Sire, we dont have a wheeled tank.... We have similar level of terrain to your country not as tall mountains; from plains to deserts to mountains. Our IFVs have proven themselves across all terrains; they are in Bosnia and all different parts of the world in one way form or the other.
Basic manpacks, country wide link network, standards on data encryption, EW etc etc - too much to put down. If you are using PRC-77, I am really beyond words; even if you upgraded it, it is still a 70s' unit. Any grinel equipment from early 80s' will run circles around it - ask the argentinians in Malvinas campaign who used it - you will never hear anything on brits success for jamming comms.
I can tell you one thing, NRTC need to just bring in some kits from Farhan, if they really need to come up to speed on how to build units - ubitx - I have one running right now. It is just a sheer shock to see what is being used on your side.
They dont.....
They need to go to Farhan Ashar for some 101 on RF design lessons. They should order 109$ full hf kit which includes everything plus shipping. If he can come up with such an innovative design in a kit; man, what is wrong with NRTC. Bottom line, there is no vision or aspiration to do something from scratch.
If you want SDR, they need to study Softrock; it is open source.
complete rubbish units. Just get some baofeng units; they will perform better.