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Pakistan, Bangladesh broadcast prayers at Hagia Sophia

This is NOT Islam, this is NOT what our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam taught us and as a Muslim I condemn this act of wickedness.

There will always be the Jahils out there, who will use intimidation, aggressive behavior to suppress Muslims who oppose this heinous act committed by turkey. I say this to such people .... your intimidation does not affect Muslims who oppose this evil act. I oppose and stand against the turkish govt, just the same as I oppose the saudi wahhabi-salafi regime. You're all the same, egoistic, self-centered without a shred of Islam in you.

Real Muslims shall always stand up to those who have used Islam for their own gains. Be it in Jerusalem or be it in Karbalah.

This heinous act by turk govt, will now open the door for the fascist zionist criminal state of israel to take over Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhra, demolish it and build the Temple Mount.

One day, soon, Allah's wrath will descend upon you. Real Muslims will fight to defend Islam and our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. When that day comes, no amount of pathetic excuses will work.

Turkey, or Pakistan, or Bangladesh, or Arab, .... Remember that YOU ARE MUSLIM FIRST ..... PERIOD!!!!
This is NOT Islam, this is NOT what our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam taught us and as a Muslim I condemn this act of wickedness.
As far I know ,"Hagia sophia" was bought by ottomans from christians . So I don't think it was bad when they turned it to Masjid.

But later when Turkey turned it into Museum,I think they committed crime , because Muslims won't sell Mosque ,it's not permissible.
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Pakistan, Bangladesh broadcast prayers at Hagia Sophia

Major TV channels, newspapers dub first prayers at mosque after 86 years a 'landmark moment'

Aamir Latif and Md. Kamruzzaman |24.07.2020


KARACHI, Pakistan/DHAKA, Bangladesh

Major media outlets in Pakistan and Bangladesh have unequivocally conveyed the significance of the reopening of Turkey’s iconic Hagia Sophia Mosque for worship for the first time in 86 years with Friday prayers, dubbing it as a "landmark moment.”

Over a dozen top TV channels, including state-run Pakistan Television, cut their routine bulletins, and aired wall-to-wall coverage of the grand event.

They ensured live transmission from different corners of the Mosque, highlighting its historical past, and importance for the Muslims around the world.

As the day progressed, the state-owned broadcaster and all news channels opened their bulletins with headlines "Hagia Sophia is preparing to reopen today after 86 years", and "First prayer in Hagia Sophia today after 86 years."

"Turkey's historic Hagia Sophia Mosque reopens after 86 years" was the headline of the country's largest private broadcaster Geo News bulletin flanked by live scenes from the main prayer hall, and outside.

The broadcaster also highlighted the presence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, sitting in the front row, and other political, and religious personalities.

Dunya News, another widely-viewed local broadcaster opened its morning bulletin with headlines "Thousands throng Hagia Sophia to attend Friday prayers after 86 years", and the noon bulletin with "Friday prayers at Hagia Sophia [to begin] shortly."

Also, the channel, in a series of tweets, said " Hundreds of Muslims have gathered to take part in the first prayer at Hagia Sophia since the Istanbul landmark was reconverted to a Mosque."

"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is also present," it added.

"Soul-soothing scenes from Hagia Sophia after 86 years", was the headline of 24 News, another private broadcaster.

G-TV, a newly launched private broadcaster also gave minute-to-minute coverage to the event, terming it a "landmark moment".

The channel aired a separate package about the mosque's historical background, and the conquest of Istanbul by Sultan Mehmet II.

"Call for prayer resounds in Hagia Sophia after 86 years", was the title of the coverage by 92 News, another local TV channel.

ARY News, another popular local broadcaster, aired the event live with title "Historic day: After 86 years, prayers formally begin at Hagia Sophia."

Other popular TV channels like, Express News, Samaa, Hum News, Dawn News, Aaj News, Abbtak News, Capital TV, and Public TV also gave live coverage to the event

The iconic monument served as a church for 916 years until the conquest of Istanbul, and a mosque from 1453 to 1934 – nearly 500 years – and most recently as a museum for 86 years.

One of the most visited historic buildings in Turkey by domestic and international tourists, in 1985, during its time as a museum, Hagia Sophia was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

On July 10, a Turkish court annulled a 1934 Cabinet decree that had turned Hagia Sophia into a museum, paving the way for its use again as a mosque after an 86-year hiatus.

In the new era for Hagia Sophia, Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate will oversee religious services at the mosque, while the Culture and Tourism Ministry will supervise restoration and conservation work.

The architectural treasure will also be open to both domestic and foreign tourists free of charge.

Who said what?

State-run Associated Press of Pakistan aired live coverage of the event through its official twitter account, with the title "Jumma prayers at Hagia Sophia, Turkey @ayasofyacamii".

"First Friday prayer after 86 years at Hagia Sophia today" was the title of a front page story in Daily Jang -- Pakistan’s most popular Urdu-language newspaper.

Ummat -- another popular Urdu Daily ran a story on last-minute arrangements for the event with a sub-title "President Erdogan, and other dignitaries will attend the event."

Daily Jasarat, another Urdu Daily published a detailed report about the re-opening ceremony with title " Preparations finalized-Hagia Sophia is all set to reopen today".

Twitter Trend

The reopening of the iconic mosque also remained a top trend on Twitter, Facbook, and other social media platforms, where users shared pictures of Hagia Sophia Mosque, highlighting the significance of the event.

"1000s and 1000s gathering in streets to Ayasofya to attending historic moment of Friday prayers after 86 years," tweeted Aisha Ghazi, a famous blogger, and filmmaker, with live scenes from Hagia Sophia.

"Istanbul's streets are filled Today. The zeal, and fervor of Muslims is must-watch on the occasion of Friday prayers at Hagia Sophia after 86 years," tweeted Saad Maqsood, a local social media activist.

"We Pakistani students are still a mile away from AyasofyaCamii but streets, roads even footpaths are fully occupied", tweeted Muhammad Anas, a Pakistani student studying in Turkey.

"Good job Turkey," Mustafa Khan, a student from Pakistan’s capital Islamabad tweeted with pictures of Pakistani and Turkish flags.


Live coverage in Bangladesh

A private television channel in Bangladesh broadcast live the reopening of Hagia Sophia Mosque.

“We have got a tremendous feedback from our visitors for running it,” Tushar Abdullah, head of news of the Somoy TV, told Anadolu Agency.

Starting at 2:00 p.m. local time [0800GMT], the channel ran a live transmission on the Hagia Sophia until 17:30 p.m. [1100GMT] at its every hour bulletin.

Abdullah said they are expecting that a record number of visitors enjoyed the live broadcast through their YouTube channel while millions others watched the main broadcast on television.

Meanwhile, a huge number of Bangladeshi people expressed joy over the reopening of the Hagia Sophia Mosque.


Turning Hagia Sophia into Mosque is a very bad act. It created an unnecessary bitterness between Muslims and Christians. Turks should have respected the feeling of global Christians. This is an act of displaying arrogant Islamo-supramacism. This is certainly not good for fostering intra-religious harmony and solidarity.
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of course slavery did not end yet some people are brain slaves of others even today .

Turning Hagia Sophia into Mosque is a very bad act. It created an unnecessary bitterness between Muslims and Christians. Turks should have respected the feeling of global Christians. This is an act of displaying arrogant Islamo-supramacism. This act is certainly not good for fostering intra-religious harmony and solidarity.
its cheap internal politics of urdogan like modi style sir . nothing more .
Every channel that aired this should be fined, it's absurd that Bangladeshis are cheerleading for turkey's internal matters.

Unpaid labour ? Cheering for an inexistent Ummah ?

Don't make me laugh, have some shame, you're Bangladeshis not Turks.

Go do your ummah a service, go to Dhaka and feed the poor, those are also members of this 'Ummah'.

Pathetic Ideology.

Being Bengali isn't enough ? What's all this fantasy of some international Ummah league, stick to your roots or apply for Turkish citizenship, see If they will take you.
Every channel that aired this should be fined, it's absurd that Bangladeshis are cheerleading for turkey's internal matters.

Unpaid labour ? Cheering for an inexistent Ummah ?

Don't make me laugh, have some shame, you're Bangladeshis not Turks.

Go do your ummah a service, go to Dhaka and feed the poor, those are also members of this 'Ummah'.

Pathetic Ideology.

Being Bengali isn't enough ? What's all this fantasy of some international Ummah league, stick to your roots or apply for Turkish citizenship, see If they will take you.
also its not good for minorities of BD to see such celebrations it will create insecurity .
also its not good for minorities of BD to see such celebrations it will create insecurity .

Exactly, but these jamati morons don't understand.

But no worries, they will either practice Islam without Ummah concept or they will hanged.

Needlessly, dirtying Bangladesh's name, we are not cheerleaders for others.
every country have short sighted emotional fools we have more then you .

Perhaps, that maybe so.

But it's understandable in your case, you're after all the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islam is part of your national identity.

But we in Bangladesh are supposedly a "secular" country from our nascent phase, we have a secular Government, I would even go on to say we have an agnostic culture.

And yet, we have a bunch of morons, this is what happens when you let kids study in Madrasas.

Madrasas should only be for Qur'an related education, not for actual education, but millions are 'graduating' from Madrasas and then they sit on their asses when nobody hires them, and a few join crime outfits or worse terrorist organisations.

We can turn Bangladesh around in 20 years, make it as secular like a developed country, just one thing we need to do.

Shut down all Madrasas, provide optional Qur'an lessons in school as an alternative.

But no, cheerleaders accuse Hasina of being an atheist and are hell bent on dragging Bangladesh into the gutter.

Most educated people in Bangladesh vote for Awami League, even if they hate Hasina.

Why ? Because the opposition will literally turn Bangladesh into Saudi Arabia, pathetic people stroking religious sentiments for votes and using Terrorism to come to power.
What difference are you talking about? Both parties destroyed two sites partially or completely.

Nothing is destroyed at hagya sofia

Sultan Fateh simply bought the cathedral after conquering Constantinople and made it a mosque. He didn't brought thugs from all over the country like sanghis to demolish a place of worship
Perhaps, that maybe so.

But it's understandable in your case, you're after all the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islam is part of your national identity.

But we in Bangladesh are supposedly a "secular" country from our nascent phase, we have a secular Government, I would even go on to say we have an agnostic culture.

And yet, we have a bunch of morons, this is what happens when you let kids study in Madrasas.

Madrasas should only be for Qur'an related education, not for actual education, but millions are 'graduating' from Madrasas and then they sit on their asses when nobody hires them, and a few join crime outfits or worse terrorist organisations.

We can turn Bangladesh around in 20 years, make it as secular like a developed country, just one thing we need to do.

Shut down all Madrasas, provide optional Qur'an lessons in school as an alternative.

But no, cheerleaders accuse Hasina of being an atheist and are hell bent on dragging Bangladesh into the gutter.

Most educated people in Bangladesh vote for Awami League, even if they hate Hasina.

Why ? Because the opposition will literally turn Bangladesh into Saudi Arabia, pathetic people stroking religious sentiments for votes and using Terrorism to come to power.
good thing of south asians muslims is they hate sangis of india but love sangis of turkey :lol:

about madrasa its cancer you have to cut it or it will multiple number every year :rolleyes:

Nothing is destroyed at hagya sofia

Sultan Fateh simply bought the cathedral after conquering Constantinople and made it a mosque. He didn't brought thugs from all over the country like sanghis to demolish a place of worship
wow do you think once you conquer the country they have any choice ? can you buy today qurtaba masque from spain ?
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