survive in democracy while the poor suffers.. where as in China under communism, every one is treated equally! A Chinese officer rides his bicycle to his work just like rest of the population!
in india... the rich enjoys luxury life while the poor man starves to death!

woooowww india's GDP is 1 trillion! 1 trillion?
GDP (Nominal) (2007) $3.42 trillion (ranked 4th)
GDP (PPP) (2006) $10.21 trillion (ranked 2nd)

Are you aware of the economic disparity in China between the rich and the poor?

China says the wealth gap between its urban and rural citizens is now one of the largest in the world.

A new survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences found that in 2002 urban residents earned three times more than their rural counterparts.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China's wealth gap widens to gulf

and it is getting worse.
I feel sorry for you, So explain to me how does your pakistan system work, from the lastest news isn't pakistains happy that democracy is back. And why do pakistanis keep siting chines gdp when every any indian talks about theres. Is it because Chines gdp is also part of pakistan gdp.

they are happy because they are mislead by feudal lords in to believing that "we the democratic elected leaders will bring peace and prosperity in the country". so basically majority of the people have been given wrong hopes!
Democracy must be implemented only if the majority is educated! and anyways, i believe this is just western agenda to bring democracy! look at Iraq... in the name of democracy they have wiped out the entire country! Vietnam... the americans forced to bring democracy but failed miserably at the end...
It is indeed interesting that Pakistan has to beware because "they"are encircling China!

Does it mean that it is being suggested that Pakistan is not an independent state with its own economy and state infrastructure to sustain it in the comity of Nations?

Is it being suggested that China bankrolls Pakistan and it is foisted up by China?

I think that the title of the thread is not appropriate and is a trifle off colour to put it politely.

To the best of my knowledge, Pakistan has chalked its own destiny and China, though has contributed, it in no way acted as its sole foundation. The US assisted when Pakistan was in the SEATO and CENTO. Even now, the US is assisting Pakistan with money and arms (and it is not that it is not getting returns from Pakistan).

On the other hand, China has not lifted a finger when she required China's help i.e. during the wars.

The economic help that China is giving is also giving China a very major payoff.

I think Pakistan can stand on its own merits in the world and under no circumstances have to be beholden to anyone for whatever they may be doing for Pakistan, more so,since they too are reaping benefits in the assistance.

Or have I missed something?
It is indeed interesting that Pakistan has to beware because "they"are encircling China!

Does it mean that it is being suggested that Pakistan is not an independent state with its own economy and state infrastructure to sustain it in the comity of Nations?

Is it being suggested that China bankrolls Pakistan and it is foisted up by China?

I think that the title of the thread is not appropriate and is a trifle off colour to put it politely.

To the best of my knowledge, Pakistan has chalked its own destiny and China, though has contributed, it in no way acted as its sole foundation. The US assisted when Pakistan was in the SEATO and CENTO. Even now, the US is assisting Pakistan with money and arms (and it is not that it is not getting returns from Pakistan).

On the other hand, China has not lifted a finger when she required China's help i.e. during the wars.

The economic help that China is giving is also giving China a very major payoff.

I think Pakistan can stand on its own merits in the world and under no circumstances have to be beholden to anyone for whatever they may be doing for Pakistan, more so,since they too are reaping benefits in the assistance.

Or have I missed something?

oh wooww thanks Amerika for the $$$!!! 10 billion in 10 years...
"U.S. was allowed unprecedented access into Pakistan’s security apparatus, allowed air bases, intelligence support and logistical passage to wage war on Afghanistan but Pakistan still did not get the F-16’s, or the required state of the art defense equipment or the nuke deals which India clinched. In the 1980s when Pakistan supported the Americans in the Afghan war against the Soviets, Pakistan used the opportunity to revolutionize its armed forces and defense. This war of 2001 gave no such military advantage to the country except some cash. Bad deal to say the least."
I have no problem to admit that there is media censorship in China.

I would have been shocked out of my wits if you would have replied in the negative

and if you're impling it's crystal virgin for indian media, you better tell me a joke instead.

the world believes so.. in fact freedom of press is one of India's strengths, India is one of the top ranked countries(and I think is the top ranked Asian or developing or newly industrialized or third world country take your pick) when it comes to freedom of the press.., India is ranked higher over Japan, Italy, Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Taiwan and amongst France, Spain, Greece...
whereas China is ranked amongst the worst when it comes to freedom of press. in fact it is ranked second worst..
source: GCR of WEF

media in hongkong are independent,because of the different system there.
paying a big buck every year in mainland China, you get connections to foreign media like CNN,NHK... coz the digital TV doesn't induct any foreign media by now.I've been watching CNN news for years, though not in regular.

thanks for the info... this just proves that there is corruption which I was already aware of..

btw, in a democratic country, if only 32% families have TV, how do you ensure their rights of information through TV media? 94% chinese familie have TV,and they can switch it over to Phoenix if they dislike the state run CCTV.

Freedom of press encompasses various media, and having more numbers is at times useful when spewing propaganda...

KvLin you do understand democracy or communism or dictatorship doesn't imply freedom from poverty??

let's suppose the govt is very very lazy and weak, despite it's people's choose while not minding anything else except freedom.

Let's suppose the govt is not lazy nor weak, the correct term here is red-tapism.. if the people's choice is for a weak and lazy govt(Which I doubt) then if the govt is just that then kudos...

I think you have never heard of elections if politicians don't deliver on promises and agenda then you don't vote for them simple...

then one will probably have a democracy like this:
go out voting with only tree leaves covering his body, pick up garbage around him when he is angry, close his eyes when he needs sleep, rush to the riverside when he is thirsty... what a paradise!

If this is the will of the majority of the people then why not.. Tibetans for eg do not want the wealth and prosperity of China, at least at the cost of their religion, culture and heritage hence you have issues there..

ps:Are you describing China during 60s? I heard a third of the population died of hunger then...

being a democracy, India suffers from more serious corruptions than China does. and spend much bigger budget% out of your taxpayers' money on Russian weaponary.

Corruption in India is present but it is also present in communist or dictatorships.. India's rank has steadily improved over the years... and I think is ranked just below China in corruption...
Corruption will be a scrouge in India for quite a while and is more of a cultural thing as well and many Indians actually prefer living in a mildly corrupt society rather than a totally corruption free society...

saying above,I'm not accusing democratic system like India has adpoted at all, instead I endorse it and your efforts of this regard. I mean, one can't take democracy as all talk. and it doesn't necessarily link to low efficiency.
only when there's someone pretending to be a know-all person and thus stick his petit head everywhere on this forum.
otherwise, I would always like to be a sincere discussant to all.

and you are talking about???
No, I am sure you enjoyed the bounties of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution!

Face it, the Leap or Revolution are down into the history, but 40000 pregnant women die yearly even today!
What revolutions are you talking about. we are not china or pakistan.

Please step out your cave and have a glimpse on this The Trouble With India

And talking about poor people you have to live in India just to see. Let me give a great example. In India there is shortage of pilots (600-1000). Why do you think there is shortage of pilots because more people are flying, where is this money coming from. Also just yesterday TATA bought Jaguare and Land Rover from Ford Motor company where did they get the money. India's gdp is 1 trillion today as the economy grows the lifestyle gets better and better. And i know you cannot stand that. Thats why you can only site un reports and laugh about it.

All your Tata/pilot stuffs, are perhaps good, but still don't answer this:

Can you tell us, why after your poor put a listening party in power, your Human Development Index falls two position per UN reports? :tdown:
It appears that you cannot comprehend Engish.

I had written "Where there is no Freedom, as in China, it is a serfdom."

It means if people live in a country where there is No Individual Freedom, then it is serfdom!

Tell me why in a country of freedom, for many their only individual freedom is to starve to death? Isn't that worse than serfdom?

Thank your stars that India is a democracy with a free media and where foreigners can travel at will. That is why you know what is happening or allegedly happening in India.

One rather live in poverty than be a robot and life controlled to the last detail or a bird in a gilded cage!!

What a sour-grape mentality! Not living in poverty equals a life in cage? Haha...

Compare that with the latest uprising in Tibet, Foreigners and international journalists were bundled out and none knows what is happening now in Tibet. One conducted tour was organised and the monastery most loyal to the Chinese govt was showcased. Even there the monks broke down and cried and said that China is lying about Tibet. And the journalists were bundled out!! They also saw burnt out houses in the Tibetan sectors of Lhasa. Check the AP report.

What a logic! How do you know Tibet riots, if everybody is "bundled out"?

Lying media such as Rediff, CNN, BBC must be banned from the scene of crime to prevent them from cheating the world.
Face it, the Leap or Revolution are down into the history, but 40000 pregnant women die yearly even today!

face it..

in several years from now those 40000 will be history too just like the 100million+ Chinese who died of hunger in the 60s...

but you will still be under an authoritarian regime...

Please step out your cave and have a glimpse on this The Trouble With India All your Tata/pilot stuffs, are perhaps good, but still don't answer this:

More than a year old report(and I feel pretty biased too)..
but found this gem..
"That explains why so many multinationals are flocking to India."

Here is an interesting article which was published a few days back..
Is India free, does it matter? - livemint

What I would like to say is ...
1. China was at one time poor so was India..
2. China undertook reforms and is reaping rewards, India is still pursuing reforms and reaping partial rewards.
3.Number of poor in China is massive but smaller in comparision to India, China is economically bigger than India and both are not Developed nations.
4. China still is a country where citizens don't have (much) freedom, India is still a country where citizens have freedom.
face it..

in several years from now those 40000 will be history too just like the 100million+ Chinese who died of hunger in the 60s...

Face it: there is no more people die of hunger in China for many years, yet there are still people die of hunger now in Bharat.

How about 40000 pregnant women? Let's pray that their freedom is more than a death.

but you will still be under an authoritarian regime...

It is up to Chinese people to make decision. Hopefully, they'll never follow the flow of fashion and will pickup what system that suits them.

What I would like to say is ...
1. China was at one time poor so was India..
2. China undertook reforms and is reaping rewards, India is still pursuing reforms and reaping partial rewards.
3.Number of poor in China is massive but smaller in comparision to India, China is economically bigger than India and both are not Developed nations.
4. China still is a country where citizens don't have (much) freedom, India is still a country where citizens have freedom.

Mostly well said. But, please remember one thing, around 1947-1949, India was richer and stronger than China. It is opposite in the past 30 years and at least to this moment.
Face it: there is no more people die of hunger in China for many years, yet there are still people die of hunger now in Bharat

Once again

face it..
in several years from now like China, India will not see hunger deaths...

but you will still be under an authoritarian regime...

How about 40000 pregnant women? Let's pray that their freedom is more than a death.

I don't get it? and to whom do you pray?

It is up to Chinese people to make decision. Hopefully, they'll never follow the flow of fashion and will pickup what system that suits them.

I moved to quote Churchill here..
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Mostly well said. But, please remember one thing, around 1947-1949, India was richer and stronger than China. It is opposite in the past 30 years and at least to this moment.

For this you have to understand the underlying situation.
India followed a public/socialist system of economy which curtailed progress till reforms in 90's..
China followed a communist system of economy till reforms in 70's..
so right now we are both on the same track though I still feel that Indian govt is more communist than the communist govt of China when it comes to economy...
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