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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office

I still see some hope, that was evident with people still waving and holding PTI flags on 14th August and the flash protests that sprung up. The fear is being pushed back as many examples show, despite the military brutality.

But yes, the military is financially squeezed like never before. It can't continue its excesses and defence spending in the wake of a collapsing economy, increased debt repayments, and crumbling health, energy and other public sectors. Something has to give.

All the while the hatred towards them from the public is the highest in history. It's an unsustainable position for them.
Read history
Military was squeezed in 2000-2001 one to

Military squeez will effect weapons bought (expensive ones) will not effect it anyway

E.g we won't buy jets subs or ships or advance tanks but we have plenty of stock

It actually does, it seems they used the provisions very cleverly

It's a deemed assent now, as the bills haven't been returned back with objection, within the stipulated time of 10 days

https://senate.gov.pk/en/messence.php?id=32&cattitle=Home#:~:text=Unless both the Houses pass,make recommendations within 14 days.
It hasn't ...the president has clearly said that.
Gentlemen, we are now official worse than banana republics. At least their they would remove the office holder to get their way. Here Supreme Court or President is simply ignored.

If ever law is restored, Bajwa, Asim, Nadeem and the rest of the kanjars should be hanged by their balls with barbed wire for turning us into a complete joke.
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You mean the President of Pakistan is so helpless that he can't even go to the nearby police station to lodge a FIR ?
I don't think there is a legal case here, unless President Alvi makes one. As per Pakistani procedures, the bill has to be returned within 10 days. If not done Presiden't approval is deemed approval.

The President can't just say I didn't sign, its misleading everyone. If there was any duress or someone in the President's office stopped the return from happening, as part of some conspiracy (which can't be established in a court of law that easily).

He is covering his behind for future
It actually does, it seems they used the provisions very cleverly

It's a deemed assent now, as the bills haven't been returned back with objection, within the stipulated time of 10 days

https://senate.gov.pk/en/messence.php?id=32&cattitle=Home#:~:text=Unless both the Houses pass,make recommendations within 14 days.
It hasn't ...the president has clearly said that.

But law ministry says that in Pakistan if president says he doesn't consent it will be considered consent because the document took more then 10 days to reach the office we didnt see it

Sindhis need to listen this..you betrayed the pushtoons via sticking to zardari when we stuck with benazir but you are next and we will laugh and rejoice when it's your turn
Read history
Military was squeezed in 2000-2001 one to

Military squeez will effect weapons bought (expensive ones) will not effect it anyway

E.g we won't buy jets subs or ships or advance tanks but we have plenty of stock

It hasn't ...the president has clearly said that.
  • President’s assent in 10 days. If the President refers back a bill to Parliament it is considered in a joint session and if passed by majority is deemed to have been passed by both Houses. Sent again to President to shall give assent in 10 days failing which assent shall be deemed to have been given.

    He can say anything he wants, which makes it a constitutional crisis yes. However if he doesn't back it up with legal action, and name names... its just noise pollution.
Those pu$$ies sitting in GHQ will never impose martial law officially, because they are scared of sanctions and the international backlash. President has played his hand, let's see how the bad company responds to it.
No sanctions on Egypt, why would there be any on the most loyal of all sepoys?
Those pu$$ies sitting in GHQ will never impose martial law officially, because they are scared of sanctions and the international backlash. President has played his hand, let's see how the bad company responds to it.
Can we say Ayub, Zia, and mush have that moral courage, though criminal, but openly imposed martial law, but this bastard yazid muneer does everything as lowly mole?
(I broke my vow not to use obscenity. )
Guess what -- it was the Military Secretary to the President, a Brigadier, who misinformed the President and disobeyed President's instructions to send back the BILLS unsigned !!
Why does a President have a Military secretary? This sounds like how CCP operates, having their people in all organizations on the boards.

Still it has to be proven in a court of law, that this is the person who is responsible for no return of the bill related documents. Alvi saab is clearly covering his behind
If president had given his objections in written form he may have some proof of it or some witness. His verbal refusal might not suffice. If he or his party PTI takes legal action then he may have to prove his refusal in written form in the court.
But will it go this far?
Yes, it is brazen of whoever did this, but the President is undermining his own authority if his only response is going to be to cry and apologize on Twitter. What action has he taken against this brazen behaviour. The least he can do is file a police complaint. If he doesn't have the courage to take any concrete action , he should just resign.
Do you honestly believe uber corrupt courts manned by shameless coward and lowlife judges will rule in the favor of the constitution?
i don’t know if it’s true or not

But he should have categorically denied it when it was being discussed in the media. I think he is too late to be believed that he actually did not sign it. However, his words should be taken seriously and the Supreme Court will strike it down
Yes, but it's like asking a hostage to fire his armed hostage taker who is holding a gun to his head.
Question: As the President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, can he fire the COAS?
If he has spine, he should fire.
Not sure there is any constitutional provision, but He should show his resistance and character. Let 111 brigade attack presidency with tanks and gunships for Pakistan to see what the traitor army does.
  • President’s assent in 10 days. If the President refers back a bill to Parliament it is considered in a joint session and if passed by majority is deemed to have been passed by both Houses. Sent again to President to shall give assent in 10 days failing which assent shall be deemed to have been given.

    He can say anything he wants, which makes it a constitutional crisis yes. However if he doesn't back it up with legal action, and name names... its just noise pollution.
For the first time in history a president can say he didn't sign and people will say it's just noise

I guess such tactics can work in Pakistan

Ladies and gentlemen
Now we can simply say president is lying and he is signing all the documents in the future without signing lol

Wtf..I need to update my trolling software it's hitting an error
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