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Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

What is the intent or purpose of these vertical addons to the upper hull? Slots for era plates perhaps to be added as needed?

View attachment 675024

Yes as brother @Ghost 125 confirmed.
It’s bolt on armour, not that the tank is it not already heavily armoured, the most in fact in the Pak/Indo theatre.
Our punjab region already has alot of strength on its behalf including two strike corps. But our southern command will face guge odds against the indian south western command. There is only one corps with some indp armd brigades in sindh which may prove to be in sufficient in a very tankable region
You didn't get my gist.

While you veered off towards the region/terrain, you didn't notice that I mentioned operating an Armored Division with a Mechanised Division under a Corps HQ, whether its the 31st or 5th Corps. Such a combination could lead towards forming another Strike Corps or Armored/Mechanized Corps, one that doesn't already exist in PA unless the Infantry Divisions of Strike Corps are fully mechanised just like the Mechanized Divisions of PA. This could mean 8-12 Armored Regiments, 8+ Mechanized Infantry Battalions, 2-4 Anti Tank Regiments, 6-8 Artillery Regiments, 6 AD regiments in that formation and I haven't factored in the Infantry Division as yet.

That's 360 - 540 x VT-4 MBTs charging at the enemy under a single Command.

If such a formation comes up, it would raise alarms in IA HQs. Strategies, tactics and operations will be reviewed and renewed by both sides. New Exs will have to be conducted. This raises the important aspect:
Does PA command have the capability to manoeuvre Armored and Mechanized divisional sized formations under a Corps HQ together in a war with India?
Pakistan has not ever used corps level maneuver in war. It would be a big step up. But for such large scale maneuvers, the doctrine and capability vis-a-vis the enemy has to change, as an offensive doctrine would require significant improvement in quality, quantity and new technology.
China is the lead partner on the AK-series. So, it's possible that some stuff from the VT4 may make it over to the AK2. I hope (for easing logistics/maintenance) they use the same engine and transmission at least.
Not possible. The al khalid engine transmission is a gen behind VT-4. in order to fit VT-4 autotramission intergrated power pack. It will need a major redesign and u will stilll end up with VT-4 just rebranded as AK2.

There is reason why PA are targeting 1000 VT-4 import.
You didn't get my gist.

While you veered off towards the region/terrain, you didn't notice that I mentioned operating an Armored Division with a Mechanised Division under a Corps HQ, whether its the 31st or 5th Corps. Such a combination could lead towards forming another Strike Corps or Armored/Mechanized Corps, one that doesn't already exist in PA unless the Infantry Divisions of Strike Corps are fully mechanised just like the Mechanized Divisions of PA. This could mean 8-12 Armored Regiments, 8+ Mechanized Infantry Battalions, 2-4 Anti Tank Regiments, 6-8 Artillery Regiments, 6 AD regiments in that formation and I haven't factored in the Infantry Division as yet.

That's 360 - 540 x VT-4 MBTs charging at the enemy under a single Command.

If such a formation comes up, it would raise alarms in IA HQs. Strategies, tactics and operations will be reviewed and renewed by both sides. New Exs will have to be conducted. This raises the important aspect:
Does PA command have the capability to manoeuvre Armored and Mechanized divisional sized formations under a Corps HQ together in a war with India?

In war pa the western corps both go east, Quetta Corp join Karachi Corp in sindh and Peshawar Corp beefs up pindi Corp leaving western border to FC so no need to raise more corps

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