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Pakistan Army Will Protect The Holy Land, Says P.M.

as long as saudis pay for the protection in dollars . there seems to be no problem

its the holy cities that are sacred not all of saudia
It has happened in the past and that was a time when the government in Yemen had power, now with no government a lot can be expected in terms of border clashes.
Again if they let that happen with the kind of resources they have at their disposal than its pathetic to say the least
Well since are helping an ally and the government of Yemen both, and it causes no real harm to us in terms of a nation. We have many able bodied soldiers who have retired in the last years and rather then being security guards for some rich man opening gates it is better they are given an option to earn real money and help out Saudi Arabia at the same time.
Sending retired soldiers is one thing and fine with me
We already did that in Bahrain
Sending active duty personal is whole another cup of tea
Getting involved in basically what is a proxy war btw two foreign countries especially when unfortunately we have people in this country who would love to the bidding of those two countries defies common sense
Also that too for just $1.5 bn i mean the Saudi's have paid about $20 bn to Egypt at least don't sell yourself that cheaply
Well Iran is not our ally. They are with India. Both Iran and India are opening chah Bahar port to counter our Gwadar port and from there India will open trade with Afghanistan and with that Indian influence on Afghanistan.
That way Pakistan will be squeezed between enmies and will need help,most probably from Saudia.
so now in their time of need we will help them,so that when Iran-India-Afghanistan alliance start their tricks against us we have some country to rely upon.
This is called international politics.
I hope its just for Holy Sites , not for Holy Saud's Family ..
Getting involved in basically what is a proxy war btw two foreign countries especially when unfortunately we have people in this country who would love to the bidding of those two countries defies common sense
The issue is the word proxy war, it no longer is a proxy war because Saudi is directly involved. If it was a proxy war it would be something I would abstain from myself but now it is not.
Again if they let that happen with the kind of resources they have at their disposal than its pathetic to say the least
huge stretches of desert, can not be monitored continuously. Fences and check points are being made now.As Pakistan learnt the hard way, allies are temporary and borders need to be guarded closely

Sending retired soldiers is one thing and fine with me
sending reserves and newly trained cadets is also fine with long contracts, 5 years etc. Makes our economy stronger and makes the relationship with every GCC nation stronger. If it was a war between KSA and Iran we stay out,
10 years we have been fighting their money in our nation. 10 years! Never seen any saudi military cooperation or a single donated APC to help our soldiers to survive under their IED's. Now they want to take our men who are busy cleaning up their mess to fight to clean up the mess not even in their country but some neighboring one? What can't money buy?
We must see Yemen militants as militants, don't bring Iran or Saudia in it.
We can help Saudis in and Yemen in mission planning and operations without boots on ground. Its a good opportunity to check out their shiny new Typhoons and Eagles. ;) If they finance some Pakistani defence deal that would be a bonus.
I don't understand logic of left wing cowards, countries look for opportunities to expand their reach and look for benefits and here we are struck with Shia Sunni shit.
What a bunch of nincompoops are ruling this country, last time I checked Houthis were still muslims and since when Islam and house of Saud became synonymous with Islam. If one looks at history, house of Saud and wahabism have destroyed the not only the islamic history but have caused in conceivable damage to Islam.
The issue is the word proxy war, it no longer is a proxy war because Saudi is directly involved. If it was a proxy war it would be something I would abstain from myself but now it is not.

huge stretches of desert, can not be monitored continuously. Fences and check points are being made now.As Pakistan learnt the hard way, allies are temporary and borders need to be guarded closely

sending reserves and newly trained cadets is also fine with long contracts, 5 years etc. Makes our economy stronger and makes the relationship with every GCC nation stronger. If it was a war between KSA and Iran we stay out,
We can't send newly trained cadets
The officer corps is already stretched out....we do have war going on in the North plus a hostile border in the East
The reserves would mean the likes of Rangers and F.C and need i tell you about the situation in Karachi and Balochistan
Well like you said this isn't a proxy war anymore the gloves are off
And getting involved in it would mean a hostile Iran on our western border add them to India and Afghanistan that still doesn't recognize the Durand Line
Pakistan is not Israel and GCC is not America we can't afford these many external threats on our borders
10 years we have been fighting their money in our nation. 10 years! Never seen any saudi military cooperation or a single donated APC to help our soldiers to survive under their IED's. Now they want to take our men who are busy cleaning up their mess to fight to clean up the mess not even in their country but some neighboring one? What can't money buy?
Look at our Air Force more resources for locating target and EW 8x Awacs but only around 120 capable fighters on other hand they are financing Rafael for Egypt,KSA and US are in threesome with India better for us to trust only china or no one...
Well like you said this isn't a proxy war anymore the gloves are off
Iran can not claim a proxy as a reason to ruin relationships. A proxy which attacked a government and a majority of peaceful people are suffering. That is like saying those who fund TTP would ruin relations over us attacking the TTP. You label the rebels as an army when they are a terrorist organisation. Stop making excuse as a nation, it is time we repair relationships with the GCC, Iran and Pakistan relationship needs to be separate and we are helping a sovereign nations government, not invading it. Iran threatening us because of our foreign policy, if Iran is that weak an ally better to know now rather then when we are struggling with other borders, being scared of others is the reason we are in this mess.
Iran can not claim a proxy as a reason to ruin relationships. A proxy which attacked a government and a majority of peaceful people are suffering. That is like saying those who fund TTP would ruin relations over us attacking the TTP. You label the rebels as an army when they are a terrorist organisation.

TTP attacks Pakistan the Houthis well 95% of Pakistanis have never heard of them
As for proxies Saudis have their proxies too like in Syria we stayed out of that conflict
Some of Saudi proxies are in Pakistan supporting the likes of ASWJ involved in the killings of Pakistan Shia doctors
Pakistan doesn't face a single national security threat from the Houthi rebels
like any normal country should use its force if someone is a national security threat to Pakistan alone

Stop making excuse as a nation

No one is making excuses rather questions are being asked about putting the interests of others first
I as a Pakistani want our soldiers to be put in harms way if and when Pakistan is under threat
TTP attacks Pakistan the Houthis well 95% of Pakistanis have never heard of them
As for proxies Saudis have their proxies too like in Syria we stayed out of that conflict
Some of Saudi proxies are in Pakistan supporting the likes of ASWJ involved in the killings of Pakistan Shia doctors
Pakistan doesn't face a single national security threat from the Houthi rebels
like any normal country should use its force if someone is a national security threat to Pakistan alone
The thing I am trying to differentiate is that a proxy did not ask us for help, an ally did. That is a very huge difference which needs to be understood and appreciated. Syria, I never advocated because it is a troubled zone, and the Syrian Government is not asking for help. Declaring war on a nation is different from declaring war on rebels who are attacking a nation and its neighbours.
But Hon Prime minister, the holy land isn't under any threat of any nature, what exactly are you trying to protect there except making some more dollars of yet another conflict but putting the country's interest behind along with the Most Hon Raheel Shareef?
But Hon Prime minister, the holy land isn't under any threat of any nature, what exactly are you trying to protect there except making some more dollars of yet another conflict but putting the country's interest behind along with the Most Hon Raheel Shareef?

Yaaar someone get Secur a girlfriend because his excessive use of PDF is making him a cynic ! :argh:

Aur teraa bhai Karachi aa rahaa (maybe next month) ! :azn:

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