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Pakistan Army Question Thread

That's what i read on wiki once, whatever math you do the facts remains that your expenditure, casualties, toll and commitment of manpower and resources is more as compared to ours.

And i also know that you are 'actually' not happy about Siachen, it's just a matter or pretsige now for both the countries.

That said we are happy with the smaller piece and let you enjoy with the bigger one with bigger and more problems and toll to suffer:)

dude...we are not firing into thin air.....the cost that you've mentioned comes from the daily salvo of artillery fired...the indian/pakistani forces battling it out in siachien would surely have some motive now wouldn't it?
the whole motive of maintaining an active base 12 months 24X7 is to keep the glacier...
Musharraf did not get the sword of honor (he claims this was due to bad luck) but he was a sword carrier.


I do not think Musharraf has ever said that he did not get the Sword of Honour due to bad luck. In the final term, he was given demerits which pushed him down in the order of merit. He was a Bn Junior Under Officer at the PMA at the time of his passing out and usually JUOs are not in the running for the Sword. Usually the BSUO or (now) Academy Senior Under officers win the Sword (however it does not have to be this case all the time), however being appointed BSUO/ASUO is an indication that you have been adjudicated to be the best GC in the course by the training cadres including the Commandant based on the feedback given to him about you.
I hope so but I know of cases where superior officers were "side-lined"

many sword of honor receivers have not made it past formation commander so in that sense you are correct.:enjoy:

Yep Sword of honour is usually not a guarantee of making it to the top. Matter of fact, Gen Abdul Waheed Kakar was relegated from 19th LC to 20 LC and passed out as a plain GC and eventually made the CoAS.

Very many fine officers are sidelined due to many, many factors that come into play.

Musharraf's course included Maj Shabbir Shareef (NH), who happened to be the BSUO and won the Sword of honour in that course.
dude...we are not firing into thin air.....the cost that you've mentioned comes from the daily salvo of artillery fired...the indian/pakistani forces battling it out in siachien would surely have some motive now wouldn't it?
the whole motive of maintaining an active base 12 months 24X7 is to keep the glacier...

Most of the firing on the glacier is in the air and goes nowhere. The ballistics over there do not follow conventional logic.

Also, neither side has fired on each other over the past 3 years or so. :tup:
Unfortunately we do. FM Ayub Khan has the distinction (if you call it that) ;)

FM is something that does not apply to the PA. 4 stars is enough brass on the shoulder.

Come on Blain i know that, anywaz as we dont have the 'General of the Army' so no 5 star for us :cry:
Came across yesterday interesting news of Geo, Pakistan Army started building modern forts in FATA. Can someone tells, whats mean by modern forts, are they fully equipped with airbase ?. What will be the role beside stationed soldiers and observation.
Came across yesterday interesting news of Geo, Pakistan Army started building modern forts in FATA. Can someone tells, whats mean by modern forts, are they fully equipped with airbase ?. What will be the role beside stationed soldiers and observation.

Well Haider, the terrain there asks the LEAs to construct such forts as it gives them protection as compared to normal camps. The are all roundly defended, have observation posts, usually have all the echelons inside one place etc etc.

As of further details as for the layout, strength, availability of airstrip/helipads and other stuff, let's leave that to the Talibans to find out;)
I have yet another question for experts in this field, so here it goes:

"Why does a grenade expands before it explodes?"

I saw a footage on a site, it showed a superslow version of a grenade expanding before it explodes, but no explanation was given.:undecided:
I have yet another question for experts in this field, so here it goes:

"Why does a grenade expands before it explodes?"

I saw a footage on a site, it showed a superslow version of a grenade expanding before it explodes, but no explanation was given.:undecided:

Why does a balloon expand before it explodes:azn:

On a serious note, the grenade is actually exploding, but it seems as if it is expanding before it reaches the threshold where it shatters and give out splinters.

Anything that explodes, the innards must at first expand---It is simple physics.

" 2 chemical mixtures(not telling you what they are for obvious reasons) ,that when combined expand rapidly are separated by a ''shelf'' of sorts, this shelf is held there by the handle type thing at the side, this handle is locked into place with a small pin, so you pull out pin and when handle is released shelf moves and the chemicals are mixed, expansion of gasses leads to an explosion ".
As more detailed response:
The grenade is actually exploding, but the outer cover of the grenade is preventing it from exploding at once, the reason is to provide it something known as 'tapering'(if i am getting the word right). It is like 'confining' an explosive so as to achievement more blast effect.

An example can be: if you place an explosive in open ground its effects would be different, but if you bury it inside the ground the effects would be more lethal, not only because it will carry along the stones with itself converting them into 'splinters' but because of the 'confinement' of the explosive you have achieved more destruction, as the explosive has to and will explode with the same thrust and blast as it will if it is placed in open, so 'confining' it will not stop it from exploding with the same power and a blast wave with similar strength would be produced. As for the procedure of ignition, when the pin is pulled it allows the 'striker' to strike the primer thus initiating a flash which travels through an slow burning explosive (to provide the delay) and when it reaches the main explosive...thaaa!:argh: the gases thus formed expands the grenade (due to the high pressure) and ultimately it explodes converting its shell/cover into shrapnels!
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Anything that explodes, the innards must at first expand---It is simple physics.

"2 chemical mixtures(not telling you what they are for obvious reasons) ,that when combined expand rapidly are separated by a ''shelf'' of sorts, this shelf is held there by the handle type thing at the side, this handle is locked into place with a small pin, so you pull out pin and when handle is released shelf moves and the chemicals are mixed, expansion of gasses leads to an explosion ".

Enigma, Mastan Khan, guys, thanks for the detailed replies, really appreciate that.:enjoy:

Sir, MK, you mentioned something which i highlighted above, believe me i would never like to know them as well, it is none of my concern, as im not in law enforcement agencies or the armed forces.:woot:;):wave:

My question is their any position for computer engineers in ARMY
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