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Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

Already, i just started. come on 23march you must be joking. You don't like me huh!:rofl:

Is it me or is it your reputation ?? you are like a mosquito that doesn’t quite buggin us.. Please go back to your breedings called wonderland indiadefenceforum.. and take along your type with you.
Once again

face it..
in several years from now like China, India will not see hunger deaths...
Indian people deserve a decent life. Let's hope for that.

Remember, however, future starts from now. I'd be happy to leave future to the others, but rather have now now.

but you will still be under an authoritarian regime...

What's wrong? In addition to material richness, Chinese people are happier than your democratic people. Chinese are 7 position happier than Indian

NationMaster - Happiness net (most recent) by country
happy index:
#29 China
#36 India

I don't get it? and to whom do you pray?

Learn to figure it out.

I moved to quote Churchill here..
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
Again, it is your freedom to pickup the worst system, but surely there are more than one roads leading to Rome. For instance,
NationMaster - Happiness net (most recent) by country
happy index:
#29 China
#36 India

For this you have to understand the underlying situation.
India followed a public/socialist system of economy which curtailed progress till reforms in 90's..
China followed a communist system of economy till reforms in 70's..
so right now we are both on the same track though I still feel that Indian govt is more communist than the communist govt of China when it comes to economy...

Why an authoritarian government thinks about its people's welfare earlier than a democratic government does?

Think about it!
The statistics on happiness reminds me of the lines - "Happiness is a warm GUN!"
Indian people deserve a decent life. Let's hope for that.

How do you define a decent life?
So do Chinese, Tibetans, Iraqis, Americans, Iranians, Uighyurs, Bengalis, Pakistanis etc...

Remember, however, future starts from now. I'd be happy to leave future to the others, but rather have now now.


What's wrong? In addition to material richness, Chinese people are happier than your democratic people. Chinese are 7 position happier than Indian

51% of Chinese are unhappy as per the website!!!

Material richness? China has one of the worst income divides in the world, as for Happiness figures it is all subjective and relative... Happiness doesn't come from material richness .. Bangladeshis are happier than you...

Learn to figure it out.

sorry can't do... learn to explain..

Again, it is your freedom to pickup the worst system, but surely there are more than one roads leading to Rome.

Bangladesh is happier and has a dictatorship??
And you base your beliefs on this website??

Why an authoritarian government thinks about its people's welfare earlier than a democratic government does? Think about it!

Who says an authoratarian govt doesn't care for the people? but do you want to be dictated or do you want to have a freedom of choice?
Do you think 1.3bn CHinese are incompetent to have responsible leaders or to have a freedom of choice?
Think about this..
51% of Chinese are unhappy as per the website!!!

Material richness? China has one of the worst income divides in the world, as for Happiness figures it is all subjective and relative... Happiness doesn't come from material richness .. Bangladeshis are happier than you...

Why are the Indian people not happy because of the democracy?
Why are the Indian people not happy because of the democracy?

Democracy hardly makes a difference when talking about happiness, that is under the gamut of freedom..

Even then a survey such as this has no meaning because the data is quantitative and not qualitative, and Happiness is a very abstract term as well..

For eg a Monk subsisting on alms in a dictatorship can report himself to be happier than a King living in his palace with 100's of wives..

For a more thorough understanding pick up any of the Competitive Yearbooks/Reports from WEF etc. which have detailed methodologies etc. for Rankings...
What a sour-grape mentality! Not living in poverty equals a life in cage? Haha...

Not really.

But living under a police state situation and being spoon fed is!
Why are the Indian people not happy because of the democracy?

I presume it is human psychology to strive to do better and not accept status quo!

Same thing I presume is the feeling in Pakistan and elsewhere where one is allowed to express one's opinion in public!

In police states, this luxury is not extended. Therefore, one never knows the real feeling except that which is from the State and from the privileged apparatchik of the Communist party.

For instance, Tibet has been once again been closed to journalist after the fiasco of the conducted tour. Can anyone tell what is happening there?

How much does the world know of the Uighurs? Are they happy? How is it that Urumchi, the capital, has more Hans than Uighurs?

Would anyone (the locals) be happy if others overwhelm the locals?

And yet, China will spout statistics to show how happy the Uighurs are and yet allow no none to verify independently!
There are always some people who'll never feel good when others's properous or soon.
The so called western news freedom was actually, I got it this time from their reports about Lasa, self-deceive, just so.
They're eagerly trying to degrade china's image just because they fear china, a strong china.
Chinese have just sponsored a cite , ANTI-CNN.COM to protest, and more people have been clear of the truth.
However, one thing would be clear already and obviously steady. China will react in his own way, an unique and efficient way: development.
When we have been strong enough, everything will be mentioned again!
we will never forget the history, our enimy, our friends.
My teacher used told us his experience in Pakistan and the lovely people there, we haven't been there but were really moved.
We will never forget Pakistani friendship with us!
Statistics can never give the true situation.

It is an approximation to reality.

It requires sampling and extrapolation.

It is a mathematical model

The intangible and abstract cannot be exactly determined.
There are always some people who'll never feel good when others's properous or soon.
The so called western news freedom was actually, I got it this time from their reports about Lasa, self-deceive, just so.
They're eagerly trying to degrade china's image just because they fear china, a strong china.
Chinese have just sponsored a cite , ANTI-CNN.COM to protest, and more people have been clear of the truth.
However, one thing would be clear already and obviously steady. China will react in his own way, an unique and efficient way: development.
When we have been strong enough, everything will be mentioned again!
we will never forget the history, our enimy, our friends.
My teacher used told us his experience in Pakistan and the lovely people there, we haven't been there but were really moved.
We will never forget Pakistani friendship with us!

We are re-inventing the wheel.

Tibet is closed to foreigners and foreign journalists. If things were fine, then there would have been no requirement to do so. The journalists would able to see how happy and how normal things are. But closing Tibet, none knows what is happening. Obviously, things are not normal and so things are there to hide!

Of course Pakistan is a nice country with very friendly people. That is what was reported in the Indian media during the Cricket series in Pakistan. Friends who went there speak very highly of the Pakistanis and their hospitality. That is why the majority of Indians support the CBMs wholeheartedly.

It would have been in Pakistan's interest if China helped them when they were in conflict with India.

Such are the situations when the pennies should fall!

A friend in need, is a friend indeed.

Talk and sweet words are only nice to hear. Action is what is wanted.
Face it, the Leap or Revolution are down into the history, but 40000 pregnant women die yearly even today!

One does understand and sympathise with you over your revulsion to the great contribution of the Great Helmsman, Mao - The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.

That was done to get rid of "liberal bourgeoisie" elements and continue the revolutionary class struggle. Nobel thoughts. But, in the typical ?Communist double speak it was basically used as a method to regain control of the party after the disastrous Great Leap Forward led to a significant loss of Mao's power to rivals Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. Remember the "Three Years of Natural Disasters" and the "Great Leap Forward" that led to this?

The Chinese media which is being acclaimed as the bastion of truth gave the call. On June 1, 1966, the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the CCP, stated that all "imperialists", "people with affiliations with imperialists", "imperialistic intellectuals", et al., must be purged. Soon a movement began, that was aimed at purging university presidents and other prominent intellectuals.

How how many died then? That would be an interesting question.
Tell me why in a country of freedom, for many their only individual freedom is to starve to death? Isn't that worse than serfdom?

You are right. Why starve with democracy?

Perishing through a Cultural revolution that wipe out the bourgeoisie and further the class war must be a greater way to die

Cut down the population that even the "Three Years of Natural Disaster" couldn't!!

What a way to die!

What a sour-grape mentality! Not living in poverty equals a life in cage? Haha.

Speechless? So grab excuses and homilies, idioms and metaphors like the Chinese govt? Poverty or Death by State controlled mode? The choice is yours. If you are happy. who are we do deny it to you? We believe in individual rights and freedom of choice.

What a logic! How do you know Tibet riots, if everybody is "bundled out"?

Because they (the international journalists) were there when the riots broke out and then they were immediately bundled out. Got that? It couldn't have been explained more lucidly.

Thereafter, selected journalists, with Chinese minders, were taken on a conducted tour when things quietened down. They were taken to a pro China monastery and the monks there broke down in tears and started saying that China lies!! The tour was stopped and now no one is allowed!!

So, no news is good news, what?

Lying media such as Rediff, CNN, BBC must be banned from the scene of crime to prevent them from cheating the world.

Sue them as is feasible in a democracy. In totalitarian regimes, it would be different. We are fortunate that we have our rights!

Since you all love to example Pakistan, saw how a govt could be changed in Pakistan through democratic means?

Understand the events and see how govts can be changed through peoples pressure but in a democratic way!

In China, you don't have a choice to change the govt! But then, you are so happy while we are not. Ignorance is bliss, And the Chinese people through mind control and media block remain ignorant of the happenings and so there is total bliss!
Here is a Reuters report from Telegraph

Lhasa sealed after protest

Beijing, March 29 (Reuters): Chinese security forces sealed off parts of Lhasa today and Tibet’s government-in-exile said it was investigating reports of fresh protests, weeks after the city was shaken by an anti-government riot.

The reports coincided with a visit by a group of diplomats, who were led on a closely guarded tour of the city that has been at the heart of unrest throughout China’s ethnic Tibetan regions just months before the opening of the Beijing Olympics.

“We don’t know how many people, but it seems it’s quite a lot of people,” Tenzin Taklha, a spokesman for the Dalai Lama said of the events in Lhasa. “I think it’s timed with the visit of the diplomats.”

The London-based International Campaign for Tibet said it had heard from three sources that security forces had surrounded Lhasa’s main temples, Jokhang and Ramoche. The whole area has been shut down,” said the group’s spokeswoman, Kate Saunders. “I don’t know what form the protest took. I think people in Lhasa may have been aware of the diplomats’ visit, just as they were aware of the journalists’ visit,” she said.

Earlier this week, the government took select foreign media to Lhasa to highlight the wreckage and give the impression that the city was returning to normal, but the plan backfired when about 30 monks at Jokhang stormed an official news briefing. The monks complained about a lack of religious freedom and voiced support for the Dalai Lama.

The trouble in the remote, mountain region that China’s communist troops entered in 1950 began with a series of peaceful, monk-led protests that culminated in a riot in Lhasa on March 14.

Today, China offered to pay compensation to the families of the 18 civilians it says died in the Lhasa violence. The Dalai Lama’s representatives, which deny he is orchestrating the demonstrations, say the death toll is closer to 140.

The government does not permit free access to the areas, making the reports difficult to check. Chinese media has portrayed the violence on March 14 as a riot by a Tibetan mob beating up innocent people, many of them ethnic Chinese.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | International | Lhasa sealed after protest
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