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Pakistan Army's Sikh officer has a 'Celebrity Status'.

He is a brilliant officer. There is nothing in his way to maybe one day lead the largest Army in the Muslim world. I'm sure more Sikh youth will be inspired to wear the Khaki after him.

How many Sikh youth are there ? A hundred thousand ? Hardly enough to make a perceptible difference and the Sikhs aren't like the Jews or the Parsis who's contributions are exponentially more to their countries than their numerical strength would normally postulate it to be.
I believe Capt Harcharan Singh is now an ADC to a Corps Commander.

Which regiment is he from?
He was ADC to Corps Comd Gujranwala .. Don't know where he is posted nowadays.. N I doubt he's the only Sikh officer... There are Sikhs in Rangers etc aswell.. And I believe his brother was also joining the army..

Capt.. Can't you see the ranks on his shoulders,?
How many Sikh youth are there ? A hundred thousand ? Hardly enough to make a perceptible difference and the Sikhs aren't like the Jews or the Parsis who's contributions are exponentially more to their countries than their numerical strength would normally postulate it to be.
Its about adding cultural diversity. Your Makrani people are very much up for joining the Marines, SSGN even the elite SEAL teams.
What do you know about minority officers role in Pakistan Nuclear program ?

What can you tell us?

What do you know about minority officers role in Pakistan Nuclear program ?
I don't need to. It is not relevant. If the OP says his celebrity status is indication of pakistanis accepting minorities, the absence of such a celebrity status earlier should mean they weren't accepted.

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