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Pakistan And The SU-35 Saga Continues

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SU-35 cant be fit in PAF inventory, I think Checkmate will be better option due to advance AESA radar & weapons.
Biggest drawback of SU-35 is PESA radar.
2nd dual engine aircraft requires huge money to maintained.
3rd Eygpt cancelled the SU-35 deal due to CAASTA.
SU-35 cant be fit in PAF inventory, I think Checkmate will be better option due to advance AESA radar & weapons.
Biggest drawback of SU-35 is PESA radar.
2nd dual engine aircraft requires huge money to maintained.
3rd Eygpt cancelled the SU-35 deal due to CAASTA.
There is no option....NOT HAPPENING
Pakistan has 700km shore based range anti ship missile Babur-1B and for that sort of range, data link is needed between the missile and an aircraft in the area.
Only jf-17 can do that, because Pakistan has full freedom of integrating any weapon.
Russians won't allow that ,
Flankers would give PN ability strike over long distances in the western Indian ocean. From their ports in Southern India to the Pakistan coast......Indian navy could be hit. Su-35 would make sense for the PN (where PESA is less of an issue), but, I don't see this happening for a number of reasons.
SU35 makes no sense for the PAF. Anyone believing such rumors should be doubted.

PAF would much rather spend the money to get its hands on the J20/J35. Only drawback is those fighters are still in the testing/improvement phase. More than likely by 2030 hopefully. Until then J10C/JF17B3 will fill the void. Think about it why would PAF go for new SU35s when it could beef up the number of J10C it is already expected to induct? The J10C saga will continue until possibly 2026 with more orders expected. The PAF never usually goes for less than 75-100 units in the long term.

J10C has many key advantages over the SU35

1. AESA Radar with better situational awareness + advanced built in jamming capabilities
2. HMD system with high off boresight missile PL10E
3. PL15 availability with a range of 150+KM
4. Single engine thus better servicability ratio
5. More capabilities to integrate domestically built Missiles+Glidebombs+PODS
6. The PAF has been working with the Chinese long range AWAC + Ground based radar network systems for decades. The J10 simply fits better into this Matrix along with todays JF17.

A key requirement for the PAF being #5/6 especially with the advancements with domestic systems.
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There was interest shown by PAF in SU 35 in 2015 but now again news is surfacing even my friend in russia who has links says pakistan military is in discussions to get SU 35 and oantsir Air defence System

Pakistan wanted a bigger bird to carry heavy hyoersonic version of aircraft launched missile
No chance of Su35 in PAF service ever .... this keeps popping and gets debunked as it is quite an illogical purchase.

J10C will be the last non stealth new type that will be inducted into PAF - After that it will be TFX or a J-35 derivative that will have on it painted "Azm .. ".
Russia's selling Su-35s is a damn big geo-strategic statement by all parties involved! And, if true, it's a slap - right or left hand doesn't matter - on India's face....
Agreed but pakistan has to take steps quickly we cant rely on china russia offers cutting edge there are two options which can counte 3rd Rafale these are SU 35 and J 20

J 20 has few more years so SU 35 make a better choice

Since F 16 become obsekete we need tgese jets

No chance of Su35 in PAF service ever .... this keeps popping and gets debunked as it is quite an illogical purchase.

J10C will be the last non stealth new type that will be inducted into PAF - After that it will be TFX or a J-35 derivative that will have on it painted "Azm .. ".
These jet has more 10 years to mature we cabt count on just J 10
Agreed but pakistan has to take steps quickly we cant rely on china russia offers cutting edge there are two options which can counte 3rd Rafale these are SU 35 and J 20

PAF dont need Su 35 to counter the Rafale, they already have JF17 block 3 and J10C coming soon.
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