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Pakistan And The SU-35 Saga Continues

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Su-35 or J-16D for maritime protection?
Which do you think is better suited?

(I don't think we'll be getting either though)
Definitely J-16. Better radar, more composite materials, compatible with Chinese munitions (which PAF will get for J10 and JF-17's)....not to mention common engines with J10. Logistically, SU-35 makes no sense for Pakistan and is not as good technically when compared to J-16.
Definitely J-16. Better radar, more composite materials, compatible with Chinese munitions (which PAF will get for J10 and JF-17's)....not to mention common engines with J10. Logistically, SU-35 makes no sense for Pakistan and is not as good technically when compared to J-16.
Yeah, that's also what I was thinking but everyone seemed more focus on Su-35. I also remember reading that it was underpeforming. And there was a rumour going around a couple months back claiming Russia had given clearance to China to export the J-16D if it wanted.

But I'm pretty sure its price isn't that far off from the J-35, so I don't know if it would make sense. And China probably wants to keep the J-16D for itself for a while maybe due to sensitive technology.
Yeah, that's also what I was thinking but everyone seemed more focus on Su-35. I also remember reading that it was underpeforming. And there was a rumour going around a couple months back claiming Russia had given clearance to China to export the J-16D if it wanted.

But I'm pretty sure its price isn't that far off from the J-35, so I don't know if it would make sense. And China probably wants to keep the J-16D for itself for a while maybe due to sensitive technology.
I always thought the Russian limitation on J-16 export was due to its use of Russian engines. This is no longer relevant due to the advance of Chinese made jet engines. Flankers don't really make sense for PAF but they are perfect for PN.
Well it's a rumour but let's look at a few things.
India is shopping around, contemplating their fifth generation jet. The US won't ever sell them the F-35 and that's from Indian defence experts due to their closeness to Russia and the sheer level of Russian hardware they have. It's always ever been super F-16 this and Super Hornet that.
Their only option would be a Russian one which let's be honest would delight Russia to no end. India is a big economy with deep pockets, something Pakistan doesn't have and Russia needs.
I can't see this ever going ahead, it's illogical and risks putting the Russians in a compromising situation.
Good summary bro!

Su-35 is an excellent twin hi-thrust fighter with TVC, PLAAF has benefitted greatly after years of vigorous training against them (replacing Su-27SK's role in FTTC "Blue Team") especially on TVC-related tactics. But apparently CAATSA has seriously interrupted later deals with Indonesia and Egypt, seems like Algeria is next (they reject PESA), so only Iran, India and however unlikely Pakistan left as potential takers.

Yes I think Russia will offer India first right of refusal, only after that Russia and Pakistan will start talking. Though if we think outside the box, there are other options for a maritime strike platform, say drones. Anyway for the time being this rumour carries little merit, let's see how things unfold.

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PAF immediate danger now is Rafale and not deep strike or whatever. J-16 repeatly defeated by J-10C in aerial battle, be it BVR or WVR.

Plus, it's a heavy maintenance aircraft that will drain precious resources.
When has China ever cared about IP?
Please don't talk nonsense. A country level to level IP issue are taken seriously. Even the Z-8 and Z-9 helo are licensed product from France. We paid for the right. Even the Chinese Hummer are licensed vehicle using US imported engine. Don't be fooled by those unprofessional article slandering Chinese about copy those without license.

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PAF immediate danger now is Rafale and not deep strike or whatever. J-16 repeatly defeated by J-10C in aerial battle, be it BVR or WVR.

Plus, it's a heavy maintenance aircraft that will drain precious resources.
Good to see you back
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Guys, I know this topic has been discussed to the bone without any outcome, however as most of you would be aware of the new developments surrounding this aircraft. Apart from others, Egypt which ordered 24 SU-35 aircraft and the manufacture of which is almost complete, in fact it's said that some of them have been even painted in Egyptian Air Force's specific colour scheme and logo are now left stranded as along with Egypt, reportedly Algeria and Indonesia have also pulled out of the deal.
Now some well placed sources are saying that Russia has offered the Egyptian aircraft to Pakistan.

While at one time, PAF was very much interested in the type, however due to the changing political environment, PAF is in a limbo. Apart from all else, if PAF goes for the SU-35, it can say goodbye to any prospects of more Vipers or their kits.

Let's see how this pans out.
Unless TOT including Weapons and Avionics we should decline any purchase. But we should seriously consider some TOT deal for the SU57.
I think PAF is just teasing America, Han bhai F-Sola aur F-18 dete ho ya J-10 aur Su-35 le lun :D
China operates both and given their findings during exercise; that will be an observation to keep a close eye. Hence, PAF might know well that how it performs and what it is worth of.

Ohh.... you mean about that new interest in SU-35?

After the initial batch Su-35 Russia sold to China, China refused to purchase more due to J10C's consistently beat Su-35. It's hard to find a place for Su-35's in PLAAF.
After the initial batch Su-35 Russia sold to China, China refused to purchase more due to J10C's consistently beat Su-35. It's hard to find a place for Su-35's in PLAAF.

I think there place is in a PLAAF airbase near Gwadar :D
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