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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

I think Russia and China have tested larger caliber gun on their tanks but did not proceed further as it was not required, but they do have capacity to built one when required.
We have projects on 140mm and ETC/Railgun, they are testing all possibilities.
We have projects on 140mm and ETC/Railgun, they are testing all possibilities.
IMO, 140mm technology will only be reserved. In 99% case, It won't be deployed. China invest on 140mm just in case rival has any break through on armor.
Does it matter? Leopard A6 weights 65tons and equipped with 1500hp engine. Vt-4 weight 52tons and having a 1200hp engine.

Since many treat german tank like gems or benchmark, do i ask u. What advantage of LeopardA6 has over VT-4 in terms of power ratio?
Turkish leopards were devastated. before that I though it was most potent no.1 tank.
Turkish leopards were devastated. before that I though it was most potent no.1 tank.
New Tank nowadays(like 99A2 VT-4) is much more advanced than old cold war version Leopard_2A4, such as fire control, armor, engine.

Turkey received 354 Leopard 2A4s from Germany. It's heavier than VT-4, but VT-4 only needs 3 crews, so VT-4 can relocate much more weight for armor.

Even the engine in 2A4 is old MTU 873 Ka-501. While nowadays, EuroPowerPack use MTU MT883 Ka-500/501. Germany has much better engine MTU 893 but you won't waste that money on those old cold war tanks.

MTU883 1.32 cubic meter / 1650kg / 1500hp
MTU 893 0.88 cubic meter /1000kg / 1500hp

Q1:How do the t80uds compare the Ak1 and vt4 as ive seen that some people (in the armoured Corps?)recommend t80ud over AK(not AK1)?
Q2:can the side skirts protect the tank from being disabled if hit directly by HEATs
Q3: is the the stats about penetrations of atgms calculated perpendicular to the armour if so then Won't the penetration be lesser in reality as missiles have max penetration at 90 deg
Q4:what will happen of the AZs that the vt4 is replacing.they are certainly not going to the western front as PA still operates t59s on eastern front with inf divs which are inferior to AZs
Q1:How do the t80uds compare the Ak1 and vt4 as ive seen that some people (in the armoured Corps?)recommend t80ud over AK(not AK1)?
Q2:can the side skirts protect the tank from being disabled if hit directly by HEATs
Q3: is the the stats about penetrations of atgms calculated perpendicular to the armour if so then Won't the penetration be lesser in reality as missiles have max penetration at 90 deg
Q4:what will happen of the AZs that the vt4 is replacing.they are certainly not going to the western front as PA still operates t59s on eastern front with inf divs which are inferior to AZs
Answer 2
Yes, they can. Depends upon the distance of the side skirts from the tank hull or tracks. The more the distance, the weaker will be the explosive jet of the HEAT round or rocket which melts through the armour.

Answer 3
ATGM penetration is measured for all angles. It's the maximum at 90 degree. In reality, several factors will surely affect the effective use of ATGMs.
Answer 2
Yes, they can. Depends upon the distance of the side skirts from the tank hull or tracks. The more the distance, the weaker will be the explosive jet of the HEAT round or rocket which melts through the armour.

Answer 3
ATGM penetration is measured for all angles. It's the maximum at 90 degree. In reality, several factors will surely affect the effective use of ATGMs.
Thank you sir. I think u can also guide us better the on 1st question
Can any one tell me about the future of AZ that the VT4s are replacing(which is certainly not tge western front) and also some specs of our type 85s
You think its so easy to upgrade a tank to competitive next gen level from data sharing, fire control, power pack, armour to firepower?
According to him who thinks Pakistani's are ace at maths I would imagine upgrading tanks should be a doddle. I mean most technology feeds off advanced maths.

Average Pakistan is better at maths than an average American or Britisher... as for Pakistanis they surely will know their own country..
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I think by 2025, we may be looking at:
1. 1000 VT-4
2. Approx. 700 AKs
3. T-80UD 320
4. Type 85 IIAP 268
5. Approx. 600 AZ
6. Approx. 600 Type 59s
7. Type 69 II MP 158

6 from the list could be put in storage / reserve or even retired. If they are retired, perhaps AZs could be put in reserve / storage along with Type 69s, which also have been upgraded (?? or so I guestimate).

Ideally, PA would look to standardize on VT-4, AK and T-80 UD, keep in reserve Type 85, Type 69 and AZ, while retiring / giving away to FC Type 59s. This would create a meaningful war reserve which Pak so far has lacked. Also, since AZ and Type 85 shoot the same ammo as VT-4 / AK / T-80 UD, them being kept in reserve makes sense more than vanilla Type 59 / 69.
According to him who thinks Pakistani's are ace at maths I would imagine upgrading tanks should be a doddle. I mean most technology feeds off advanced maths.
Its a fact that an average Pakistan or South Asian is better than average EU citizen or American when it comes to maths...

As for upgradation of tanks... Pakistan upgraded its old tanks without any problem so dont use burnol 🤣
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Answer 2
Yes, they can. Depends upon the distance of the side skirts from the tank hull or tracks. The more the distance, the weaker will be the explosive jet of the HEAT round or rocket which melts through the armour.

Answer 3
ATGM penetration is measured for all angles. It's the maximum at 90 degree. In reality, several factors will surely affect the effective use of ATGMs.


I have question for others general knowledge as well.

From the Azerbaijan videos I've noticed one particular thing and very few picked up on it, the hits the drone's been doing was located where the engine is to de-mobilize the tank without taking a chance on the turret (possibly due to armor), is our VT-4 and other tanks protected from a hit there whereas the armor is probably the thinnest?

Or would you bring this up to our planners to create some sort of plating in a upgrade program to cover this weak spot as well?

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