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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

I don’t disagree with you nor did I say PAs armored core doesn’t have issues, if you’ve noticed I only talk about the technological aspects of the tanks available on both sides, not the tactical or use-case ones, I leave that to those who are better qualified. At the current stage without Proper Air or SAM cover (old helicopters and no SRSAM systems), Any armored assault will be facing a very hard time, regardless of what tank we are using. Similarly india has the number advantage, they have nearly 3100 tanks and we have 2800, however of this 2800 nearly 500 are absolutely obsolete so I would not count them (type 59 and 69, though they should be entirely replaced with VT4s in a few years). But keep in mind they have two other borders to contend with too.
The PA is in the process of addressing all three of these issues as we can see. The sooner they do it, the better.

However for the specific issues you mentioned, Those issues are present over on the enemy side more than ours.

1. Apart from the T90S (1/3rd of Indias fleet), no tank can even hope to stop a standard APFSDS round fired from any Pakistani tank (as they all use the same rounds apart from VT-4, which uses even better ones). Regardless of the frontal arc or not, T72 and Arjun are hopelessly under-protected (which is also the case with our Al-Zarrars. Though if it is Equipped with ERA and keeping in mind the fact that the Indian army only uses BM42 on 2/3rds of its tanks, the rest use even weaker BM-17, maybe even the AZ can stop some rounds, that being said, the biggest threat to tanks aren’t tanks, it’s ATGMs and other smaller infantry weapons).

2. T90 and T72 have the very same auto-loader protection issue as T80UD, however we have 320 UDs, their entire fleet is T90 and T72, more russian auto-loaders than us, but then both fleets almost exclusively use tanks with auto-loaders, so I don’t see that one going either way. The only frontal arc advantage here rests with the T90S, as the T72s base armor is too weak.

3. A majority of tank combat takes place head on, from the front, basically no tank can stop any AP rounds in its sides or rear, not even the best ones. Would require too much armor and weight (note how the side is flat and the front is sloped, you’d need double the thickness on the sides to achieve the same armor).
That being said, With both BM-42 and BM-17, Indian armor could not even scratch Pakistani armor apart from AZ and maybe Type-85UG if they don’t use ERA on it.
Meanwhile Pakistani armor (any of it, even a type 59) could punch through a T72 or an Arjun from the front, the T90S would be a harder nut to crack (We do have newer ammo like BTA-4 to help with that) but on that topic and To cover your next point:

4. PAs tanks are much better equipped in the visibility (sights and spotting) department than Indian ones.
Firstly All PA tanks have Thermal sights (excluding the type 59 and 69, both of which absolutely need to be replaced, something PA is actively doing), OTOH, Half the Indian T72 fleet doesn’t have them.
No Indian tanks have CITV or Commanders independent sights (AK, AK-1, VT-4P have them), this means the gunner will be doing double duty, spotting and engaging targets, and none of their tanks have Hunter-killer modes.
On top of that all Indian tanks still use second generation thermals with considerably less range than The 3rd generation thermals employed in the better half of PAs fleet (UG, UD and AZ still use second Gen thermals, but with considerably better ammo and comparable FCS systems to the Indian 90S tanks).
This along with the fact that PA is moving on to next gen 32-bit FCS systems and has IBMS systems available in its tanks (something india only added recently and only to T90) means that in a purely tank on tank scenario, 8/10 times, PA tanks will be getting the first shot off. And that’s usually the winning point in a tank engagement.

But again, all this is purely technological/stat related. Just because PA has better tanks doesn’t mean our issues are over, as you, I and others have pointed out.
Modern warfare is combined arms warfare, one arm cannot do well unless every other arm is doing so as well, until PA addresses the issues with its other arms, the armored core won’t function to its fullest either.

PA has a long-term and very complicated Core modernization plan in place, in which they will modernize basically every core of the army. We can already see progress on this plan, it covers more than just new equipment but also training and infrastructure;

They started with aviation (T-129 and AH-1Z), but that hit a snag, so they moved on to the armored core (VT-4P, AK-1 and 2), similarly they are already testing weaponry for the other cores to induct them when the time comes (Towed and SP arty for artillery core, SR and LR SAMS for AD core, new APCs for mechanized infantry, Z-10ME and heavy gunships for aviation, everything has been tested or even picked, the list goes on). Similarly we saw them build new infrastructure for AD core and armored core.

but given our economical state, we cannot do it at an ideal pace, we do it one at a time, once the armored core is done, then another will start, and so on. PA is as well aware of its issues as anyone else, their modernization pace was both quickened and hampered by the 15 years of war on terror. While training and basic equipment standards increased two-fold, the advanced equipment that wasn’t needed in the war remained neglected, either due to necessity or a simple shortage of funds, and we are noticing that right now.

Hi brother.... Is it possible to answer superior tank force with the help of artillery who can allow our tanks to complete the task by keeping opposition tank force busy with heavy firing..... Artillery like M777 can it stop technically superior tank force??

I'm not talking about India vs Pakistan but overall scenerio if you have slightly inferior tanks compared to enemy.....
Hi brother.... Is it possible to answer superior tank force with the help of artillery who can allow our tanks to complete the task by keeping opposition tank force busy with heavy firing..... Artillery like M777 can it stop technically superior tank force??

I'm not talking about India vs Pakistan but overall scenerio if you have slightly inferior tanks compared to enemy.....
This was done in 65 by General Tikka khan which according to Indian military authors made them think there was some new weapon on the Pakistani side when all he was doing was managing artillery barrages effectively on advancing Indian tanks. If I am not mistaken the K-9 Vajra has the ability to fire guided munitions and use offset timing(forget the artillery term for it) that lets them hit a target at the same time.
Its a pretty effective system to scatter, damage and confuse an armoured offensive.
Hi brother.... Is it possible to answer superior tank force with the help of artillery who can allow our tanks to complete the task by keeping opposition tank force busy with heavy firing..... Artillery like M777 can it stop technically superior tank force??

I'm not talking about India vs Pakistan but overall scenerio if you have slightly inferior tanks compared to enemy.....
It is totally possible, Besides that, there are other ways to stop a tank offensive without better tanks (or any tanks for that matter) as well. Natural barriers, Infantry with AT weapons, Air support, artillery (think rocket artillery too) etc can all be deadly for a tank offensive if they have better planning (or if the attacking force has a flaw in theirs, Wether due to equipment or tactics). SQ8 gave one good example. PA and IAs differing doctrines on artillery will surely play a part in how their tank fleets function too. IA has a stronger emphasis on Towed artillery, while PA has a stronger emphasis on SP artillery.
Hi brother.... Is it possible to answer superior tank force with the help of artillery who can allow our tanks to complete the task by keeping opposition tank force busy with heavy firing..... Artillery like M777 can it stop technically superior tank force??

I'm not talking about India vs Pakistan but overall scenerio if you have slightly inferior tanks compared to enemy.....
IV corps arty bde of PA in 65, whoose actions were commended by friend and foe alike. Through out the theatre it kept the Indians under check.
For instance the brave stand of the 8 Garhwals at Butur Dograndi a against the attack by elements of pakistani 24th bde(which included a troop of25th Cav and two companies of 3FF). This attack was halted by the defenders but then the 3FF pulled out and allowed the IV corps arty bde to open up with its 84 guns and put an end to the stand. And now answering your question; Lt Gen BM Kual writes that an armoured regt was supposed to support the Garhwals but it was stopped en route due to artillery fire.
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According to the British defense analysts Turkey has shown tanks are now redundant....

The British forces first used the tanks in WW1....
This was done in 65 by General Tikka khan which according to Indian military authors made them think there was some new weapon on the Pakistani side when all he was doing was managing artillery barrages effectively on advancing Indian tanks. If I am not mistaken the K-9 Vajra has the ability to fire guided munitions and use offset timing(forget the artillery term for it) that lets them hit a target at the same time.
Its a pretty effective system to scatter, damage and confuse an armoured offensive.

Offset timing = Fuze delay?

Moving ground targets can be neutralized with Laser guided shells
According to the British defense analysts Turkey has shown tanks are now redundant....

The British forces first used the tanks in WW1....
They are counters to everything.

Drone forces havent become to much of a threat to make tanks redundant. Remember, they are still yet to be used against a country who has a proper air force. Once it obliterates that country then i will say we have entered a new agw
Offset timing = Fuze delay?

Moving ground targets can be neutralized with Laser guided shells
That’s something that @PanzerKiel was alluding to in terms of CAS effectiveness. Given more extended ranges - ballistic projectiles are infinitely more effective in providing support with little the enemy can do to prevent them(Iron dome is currently the only true anti-artillery system out there). Guided projectiles from a highly mobile artillery system is more cost effective than any CAS in my limited view.
That’s something that @PanzerKiel was alluding to in terms of CAS effectiveness. Given more extended ranges - ballistic projectiles are infinitely more effective in providing support with little the enemy can do to prevent them(Iron dome is currently the only true anti-artillery system out there). Guided projectiles from a highly mobile artillery system is more cost effective than any CAS in my limited view.
Plus arty is always available on hand to the defending infantry, providing 24/7 fire support and ready to deliver within minutes (or even less than that if the guns have already been zeroed) of the enemy being sighted; unlike CAS which can't stay in the air for that long, is maintenance heavy, takes time to reach the objectives and is limited to the bases due to flight time. Moreover each of our infantry bde atleast has one field regt to support it always (since a div has 3 fld regts). Now if we are able to bring all of our arty to one calibre (which we are probably trying to do) which is capable of firing guiding munitions, it will be a great boost.
Unfortunately, defensive is again getting the upper hand and the chances of offensive being blunted are getting more probable due to modern C4I, satellites, Intel, longer ranges and accuracy of weapons
Unfortunately, defensive is again getting the upper hand and the chances of offensive being blunted are getting more probable
Pakistan army will fight a defensive war i guess.
So it should be fortunate for us that nowadays defensive side has upper hand.No?
Pakistan army will fight a defensive war i guess.
So it should be fortunate for us that nowadays defensive side has upper hand.No?

Defensive side doesn't have an upper hand as the attrition alone would deplete your forces, blunting any chance of an offensive. Your best offense is your best defense.
Pakistan army will fight a defensive war i guess.
So it should be fortunate for us that nowadays defensive side has upper hand.No?
Defensive side doesn't have an upper hand as the attrition alone would deplete your forces, blunting any chance of an offensive. Your best offense is your best defense.
Quoting one of my posts;
Sir, I respectfully disagree. Our doctrine is of Offensive-defensive. There are many factors which lead to such a doctrine, first is our numerical inferiority to fight a battle of attrition, secondly international pressure will force both sides to end hostilities within at most two weeks and thirdly both countries have had more than 50 years to study and work on their defence thus very few avenues of approach are left (Which both sides will try to exploit).
Also it would be unfair to say that we are not ready to cross the border,infact we might be tge first ones to do so because of the nearness of our strike formations to the border as well as shorter mobilization time of PA as compared to IA. All of our regional commands have strike assets which are as follows
-Northern command has 34 light infantry Division and will also be supported by 1×inf div from 11 corps, Peshawar.
-Central command has the 1 strike corps(Army reserve north), Mangla with 6th armoured div, 17 and 37 infantry div( and may as well 19 inf div)
- Southern command has II corps(Army reserve South) with 1st armd div and 14 inf div. While V corps Karachi also has 25 mech div.
Another point to note here is that Pakistan army raised a whole new formation i.e 30th corps, Gujranwala so as to relieve 1 corps of any defensive ops. This 31 corps will be responsible for overall defence of Gujranwala salient so that 1 corps will be purely and solely responsible for offensive into the Indian Territory.
Similarly 26 mechanised div has been raised in Bahawalpur with 31 corps so that II corps won't have to commit its 1st armd div in central/southern punjab for def ops and instead any armoured thrust will be met by 25 mech div, 40(presumably mech inf) div and 35 inf div. It may also be supported by 1×inf div from 11 corps.
So we have dedicated assets responsible for offense inside India.
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