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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

Pakistan army will fight a defensive war i guess.
So it should be fortunate for us that nowadays defensive side has upper hand.No?

our strategy has always been "offensive-defense".
1st reg up and ready.
1st reg was up and ready when it was announced and presented in front of the media. it was bobbys reg. hence the glee on his face, as can be seen in the footage.
It is possible, Besides that, there are other ways to stop a tank offensive without better tanks (or any tanks for that matter) as well. Natural barriers, Infantry with AT weapons, Air support, artillery (think rocket artillery too) etc can all be deadly for a tank offensive if they have better planning (or if the attacking force has a flaw in theirs, whether due to equipment or tactics). SQ8 gave one good example. PA and IAs differing doctrines on artillery will surely play a part in how their tank fleets function too. IA has a stronger emphasis on Towed artillery, while PA has a stronger emphasis on SP artillery.
IA is now betting heavily on loitering munition plus attack helicopters they have studied Karabakh conflict very closely, have taken the adequate bits and applied them to their current doctrine. They are harmonizing fast. besides do not neglect their LAT and HAT battalions which are getting beyond the line of sight ATGMs in great quantity. The will to rectify is pivotal.

Lethality of weapons has increased in our eastern neighbour's arsenal. Even though our doctrine is of a defensive manner we still are using outdated ATGMs, this should not be the case for a country whose stance is of utmost self-defence.

A broader view is needed in armed forces we should not be shy of learning lessons from other conflicts.

Yes, we have improved upon few areas.
• Tanks
• Attack helicopters

Sadly, large gaps still subsist in our defensive chain are they related to money or outright ignorance that is another matter. Our main goal should be the Improvement of Interoperability between army air corp and battlefield armour. This requires, asset to asset network-centric protocol. Air space and ground domain need to be in sync for an efficient fighting machine. This also mandates the right equipment for the job.

India is certainly on the right track. They know for winning a war in such, momenta, requires ace thinking, it all boils down to network-centric weapon lethality that is why (NLOS) ATGMs, loitering munition, attack helicopters, and UAV'S are being given tremendous amount of attention.

Our headache has just increased.
According to the British defence analysts, Turkey has shown tanks are now redundant...

The British forces first used the tanks in WW1...
I wouldn't say redundant but rather they are being outmatched by advancement in other technological assets.
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The unit has moved.
VT4 Induction in Strike Formation Today

Looking at the video I thought we'd be going with the box style camo design as below not this old school style. Wasn't their a study done showing the below is more effective:

Looking at the video I thought we'd be going with the box style camo design as below not this old school style. Wasn't their a study done showing the below is more effective:

View attachment 784288
The camo changes depending on the region, VT-4s are currently serving in 2/3 different camos (and maybe we will see a 4th once they’re deployed in other terrains).

Digital and Non-digital camo isn’t as big of a difference as people think Either. Whatever is best suited for the terrain is used.
It is not a new induction as from the regimental standard it can be guessed that the regt is 47Cav which was the one which appeared on 23rd March parade
View attachment 784306


The above picture shows a similar color configuration as to what we have in the video but with digital camo.
The other thing their was another thread that showed the paint concealing heat signature. Does that paint from HIT apply to digital and non-digital camo?
It is not a new induction as from the regimental standard it can be guessed that the regt is 47Cav which was the one which appeared on 23rd March parade
View attachment 784306
Look closer. Particularly at the turret side and the smoke discharges. The tanks are different :)
The one at the parade was from the first batches, the later ones have an improved turret among other things.

The above picture shows a similar color configuration as to what we have in the video but with digital camo.
The other thing their was another thread that showed the paint concealing heat signature. Does that paint from HIT apply to digital and non-digital camo?
The paint applies to everything. Camo has no effect on it. Apart from the one in the parade (which looks glossy) all of them look Matte. Regardless of the camo. That’s one of the indicators that all of them using the Anti-Thermal Paint. (as a similar trend is seen with Al-Khalids’ using that paint).

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