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Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

I don't think attack helo now is a priority for PA. Unmanned attack drone are getting more sophisticated. They can loiter longer time and best of all suffer no casualty.

There is reason why PA bought a batch of CH-4B recently. Priority shall be for by tanks, submarine and new block 3 of JF-17.
I don't think attack helo now is a priority for PA. Unmanned attack drone are getting more sophisticated. They can loiter longer time and best of all suffer no casualty.

There is reason why PA bought a batch of CH-4B recently. Priority shall be for by tanks, submarine and new block 3 of JF-17.
brother, UCAVs can't be carry much of the payloads of Cobra and Apache, and the also have short ranged air to surface weapons
i still don't get it why Turkey had to go for S-400 so badly... they have lost too much for it... F-35 program ....
their export bids are halted TOT will be stopped ...
Statement by Spokesperson, Turkish Presidential Office:-
“The #US prevented our sale of T129 ATAK helicopters to #Pakistan. The deal will most likely be taken over by #China & US will be the side to lose."

China is pitching the Z-10ME for the $1.5 Billion Pakistani deal. #Turkey https://t.co/c3VJ1cs8HS

GAME OVER View attachment 723100View attachment 723101
Pakistan should test Russian and Chinese helicopters. MI 28 and KA 52 and Z 10 should be tested.
i still don't get it why Turkey had to go for S-400 so badly... they have lost too much for it... F-35 program ....
their export bids are halted TOT will be stopped ...
The coup and the purging of their Air Force of Gulenists leading to a manpower shortage, I suspect
More than 10 years we have wasted waiting for this bird to be delivered and be used in action.
What a shame that both Pakistani and Turkish lobbies couldn't counter the Indian lobby.
Also what about the Turkish indigenous engine?
There is a new Cold War, and for better or worse, it’s not good to be totally in one camp or the other. Best to keep relations as good as they can be to keep options open. Supporting the Diaspora is a good move for a multitude of reasons. Even if Pakistan will have to go with Chinese systems, we need to retain the possibility of buying platforms from other nations with US or European components, and for that at least decent relations are a must.

Yes, very surprised the poster suggested to go public over it - what's the need when the shift in stance has already happened? I don't seem to recall India publicly announcing that they are going to massively shift arms procurements from Russia to the US.
There are levels of equipment that the United States would allow Pakistan to have - now that
More and Indians are in the states department and admin, this level of equipment is lower.

The best course of action is either Pakistan invests in expatriates who can go up the US system ladder, in lobbies and other folks - or it gives up on US equipment knowing that its military will have to end up with Chinese equipment with a hodgepodge of turkish and ancillary european tech thrown in with their integration headaches.

However, if the choice is the latter - it is important Pakistan makes it a point to publicly announce this divorce from America but keeping in mind that it will be expensive both in monetary and temporal terms. There is no aircraft that Pakistan can purchase to replace its Vipers other than the J-10,no helicopter besides the Z-10ME. That is it.

Or, get rid of the slave mentality entirely and develop your own helicopters.
The CH-5 with uprated turbo shaft can have payload up to 1 tons. 16 ATGM. Not to mention unmatch attitude and loiter time which attack helo can't matched.
Then please do tell us what is AGTM It uses? Short range AGTM or long range AGTM like Hellfire latest version?

And we need hundereds of them to secure our by eastern border it will be hedeck to maintain them all

Cobra and Apache can carry 16 Hellfire longbow version so most probably CH-5 is able to carry short range or light weight AGTM
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