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Pakistan Army is ready to fight big Army like India.

We may seem divided every now and then but remember nothing increases our bond then any sort of aggression by the Kafir state!
How much actual experience do you have these matters? Apart from being a keyboard warrior?
half n hour of uninterpreted trolling by Indians on PDF and you will have Pakistanis cursing each other on sectarian and ethnic lines.
half n hour of uninterpreted trolling by Indians on PDF and you will have Pakistanis cursing each other on sectarian and ethnic lines.
Well I don't have much info about the latter but you are spot on, on the first one! Indians are nothing but trolls!
Well I don't have much info about the latter but you are spot on, on the first one! Indians are nothing but trolls!
should know your enemy better, it just took me couple of posts to create rifts between Pakistanis at times.
half n hour of uninterpreted trolling by Indians on PDF and you will have Pakistanis cursing each other on sectarian and ethnic lines.
Nope.We will get united against the indian trolls and f**k them
should know your enemy better, it just took me couple of posts to create rifts between Pakistanis at times.
Well I don't think even a master Indian Hindu Troll Such as yourself has the ability to do such damage!
We may seem divided every now and then but remember nothing increases our bond then any sort of aggression by the Kafir state!
How much actual experience do you have these matters? Apart from being a keyboard warrior?

yes bro... we have..... why do u people bring "kafir" word everywhere??
I thought you were a reasonable person, but look what you did. I have not read such an ignorant poster in recent days.
@Razia Sultana and you

The thing is first I did not want to say this but, you know "Ub Mujay yeh kehay bagair khana Hazam nahi ho ga". How much time Indians took to complete that Mumbai op? I think it lingered on for days and Pakistan forces on other hand have been completing such ops in hours. Pakistan forces cleared Swat area in record time, and if someday you can take out sometime do study Pakistan's map and look at NW area, then may be I will consider you worth of discussing Zarb E Azab. Otherwise don't just rant here just to feed your BIG INDIAN EGO. And with changes in this region I see India as the biggest looser in Afghanistan (if you understand what I said).
I am all for a hot, passionate and mature debate on anything but my only reservation is about use of undignified words, perhaps being a woman I am not comfortable with certain vocabulary and I excuse myself.

Gen. Musharraf, with due regards to his knowledge and experience, is only saying in a generic manner that a smaller army, with a superior strategy, can defeat a larger army. The assumption here is that the bigger army will not have a good strategy and rely only on numerical superiority. Also, the concept of war has changed. More than the numerical or qualitative strength, its the ability to sustain a war that decides the winner. Now a days its more of a psychological superiority in terms of economy,military capabilities and strategic alliances that pre decide the outcome of a war. So even Gen. Musharraf knows that he is being more motivational for his side than being realistic.

The feeling I get is that Pakistan Army is more focussed on tactical, smaller, short term victories than a strategic outcome. Even the nukes are for tactical use. Pak Army's biggest worry in a war with India is whether India will confine to Kashmir or open the war to other sectors as well.
I don't say conventional forces of Pakistan are no match. They will inflict very heavy losses especially in first few days. Indian forces will pay a very heavy price. Also Pak army is quite capable of making incursions into Indian territory and capturing land. But if war prolongs or starts to go bad, then we have nuclear options to fall back on.

You know the thing about war is, you only control the start of it. Then they become unpredictable. It is really not possible to predict the outcome of this kind of war. So I agree with you, lets hope there is no war. There is a great chance that it gets out of control. Whoever starts it.

60km wala patakha kiss din kam ay ga?
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