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Pakistan Army Will Protect The Holy Land, Says P.M.

I didn't want to use holy word with a profenity.

But the whole act of twisting the religion deserved a harsh word.
His reply is incomplete and does not answer the points that I have raised. Yes, indeed, there is Surah Al-Feel in Quran that describes how Allah protected Kaaba from the Army of King Abraha but that was a different time, and Allah had not completed his religion yet. After Mohammed (PBUH), his religion is complete and several things have been ceased such as no more Rasools and no more miracles.

Please note that it is Allah's promise that he will feed but you would not find a person who does nothing yet get fed by Allah. Allah's promise is true and is there but it is conditioned with a man's effort.

Similarly, Allah says that he himself will protect his book, Al-Quran, but what that Terry Jones did? He burnt the Quran but did Allah came to protect Quran? or did he send any angels to stop Terry Jones from burning Quran? Does this mean Allah's commitment was false (naooz billah).

Allah promised to help and protect Mohammed (PBUH) from Allah's enemies but did he protect Mohammed from the pelting in the city of Ta'if while his shoes were filled with blood? Similarly did Allah stop Mohammed (PBUH) teeth from breaking in Ghazwa Auhad?

Please try to see things in their correct perspective. Allah's promises and commitments are all true but tied up with the efforts and sacrifices of those who call themselves as Muslims.

I'll suggest you to choose better words for making your point. Besides there is no such thing as Kuran but Quran.
Well you don't expect him to say Saudi saved his life and now he owes them one. :rofl::rofl:
Can you protect the people of Pakistan first? Thanks.
I dont think thats necessary its saudia's job. For us the only thing we need to defend is our Pakistan. My holy land is my pak sar zameen
People who are against sending our Army in SA or Yemen prepogating wrongly that it antagonize Iran, which neither interfere in past nor at the moment in our internal affairs, or stoking sectarian rife. This is complete crap, although Iran at the moment didn't doing any mischief but its not out of love instead its only due to her burns receives in past. Which force him to kept a low profile in Pakistan.

Therefore, If Pakistan didn't involve overtly or covertly in this unfortunate mess today, it force to undergo that path ultimately. Iran behavior is hegemonic, Pakistanis will see her real face if God Forbids KSA/GCC goes down once, this is absolutely not out of the box direction. To keep the status quo intact in ME Pakistani entry inevitable.

P.S. For usual PMLN Bashers like Irfan, following excerpts is eye opening from an international source on the rise of sectarianism in Pakistan.

Are you advocating an intervention here or making an excuse for one, or blaming someone for one?
I hope YOU know the ground realities of the Middle East conflicts before you go thinking that our intervention is at all sanctioned or wise.
Are you advocating an intervention here or making an excuse for one, or blaming someone for one?

All Together

I hope YOU know the ground realities of the Middle East conflicts before you go thinking that our intervention is at all sanctioned or wise.

Good or Bad, Ugly or pretty........Our Intervention is inevitable one day. If houthis like forces gets successful in Yemen today, then they would be embolden to repeat it in another country....KSA, GCC all these countries have sizable Shia population. In fact Bahrain/Qatar are only saved by PA irregulars and heavy involvement of Pakistani police tactics at local level by our very own, this not a hidden fact to anyone.
Well last year they gave you more than 1.5 billion not its time to return :big_boss:
PM says... Just like the PM is protecting the LEJ...

As I said we should be a neutral force which holds talks between the 2 sides. We already have troops in Bahrain and many Bahrainians hate us. The same story with Palestians on Blackj and with Afghans for our interference.

When will we realize we should not interfere in foreign affairs?
Indian are waiting to see Pak Army in action against yemen rebels

this army din't support Iraq against IS and let people die but Pak PM is bragging about action against weak yemen rebels just because they are shias and IS is sunni?

First learn about yamen rebels then speak. This is not Shia sunni fight..
The rebels have attacked and temporarily occupied part of Saudi lands. Which is why the Saudi government is acting. The rebels are part of a continuous attempt to destabilize the region of Jizan in Saudi and start sectarian violence in Saudi Arabia.
I don't think Houthi rebels at this point of time have ventured into Saudi territory
If that is the fear than it is sadly pathetic from the Saudi's with a $40 bn defense budget if they let that happen
As for the rest why should that concern us???
Anybody have problem with the PM decision,go on roads and streets and protest.Nothing will change by giving your comments on PDF.
I don't think Houthi rebels at this point of time have ventured into Saudi territory
It has happened in the past and that was a time when the government in Yemen had power, now with no government a lot can be expected in terms of border clashes.
As for the rest why should that concern us???
Well since are helping an ally and the government of Yemen both, and it causes no real harm to us in terms of a nation. We have many able bodied soldiers who have retired in the last years and rather then being security guards for some rich man opening gates it is better they are given an option to earn real money and help out Saudi Arabia at the same time.
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