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Pakistan before 90s

Zulfi Bhutto had many faults but he did NOT cause the rise of fundamentalism in Pakistan. He was tormented by the 'Ahmadi' question and eventually succumbed to the pressures of the right wing in a cowardly way but he, despite all his fault, never envisioned Pakistan to be a country full of bearded fundos and a sea of burqahs. I should know these because I lived through his era and have many memories from that time--and some photos which I will try to post after keeping out personal info--I have lots of photos from before 1990.
Zia ul Haq was the sole cause for Pakistan's march backward. Zia really was deeply bigoted person and a big fan of the version of Islam as practiced in Saudi Arabia.
We must ask ourselves: Why do many Pakistanis still fondly remember Ayub Khan, ZAB, and even Musharraf but General Zia's name brings up anger? After all, by his death in 1988 Zia had ruled Pakistan for 25% of Pakistan's history.

Out of all of them. How many people go to the dictators graves.. and how many to ZABs?
Out of all of them. How many people go to the dictators graves.. and how many to ZABs?
You know the answer.
Really, even after Zia was dead, from his 'State' funeral, to the promotion of 'Zia ideology' by Nawaz Sharif in late 80's to the formation of a PML-Zia all attempts to 'cash in' Zia's tenure have failed. It is quite interesting to see people still remember fondly of General Ayub who departed in 1969 while they reject Zia, who departed in 1988, so completely.
PS. I will try not to derail the thread.
pakistan seems to be exactly same… i remember pakistan being like this up till 1999.
after that we got modernized…. we ar better then we use to be overall but we have terrorism… once terrorism is gone people will see that we did progress and we are better then we were before.

it looks nice in these pictures but pakistan was no heaven back then.. we had more poverty and problems back then we do today… besides the terrorism of course…..

You know the answer.
Really, even after Zia was dead, from his 'State' funeral, to the promotion of 'Zia ideology' by Nawaz Sharif in late 80's to the formation of a PML-Zia all attempts to 'cash in' Zia's tenure have failed. It is quite interesting to see people still remember fondly of General Ayub who departed in 1969 while they reject Zia, who departed in 1988, so completely.
PS. I will try not to derail the thread.
nobody rejects zia and no body accepts ayub…
maybe people in your circle of friends.
but in overall people of pakistan love general zia and anybody who says otherwise is either a deliberate liar or very misinformed.

our people overall live better lives now then they did before… we have not lost out on anything.. we should have curbed extremism but its no secret that our people live better lives right now then they did before.

i know for a fact… i seen the progress and growth in wealth and quality of life… my dad grew up in house made of mud with just one door and one window.
a few educated elites were rich and well and they did their best to take advantage of the poor and uneducated..
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nobody rejects zia and no body accepts ayub…
maybe people in your circle of friends.
but in overall people of pakistan love general zia and anybody who says otherwise is either a deliberate liar or very misinformed.

Somehow you seem to one of those few ones who believe that 'overall' Pakistanis love Zia. Living in denial. He has been rejected and all shades of editorials, OP-ed pieces, tv shows, and political columns as well as social media sites and forums have put General Zia down for year after year. There was a even a 'poll' in Pakistaniat.com some years ago where Zia was ranked the worst of all Pakistani rulers.

But... what I can say to you if you still believe in what you believe in. In respect for the OP, I don't want to get into this debate here.
Somehow you seem to one of those few ones who believe that 'overall' Pakistanis love Zia. Living in denial. He has been rejected and all shades of editorials, OP-ed pieces, tv shows, and political columns as well as social media sites and forums have put General Zia down for year after year. There was a even a 'poll' in Pakistaniat.com some years ago where Zia was ranked the worst of all Pakistani rulers.

But... what I can say to you if you still believe in what you believe in. In respect for the OP, I don't want to get into this debate here.
bro who do yo want o compare zia to??
lets do a poll right here on pdf and we can put an end all this bs lol.
When did Pakistan became the jewel of the Indian Sub continent,please elaborate
oh did i touch an aching nerve? as @thetruthseeker2010 rightly said we were ahead of you in many fields.
I'll give you one example,Dr. Abdus Salam established SUPARCO(Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) in 1961,it actually helped NASA back in 60's too.
wayyyy before yours, but now look at your space program and ours, youve surpassed it.

OMG!! Pakistan looks like a paradise in 70's! Hi5 to Pakistan 70's

btw Pakistan doesn't look like so religious or conservative as compared to now! Something went badly wrong somewhere!!!

what matters is today and now its no way near the Pakistan of 60's and 70's :cry:
corrupt countries are so many ... but not everyone is facing the challenging of WOT .
this all start when we go against the world and make N-weapons , and 2 years later , we see Americans sitting next to us :D
not everything is co-incidence :D

Without those N-weapons, Americans (and God knows which other nations) would already be sitting on top of us. If we are not allowed to build N-weapons then so are China, US, Russia.
I honestly and seriously wish Pakistan were a lot less religious; they'd automatically be more progressive, like they were back in the 60s and early 70s. Nice pics, by the way.
oh did i touch an aching nerve? as @thetruthseeker2010 rightly said we were ahead of you in many fields.
I'll give you one example,Dr. Abdus Salam established SUPARCO(Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) in 1961,it actually helped NASA back in 60's too.
wayyyy before yours, but now look at your space program and ours, youve surpassed it.

what matters is today and now its no way near the Pakistan of 60's and 70's :cry:
Yep! I have no idea what happened in 40 years but this is really unfortunate! A beautiful country had been turned into a battle ground.

May be in future, Pakistan can go back to its past glories :)
Without those N-weapons, Americans (and God knows which other nations) would already be sitting on top of us. If we are not allowed to build N-weapons then so are China, US, Russia.

we have one thing which no other country have ... We are the One and Only Islamic State which has the N Bomb ..
no matter how much we fcuk our country to be secular , or we try to be one's ... but in the end .. we will remain the country which was Created on the name of Islam ... if Quid-e-Azam was Alive , he would have been died with heart attack ..to see what his peoples do with Pakistan
we have one thing which no other country have ... We are the One and Only Islamic State which has the N Bomb ..
no matter how much we fcuk our country to be secular , or we try to be one's ... but in the end .. we will remain the country which was Created on the name of Islam ... if Quid-e-Azam was Alive , he would have been died with heart attack ..to see what his peoples do with Pakistan

I agree, but weren't you sort of blaming Pak for having N weapons, then I tried to point out the positive of having N weapon, and now you are saying it like you are proud, lol sorry man I got confused there, maybe I misunderstood your post earlier
I agree, but weren't you sort of blaming Pak for having N weapons, then I tried to point out the positive of having N weapon, and now you are saying it like you are proud, lol sorry man I got confused there, maybe I misunderstood your post earlier

i wasnt blaming bro ... i am just saying that All this mess we had was the result of Pakistan getting their hands on N bomb .. i never said that it was bad decision .. :)
I thought to put in one of the pics taken by me waaay back in 1990 at Karachi University; you will notice Ms. Shehla Raza in orange clothes with long earrings in the foreground. As you may know, she is the vocal and active PPP Deputy Speaker of the current (and previous) Sindh Assembly. She and her family were tormented by damn Zia--that cruel he was for 11 years. . By 1990, Zia's Arab-influenced dress code was starting to take hold but most of the ladies used to have clothes like these even then.
I hope the OP doesn't mind my little insertion. If he does then my apologies and I will another thread some day.

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No man you are free to post
I respect your views.
But i have no interest in blaming anyone im just focused on some good memories to share :)

Famous Pakistani songs of those days

Thanks bro keep posting we will make this thread sticky :D
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