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Pakistan assists India - offers Oxygen, ventilors and equipments

When Pakistani's will be dying from lack of Oxygen, Indians will rejoice and show no sympathy.
It is exactly that attitude which is slowly destroying India. Despite their claims to spiritualism and religiosity they have shown themselves to be devoid of humanity, fairness, justice, generosity of spirit, magnanimity, I could go on.
The great power that creates (and you can call it what you want according to your cultural and religious affiliations) judges people and nations on their utility to their fellow beings, human and otherwise. It is a rule of life that is borne out incessantly in history that individuals, races, countries, nations or any other collective you care to mention, that becomes an unjust threat and/or danger to creation is ultimately humbled and erased. Only entities which are judged to be helpful to the cause of human progress are promoted, progressed and rewarded.
It is something we all should be conscious of and actively work to avoid and redress.
There will be plenty disagreeing with this, what I would say to them is, let each country and individual carry on along the path they are on and see what they reap.
Quite expected of you to reject humanitarian spirit.

"Humanity first" is what your leader said but you reject that.

Tum rehne do.

Hey dumbas$ Pakistan itself has very limited resources and we ourselves are in a tough situation in covid

My leader is an idiot. Pakistanis need more that he is offering to India

There is no humanitarian spirit when own people are in trouble
Let's just stop this drama. Pakistan needs to look after its own people. There is no need to supply or provide anything to India. BECAUSE THEY WILL NEVER DO THE SAME FOR PAKISTAN.
Its more about the domestic politics. Extending help is not a problem for either sides. But India accepting help from Pakistan or Pakistan accepting help from India does not settle well with the domestic sentiments that have been cultivated in the two countries. You can probably sense that in some of the comments here from both sides. One feels belittled. This is all the more relevant with Modi & IK who have marketed themselves as bulwark against each other. The BJP is ideologically opposed to Pakistan, whereas IK climb the ladders of politics by suggesting Nawaz Sharif is in cohorts with India/Indians.
Agreed completely. That's what I was trying to say. There's a lot of ego in South Asian poitics.
Indians will probably find an opportunity to do some false flag and blame it on these aid workers. Trust you can expect anything from these Star Plus garbage people.
Indians will probably find an opportunity to do some false flag and blame it on these aid workers. Trust you can expect anything from these Star Plus garbage people.
Aren't you being a bit blind with your India hatred? There are good and bad people on both sides, a vast majority are very appreciative of the gesture, they might not make the loudest sounds though
Aren't you being a bit blind with your India hatred? There are good and bad people on both sides, a vast majority are very appreciative of the gesture, they might not make the loudest sounds though
I was talking more about Indian state. Which won't hesitate to kill a few Dalits so Brahmins on top can squeeze the cream out of the milk.

Rest you folks really do act like Star Plus even in real life.
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