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Pakistan Army warns India against 'misadventure'

Do you honestly think people armed with pistols will be allowed by PA to fight? Do you even imagine what a PR nightmare will it be for PA, and the rest of the world's thoughts.

Seriously, even with Assault rifles, how many families do you think they have? If we start attacking from sea shore, what will be the answer? If we start dropping bombs from air, what will be answer?
Its not easy as you think. Do you think India dont have reserves in weapons which they shall provide to citizens when time comes???

Heard of NCC? Largest voluntary organisation in the world, where millions of kids, future mens, are trained in rifles. I guess it can easily overtake BD population by now.

you mad you even know about a tribal force in sindh who are well trained and equipped lead by Peer Pagara this force also fought along Pak army against indias in 1965...

Hurs in the 1965 War

During the 1965 war between India and Pakistan, about 65,000 Hurs served in various fronts especially that of Sindh. The Southern desert sector was a mere sideshow to the major battles fought in the Punjab and in Kashmir. However the Indians had placed two divisions in the desert with the aim of tying down Pakistani troops.

Facing a shortage of troops and unable to divert any substantial forces from the Punjab and Kashmir sectors (where the main Indian thrust has come), the commander of the Pakistan Rangers, Brigadier Khuda Dad Khan, turned to local help. Hurs volunteered in droves. Given only basic training and light weapons, the Hurs nevertheless gave a fine account of themselves in the conflict. Fighting alongside Rangers and regular army units (known collectively as the Desert Force), the Hurs used their knowledge of the desert to good effect and helped to blunt the Indian offensive. But perhaps their most famous (and militarily important) action was the capture of the Indian fort of Kishangarh, a feature located several kilometers inside India.

Hurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The result of civilians and/or tribals with guns fighting with Indian Army will result in mass civilian slaughter. Apparently the Pakistanis seem to think that a war will be fought street to street. They fail to understand that the entire street will be leveled by artillery and air launched munitions.

Pakistanis seem to lack the basic understanding of what happens when a civilian militia meets a trained Army with air superiority.

The Pakistani statements of bravado - of fighting culture and gun culture are essentially a defense mechanism used to hide the inadequacy and failure vis-a-vis India on all fronts - Military, Social, Economic, Political.

our armed forces would be watching you destroying our cities :lol:
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Pakistan Army is never short of men, they must treat India how it ought to be treated. Pakistani nation is ready to fight shoulder to shoulder with the Khakis. Call us to arms!

When an enraged Indian Integrated Battle groups throwing tons of hot lead and tungsten with comprehensive situation awareness will invade your lands from places your military masters could never be able know, the tribal like you will beg to go back to the place they have come from.
When an enraged Indian Integrated Battle groups throwing tons of hot lead and tungsten with comprehensive situation awareness will invade your lands from places your military masters could never be able know, the tribal like you will beg to go back to the place they have come from.

If the entity to the east, ever miscalculated and attacked, it would literally be the grave yard of the indian armed forces, generations of indian mothers would tell their children about the nightmare.
If the entity to the east, ever miscalculated and attacked, it would literally be the grave yard of the indian armed forces, generations of indian mothers would tell their children about the nightmare.

We've been hearing the same boring rhetoric even after we carved your country into two. The pakistan armed forces know their place just like a peasant knows his place in front of a king.
We've been hearing the same boring rhetoric even after we carved your country into two. The pakistan armed forces know their place just like a peasant knows his place in front of a king.

Like your forefathers knew to bow their heads to their rightful rulers, the indian military will not dare attack.
Like your forefathers knew to bow their heads to their rightful rulers, the indian military will not dare attack.

You are a pakistani afterall, therefore you should be used to rape, conversion and satisfying your conquerors just like your ancestors ;)
You are a pakistani afterall, therefore you should be used to rape, conversion and satisfying your conquerors just like your ancestors ;)

Unfortunately for you - you were born an indian, and this very much applies to you today.
Did I upset you my little pakistani friend? Don't cry now. I would hate being cursed as a pakistoni myself.

You clearly need help spelling, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, my little indian friend, I assure you not my intention.
You need to ask this Russia army and US army who have faced the similar kind of people in Afghanistan

Nobody In India wants to occupy & hold civilian centres in Pakistan. That is the only time & place where such civilian involvement may cause some problems. You do understand that the very premise of this argument is based on the army in question wanting to impose its writ, not if they are bent on destroying. Civilian involvement would be of no consequence in such a case if there is no plan for occupation.
If the entity to the east, ever miscalculated and attacked, it would literally be the grave yard of the indian armed forces, generations of Indian mothers would tell their children about the nightmare.

Indian mothers don't care if their kids will get hurt playing with the pond frogs.

We are Hindus, we don't wait for some fictional judgement day, we believe in performing our 'dharma' and not to return back again once done with it.
Indian mothers don't care if their kids will get hurt playing with the pond frogs.

We are Hindus, we don't wait for some fictional judgement day, we believe in performing our 'dharma' and not to return back again once done with it.

Your saying, you're pond frogs, interesting.
This feeling is Mutual. :whistle:
That is why Indian Army is short of 8,500+ officers alone and 16,000+ in other ranks. If 1.2 billion can't even staff the army then your talk is smoke.

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