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US-negotiated compromise between Musharraf, Bhutto in the offing
ISLAMABAD: US Under Secretary of State Richard Boucher met with Pakistan People Party Chairperson Benazir Bhutto in Dubai prior to coming to Pakistan were able to develop an understanding about the need for creating a moderate political front in Pakistan, according to a report in the Weekly Pulse.

Weekly Pulse in its report quoting sources says that Mr Boucher`s meeting with Bhutto, which is not the first one, was very successful, and that he appeared to be confident of her commitment towards politically contributing to the goal of securing an alliance of moderate and progressive forces in the country.

While the underlying objective behind recent visit by US Deputy Secretary of State Jon Negroponte and Under Secretary of State Richard Boucher was the same, its principal focus appears to be ensuing domestic political stability and continuity of policy in an election year in the country, the report said.

An unstable Pakistan is the last thing Washington would wish to happen amid mounting regional challenges vis-à-vis the war on terrorism. As the country prepares for parliamentary and presidential elections in 2007, the United States would wish to have a regime where all of the moderate political figures and forces could coalesce as a counterpoise to religious extremist elements and their terrorist manifestations at home and abroad.

No surprise, therefore, that prior to his sojourn to Islamabad this time, Under Secretary of State Richard Boucher held a long meeting with Pakistan People`s Party Chairperson Benazir Bhutto in Dubai. Sources tell us that both Bhutto and Boucher were able to develop an understanding about the need for creating a moderate political front in Pakistan.

It is important to mention here that it was only after the Dubai meeting that US Deputy Secretary of State Jon Negroponte decided to visit to Pakistan, and the same could also explain why Boucher extended his own stay in the country to be with Negroponte in the Pakistani capital.

It is, however, clear that the Bush administration still considers President Musharraf`s leadership crucial for winning the fight against extremism and terrorism. What the Americans seem to be essentially trying currently is to explore possibilities for a coalition of moderate political forces to emerge out of the forthcoming election process in the country, the report said.

The talk of a deal between Musharraf and Bhutto has been going on for the past year or so. Both of them are committed to a moderate and progressive Pakistan. The charges of corruption against Bhutto, which predate the 1999 coup, have been a major obstacle to this deal, besides Musharraf`s publicly pronounced stand not to let corrupt politicians come to power in Pakistan again, the report said.

The current US move to bolster moderate political forces in Pakistan must, therefore, be seen in a broader context denoted by developments in domestic politics in the United States and mounting challenges concerning the war on terror perceived by the US policy making establishment.

Despite the past political enmity between Musharraf and Benazir, both unquestionably constitute the two premier moderate personalities of Pakistan. That is what the US perception also appears to be. The key challenge for Washington, therefore, is how to being the two leaders, between whom there is so much distrust and lack of confidence, to a compromising settlement, the report said.

Despite consistent US expressions about Musharraf-led Pakistan "not doing enough" in the war on terror, the Bush administration has always appreciated President Musharraf`s role of moderate leader. Therefore, it would wish, at least for the continuation of counter-terrorism policy, for Musharraf to get re-elected, preferably without uniform.

If an American-negotiated compromise between Musharraf and Bhutto is already in the offing, then the most likely scenario would be the early dissolution of present assemblies, perhaps in early July on Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz`s request. What sort of caretaker governmental setups at the Centre and provinces are created should be a part of this compromise, the report sad.

The current judicial crisis will also lose momentum as the focus of the political forces will shift on the election campaign. The holding of free and fair elections should mean the PPP led by Bhutto and other moderate forces might gain the required majority to form the government at the Centre and a majority of the provinces.

Additionally, as part of the compromise, Bhutto also has to agree to a prime ministerial candidate, to be nominated by the President, whom she can trust. The 2002 Legal Framework Order, which was approved by the Parliament in the form of the 17th amendment, bars Bhutto to occupy the seat of Prime Minister, as she has held that position twice before.

Lastly, there is this question of the uniform. Constitutionally, President Musharraf can retain his uniform until the end of this year. The President has not made any categorical statement in this regard so far. Whether he does that during the course of the election campaign for the next general elections, if the assemblies are dissolved early, or after the elections, is unclear now.

A politically stable Pakistan, led by a moderate President and a moderate Prime Minister and his/her political allies, where the two premier leaders of this political dispensation, Musharraf and Bhutto are committed to fighting religious extremism and terrorism should be in America`s vital interest, the report said.

Such an electoral outcome should also be in the interest of Pakistan, where public aspirations for a political change have reached their zenith. If "the rules of the game" are clearly chalked out between the forces guarding security interests of the state and the powers representing people`s aspiration for greater freedom, then 2007 may turn out to be a year for Pakistan coming out of an increasingly uncertain political climate, retaining its leadership position in the comity of nations and developing itself economically and socially, the report said.
Well if she keeps on dressing like this Musharaf might make a different deal with her.:lol: :chilli:


Is this a real photo or a fake ?

I doubt BB will take such a political risk when she is planning to make a comeback.

There would have a been deal long time ago. Main problem is that Benazir insists that all the court cases against her are dropped before she sets foot in Pakistan. Everyone knows that the cases against her were instituted by the last Nawaz Sharif government and she was out of Pakistan a year or so before Musharraf took over. Strangley enough now that NS is also ousted both BB and NS have become best of pals.

BB however realizes that there are only two liberal political forces in Pakistan. PPP and MQM. And if Musharraf wants to get himself re- elected as President, a deal would have to be cut with the PPP ( Herself). Here her broken promise with Ghulam Ishaq Khan has been the stumbling block.

Benazir has always been a so so speaker. I met Alan Duncan; now tory MP and a friend and class mate of BB at Oxford, at a Wedding Reception of a mutual friend's daughter and inquired as to how BB managed to get elected as President of Oxford Union Debating Society. I was informed that she lost the first time; however BB stayed on for another year ( ZAB was the Premier and was grooming Benazir for a political career; he urged her to stay on and try again). A lot of convassing eventually managed the trick. Apparently she was quite a socialite and used to drive a yellow MG.
Here her broken promise with Ghulam Ishaq Khan has been the stumbling block.
What was that (promise) you are reffering, Sir.
I basically would not support the idea of BB comming back.
She don't want the position for the reason to serve Pakistan and it will be a wrong legacy to right off her corruption sentences. She has a mind set politics of blackmail and such attitude is not very supportive of any coalition.
Mush is a smart dude. He will never take off his uniform. He is the president/general for life. Next few months it will be interesting to see what strategy he adops to stay in power. ISI & MI are working full time to keep him in power. He still has his 2 ace cards, national security & Islam. He is sure to start internal or external troubles.
What was that (promise) you are reffering, Sir.
I basically would not support the idea of BB comming back.
She don't want the position for the reason to serve Pakistan and it will be a wrong legacy to right off her corruption sentences. She has a mind set politics of blackmail and such attitude is not very supportive of any coalition.

It is understood that when BB was asked to form the Govt second time, she had promised Ghulam Ishaq Khan that she will propose his name as President once again. Instead she went back on her word and made Farooq Leghari the President instead. It all came out in the press after Ghulam Ishaq Khan died.

I am also not in favour of her coming back but under the current political scenario PPP is the most likely winner in the next election. Remember PPP was the largest single party in the last election as well.
Did not understand your above post ?


You have to go back to your post with comments on picture..

I was joking because I thought you are reffering to her dress and which should have been a commong sight in UK. ;)
You have to go back to your post with comments on picture..

I was joking because I thought you are reffering to her dress and which should have been a commong sight in UK. ;)

Dear Batman,

Ok. I can be thick sometimes.

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