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Pakistan Army must restrain or Pakistan will be no more


Dec 15, 2009
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Year 2022-2023, Pakistan army is operating like a criminal group against the interest of people and the state of Pakistan. They're in survival mode trying to stay alive at the expense of the rest.

If you ask whats the difference between MQM the terrorist political group in Karachi and Pak Amy, you might find more similarities in them than differences.

Both break the law when it serves them, both dominate political landscape using force and both serve themselves at the expense of outsiders.

Bad news for MQM that their interests didn't align with the interests of Pak Army and they got diluted. Many soldiers sacrificed on both sides but the better ones won the struggle. However, there is no force superior to Pak Army that could hold them and save Pakistan from them.

Therefore, people who work in this grand MQM have responsibility to hold thir own hands and save their families, parents and fellow citizens. They have no way forward but to reaslise that if Pakistan Army allowed itself to continue, the state will crack out into pieces. If Pakistan army continues, this mess will be multiplied many a times more.

This is a pleading to Pakistan Army and its soldiers to stop. You cannot help run this state. See the mess you've created. Hold your hands for Pakistan's sake. Let the nation breath, save Pakistan under you from becoming what Karachi was under MQM.
Year 2022-2023, Pakistan army is operating like a criminal group against the interest of people and the state of Pakistan. They're in survival mode trying to stay alive at the expense of the rest.

If you ask whats the difference between MQM the terrorist political group in Karachi and Pak Amy, you might find more similarities in them than differences.

Both break the law when it serves them, both dominate political landscape using force and both serve themselves at the expense of outsiders.

Bad news for MQM that their interests didn't align with the interests of Pak Army and they got diluted. Many soldiers sacrificed on both sides but the better ones won the struggle. However, there is no force superior to Pak Army that could hold them and save Pakistan from them.

Therefore, people who work in this grand MQM have responsibility to hold thir own hands and save their families, parents and fellow citizens. They have no way forward but to reaslise that if Pakistan Army allowed itself to continue, the state will crack out into pieces. If Pakistan army continues, this mess will be multiplied many a times more.

This is a pleading to Pakistan Army and its soldiers to stop. You cannot help run this state. See the mess you've created. Hold your hands for Pakistan's sake. Let the nation breath, save Pakistan under you from becoming what Karachi was under MQM.
In one breath you call army a criminal group and then in another request them to restrain.....
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What nonsense!

Pakistan desperately needs a Pentagon and a Langley. The State Department will do what it is told to do.

Cannot let monkeys run amock!

In one breath you call army a criminal group and then request them to restrain.....
Some people actually believe that career policitians have integrity.
Pak Army as an Institution: An institution prestige and pride is gained through high moral grounds and the apex standards, internal accountability, course correction and getting rid of black sheeps giving a bad name to the institution. Here Army is failing and falling to do that.

Pak Army run as a Mafia, a hegemony: The Mafia jeolously guards their men associated with crimes against individuals or a group(ring a bell the ISPR presser where they said they will jealously guard their men accused by PTI and IK)) with no internal accountabilty, the names associated with custodial torture of media persons to politicians, senator are still there, as said Mafia modus operandi is creating the 'fear factor', control and coercion, manipulation, suppression and subjugation.

So here, Pak Army is clearly operating as a Hegemonic Cabal, a Mafia and not as a prestigious institution.
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We need to find oil. The arabs were warring tribes killing one another. And then oil happened. They became civilized.
We need to find oil. The arabs were warring tribes killing one another. And then oil happened. They became civilized.

Maybe Arabs are staunch Nationalists to the point of being supremacists and close to being fascists, the nationalist fascist. And that they are actually Pan nationalists with trancending the borders and with a common Arab identity, at least in the Saudia peninsula and close like UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, etc.

Nigeria, Venezuela have lots of oil but still under developed countries.
Year 2022-2023, Pakistan army is operating like a criminal group against the interest of people and the state of Pakistan. They're in survival mode trying to stay alive at the expense of the rest.

If you ask whats the difference between MQM the terrorist political group in Karachi and Pak Amy, you might find more similarities in them than differences.

Both break the law when it serves them, both dominate political landscape using force and both serve themselves at the expense of outsiders.

Bad news for MQM that their interests didn't align with the interests of Pak Army and they got diluted. Many soldiers sacrificed on both sides but the better ones won the struggle. However, there is no force superior to Pak Army that could hold them and save Pakistan from them.

Therefore, people who work in this grand MQM have responsibility to hold thir own hands and save their families, parents and fellow citizens. They have no way forward but to reaslise that if Pakistan Army allowed itself to continue, the state will crack out into pieces. If Pakistan army continues, this mess will be multiplied many a times more.

This is a pleading to Pakistan Army and its soldiers to stop. You cannot help run this state. See the mess you've created. Hold your hands for Pakistan's sake. Let the nation breath, save Pakistan under you from becoming what Karachi was under MQM.
Army is being getting naked everyday.
Well we don't include every army Jawan or young officer, it is generally Generals who serve their personal and international establishment interests,
admins don't like we talk these things here.

But we hope this black night will end and for the first time someone will punish traitor journals from within their ranks who broke Pakistan and put blame on Bhutto and Mujeeb using propaganda.

یہ وطن تمہارا ہے
ہم ہیں خواہ مخواہ اس میں
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