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Pakistan Army warns India against 'misadventure'

Well it is not part of your culture to fight for your country so i won't blame you thinking otherwise.

These are pointless statements. Why are you chaps not already there at the border lending your beleagured Rangers a hand with your precision firing? Or is all this bravery for some rainy day in the desert?



Maybe these posters should be put up all along the border/LC to intimidate the Indian army & the BSF.
What India does not understand that if full scale war broke out India will be the biggest loser because its economy has grown tremendously and war and conflicts are enemy of economic growth. Whereas Pakistan is on sea floor as per economy.

Exactly. Thats what we are afraid of. Economy.
But still I guess we have huge areas across the conflict zones. Investments in the south will never going to stop in case of war or not. But war brings a negative feel . Our priority is not kashmir or religion right now. But Development.
These are pointless statements. Why are you chaps not already there at the border lending your beleagured Rangers a hand with your precision firing? Or is all this bravery for some rainy day in the desert?

All the bravery gets displayed in dharnas between parked containers in the name of "tsunamis".

Or in shooting up somebody in the on-going sectarian violence? Is'nt that where all the domesticated arms and ammo in paksitani households get used up?
What difference does that make? Does having a gun for recreational activities make one qualified to fight against trained soldiers? For how long? It's one thing to do some random firing, quite something else to have bullets fired back at you. Doesn't matter how many weapons, legal or othewise, are available at home. Not like that is where the fighting is at.
Precise firing? Does the target fire back? Still on that strange line of yours. Will you also produce unlimited supply of ammunition from somewhere? Do you really think 21st century warfare is all about random people running around with assault rifles against a trained army? If you raise a 10 million strong force, all that will be achieved is to make yourselves legitimate targets for an army. Won't make an iota of difference. Do you think that you can simply march up to the border with assault rifles? Will it not be an invitation for a wholescale slaughter?
The result of civilians and/or tribals with guns fighting with Indian Army will result in mass civilian slaughter. Apparently the Pakistanis seem to think that a war will be fought street to street. They fail to understand that the entire street will be leveled by artillery and air launched munitions.

Pakistanis seem to lack the basic understanding of what happens when a civilian militia meets a trained Army with air superiority.
That is the difference between an Indian and a Pakistani. We have faith in our political system to let it operate until we decide who to elect again. We have faith in our military system to let it operate without having to form militias. We have faith in our country to let it exist as a secular democracy. That is the reason why we are steadily advancing whilst our kin across the border are regressing every day
The Pakistani statements of bravado - of fighting culture and gun culture are essentially a defense mechanism used to hide the inadequacy and failure vis-a-vis India on all fronts - Military, Social, Economic, Political.
Well it is not part of your culture to fight for your country so i won't blame you thinking otherwise.

We are better getting regressed but by no mean we would want to become like you

LoL, that cracked me up. I hope you realize that if you regress enough in to the past, then you will be like us :)

And in fact, not fighting for the culture is the actual reason why you are not us.
What India does not understand that if full scale war broke out India will be the biggest loser because its economy has grown tremendously and war and conflicts are enemy of economic growth. Whereas Pakistan is on sea floor as per economy.

You are right .That is why we said that there will be no full war in future.
In future advanced weapon will be the economy.


It is not a mater of who started first----once the fire starts---it can get out of control within a very short time---.

But right now---you guys are 'punch drunk'. You are creating reasons that ' you need a war '.

Neverthat not gonna happen Sir.
There will be no full scale war.But things in our western neighbours are already whirling tremendously with a lot of internal issues.Attacking will only reduce that internal pressure.
About LoC that is just a policy change from MMS era nonsense policy thats all.
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These are pointless statements. Why are you chaps not already there at the border lending your beleagured Rangers a hand with your precision firing? Or is all this bravery for some rainy day in the desert?

Maybe these posters should be put up all along the border/LC to intimidate the Indian army & the BSF.

Some of the posts of elites in this PDF is just ridiculous.civilian militia of 10 million . :wacko:
Funny..thing about pakistanis..

Every body will say Pakistan will nuke india
And they will say, India is bullying...

Keep your terrorist in your territory.. No even single bullet will be fired.


Not even a proper road in Pakistan Kashmir, but in Indian side, we are spending billions ? Is that the cause of uncomfortness
Radiness is not. Pakistan is in the top 5 most heavily armed civilian populations/capita. Arm bearing Pakistani citizens outnumber Germany's total population. Arms owned by civilians are worth in a Billion dollar figure and we mainly use a single cartridge for our assault rifles.

In 65 we had sticks and stones, now every Pakistani home atleast owns one fire arm. If India carries out another adventure, its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.
In india we give more value to gold than guns so we buy a lots of gold
With that logic, any beggar could hold a gun to his own head and encroach on the home of the rich. That logic, as is the case with life, does not work in war too.

This is one main reason that your Govts has not attacked Pakistan even after 2008, they knew that this action will roll back all socio economic gains India have gained in recent years, and due to that will lose its international growing status as major player in international politics.

Exactly. Thats what we are afraid of. Economy.
But still I guess we have huge areas across the conflict zones. Investments in the south will never going to stop in case of war or not. But war brings a negative feel . Our priority is not kashmir or religion right now. But Development.

In case of all out war every part of India will be hit economically because world have fear of that war can turned in a Nuclear one and no part of India and Pakistan is safe from each other.

You are right .That is why we said that there will be no full war in future.
In future advanced weapon will be the economy.

Pakistan have given a clear message in 2008 that any border conflict will turn in to full scale war, because that is where India will lose in terms of economics and due to that its place in international arena, as investors tend to run way from conflict hit areas. Although Pakistan knows that it may have to pay the price of all out war by losing some areas but those can be regained after ceasefire as UN will not allow any change in International Borders only on LOC India can really gain and here Pakistan is worried the most.
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You are right .That is why we said that there will be no full war in future.
In future advanced weapon will be the economy.

Neverthat not gonna happen Sir.
There will be no full scale war.But things in our western neighbours are already whirling tremendously with a lot of internal issues.Attacking will only reduce that internal pressure.
About LoC that is just a policy change from MMS era nonsense policy thats all.

That choice won't be india's----but it would be Pakistan's.
Pakistsnis are panicking since India exchanged firing at the rate of 4 to 1.

Modi Wil bully and intimidate you people all the time.

Get used to it no change on saichen or loc or resuming talks with modi
Read carefully
Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan No. of guns per capita 11.6 (Per 100 households)
India No. of guns per capita 4.2 (Per 100 households)
Now you should compare no. of households both countries have and also another fact....North Indians have more weapons in houses then total population of Pakistan #hellyeah and you'll face us first

what kind of weapons dude ?? you serious north india is full of weapons ? o_O

What difference does that make? Does having a gun for recreational activities make one qualified to fight against trained soldiers? For how long? It's one thing to do some random firing, quite something else to have bullets fired back at you. Doesn't matter how many weapons, legal or othewise, are available at home. Not like that is where the fighting is at.

You need to ask this Russia army and US army who have faced the similar kind of people in Afghanistan
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