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Pakistan And The SU-35 Saga Continues

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Maintenance remained main point when it comes to SU-35 as well. Do you think that the topic as such is long settled and don't see PAF going down such a road?
Yes I suppose so, not to mention if PAF is supposedly tight with budgeting to buy brand-new F-16s, which are close to the price of these rumoured J-10s....how the heck would it be feasible to throw in another platform to an already centralized maintenance infrastructure. It might be a rumour or might be mighty-fanboy-PAF-wishlist.
This is an interesting development, if true. SU 35 will give deep strike capability to PAF and will surely trouble IAF like anything else before it. It has bigger geo-political implications for Russian - India relationship than India's purchase of S-400.

From a biased perspective, I think it will be better for Russia to sell these fighters at a discount to India. India can compensate for the discount with a more determined push for the Super Sukhoi upgrade. SU-35 will have some parts in common with Super Sukhoi and therefore it is not too bad from logistics perspective for IAF.

Knowing India's defence procurement process, it will take a good deal of time to negotiate a deal. Plus, the Russians want a deal sooner rather than later. These aircraft are a sunk cost and the Russians want to recoup their costs. Selling them to Iran makes more sense.
Offering the Egyptian aircraft which have been left stranded.....the likely hood i was told is that Iran might pick them up.

Makes more sense for Iran to pick them up since they are already under so many American sanctions already. Pakistan cannot withstand CAATSA at all - and we all know the Americans will slap them on Pakistan - even thought it has done nothing on India for CAATSA for the S400 purchases
Just random hype nothing concrete in term of reality

J10 C will be only acquisition of a newer 4th gen platform, there are many things Su-35 lacks especially in A2A engagements, its been years Meteor,Pl-15, aim120 D out for debate for a long-range missile, While Russia hasn't considered launching and maturing such option

I don't think their ECM and are on the par with EU or west and neither they have any plan for introducing AESA radar for the aircraft
Should be fine , what is good for Egypt is good for us
We have a need to upgrade the Navy Wing of Pakistan , Navy Aviation Branch

  • Algeria operates 150-175 Russian fighter Jets
  • Egypt has 60 Russian Jets but they also have 200 F16 and 100 French Jets

Malaysian Airforce is none existent only few fighter Jets just sitting ducks for foreign country to come take over their air space

The platform would fit well in Pakistan Air Force , would help bridge some knowledge about Twin Engine craft and possibly help develop the Azm program down the road, in case Azm becomes a Twin engine Stealth Program

This would really help with upgrading the Navy's Mirage fleet and decommissioning them
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Russia won't sell any weapons to Pakistan without Indian permission.
Alai Russia has the habit of spreading these rumours about Pakistan to make India jealous and buy more weapons from Russia.
In fact Russia only pretend offers weapons to Pakistan when India is drifting away from Russian weapons and buying western.
Then Russia pretend cosies with Pakistan, pretend offering weapons, India gets jealous, buts from Russia, and everything goes back to where it was..
kahan se aaty hain ye log - pakistan ke prime minister ka name elon musk hai kya ? :lol:
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Guys, I know this topic has been discussed to the bone without any outcome, however as most of you would be aware of the new developments surrounding this aircraft. Apart from others, Egypt which ordered 24 SU-35 aircraft and the manufacture of which is almost complete, in fact it's said that some of them have been even painted in Egyptian Air Force's specific colour scheme and logo are now left stranded as along with Egypt, reportedly Algeria and Indonesia have also pulled out of the deal.
Now some well placed sources are saying that Russia has offered the Egyptian aircraft to Pakistan.

While at one time, PAF was very much interested in the type, however due to the changing political environment, PAF is in a limbo. Apart from all else, if PAF goes for the SU-35, it can say goodbye to any prospects of more Vipers or their kits.

Let's see how this pans out.
You're more informed than us in these matters, but don't you think if PAF needed any twin engine flanker, it would have gone for j11b or j-16 ? Why would we want to invite crippling sanctions from US? Or is this is another try to leverage for viper upgrade?
Pakistan can't wait forever on American planes
It's just matter of upgrading our fleet on time

Between 2014-2020
  • 14-18 Super Cobras not delivered money was paid already
  • T-129 Engines not approved , money paid to Turkey , USA stalled our deal
  • F-16 discounts not approved and deal stalled , Pakistan wanted another 24 F16
  • :big_boss: CSF not released for Pakistan's expenses
  • We were suppose to get 4 OHP frigates but instead we got 1 ship which had some weapons removed

Thus now we must exercise our options can't wait 10 years for Upgrades

  • We need plane to operate over Sea (Su-35 fits the bill)
  • We need heavy plane to play the EW craft (The platform not yet fully decided upon)


Would be nice purchase from a Modernization point of View
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Just random hype nothing concrete in term of reality

J10 C will be only acquisition of a newer 4th gen platform, there are many things Su-35 lacks especially in A2A engagements, its been years Meteor,Pl-15, aim120 D out for debate for a long-range missile, While Russia hasn't considered launching and maturing such option

I don't think their ECM and are on the par with EU or west and neither they have any plan for introducing AESA radar for the aircraft
IMO the PAF's priorities for this decade are (1) to build the J-10CE fleet to 90+ units and (2) get AESA radars and PL-15Es onto as many as JF-17s as possible through Block-3 and upgrades of older Block-2 and Block-1 aircraft. If the PAF could field 200+ fighters equipped with AESA radars, PL-15E and ECM w/DRFM by 2029, it'll be in a credible form. From 2030, the focus will shift to a strike-capable twin-engine NGFA (i.e. TFX or J-35/J-21).
now left stranded as along with Egypt, reportedly Algeria and Indonesia have also pulled out of the deal.

Reason for this cancellation?

I dont trust the Russian aircraft reliability and performance. May be some expert could point out why Su-35 is a good aircraft.
This is an interesting development, if true. SU 35 will give deep strike capability to PAF and will surely trouble IAF like anything else before it. It has bigger geo-political implications for Russian - India relationship than India's purchase of S-400.

From a biased perspective, I think it will be better for Russia to sell these fighters at a discount to India. India can compensate for the discount with a more determined push for the Super Sukhoi upgrade. SU-35 will have some parts in common with Super Sukhoi and therefore it is not too bad from logistics perspective for IAF.

Russians will think twice ...after witnessing what happened to their SU-30MKI on 27/2.
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Guys, I know this topic has been discussed to the bone without any outcome, however as most of you would be aware of the new developments surrounding this aircraft. Apart from others, Egypt which ordered 24 SU-35 aircraft and the manufacture of which is almost complete, in fact it's said that some of them have been even painted in Egyptian Air Force's specific colour scheme and logo are now left stranded as along with Egypt, reportedly Algeria and Indonesia have also pulled out of the deal.
Now some well placed sources are saying that Russia has offered the Egyptian aircraft to Pakistan.

While at one time, PAF was very much interested in the type, however due to the changing political environment, PAF is in a limbo. Apart from all else, if PAF goes for the SU-35, it can say goodbye to any prospects of more Vipers or their kits.

Let's see how this pans out.

I believe Pakistan ought to go for Su-35s from Russia. However it should Pakistan Navy and not Pakistan Air Force that should procure this outstanding fighter aircraft.

With Pakistan Navy expanding and new acquisitions such as ASW aircraft being procured, an expanding surface warfare and submarine fleets. Pakistan Navy will take on the sole responsibility of protecting the gateway to CPEC. As such, it ought to be Pakistan Navy that acquires the Su-35s which would perform the role of protecting Pakistan Navy's sub-hunter aircraft from intruding enemy naval air-wing from hindering Pakistan Navy's ASW operations.

Pakistan Navy ought to establish its own aviation HQ, incorporating ASW, AEW, ELINT, IFR aircraft along with Su-35s. The latter's long range and heavy weapons' payload will give Pakistan Navy the necessary firepower to protect Pakistan's maritime territory.

Having said this, Pakistan must establish the necessary MRO facilities to ensure proficiency of Pakistan Navy's sortie rate. The only way the Su-35 procurement could be justified is by procuring the latter fighter aircraft in batches to number around 50 plus units. This would need to be spread over multi-year procurement.

The Su-35 is a formidable fighter aircraft, but it would not make sense for Pakistan Air Force to acquire it. In an air war, Pakistan's lack of geographical depth doesn't justify the acquisition. However the Su-35 will prove to be a dominant force over the entire Arabian Sea, operated by Pakistan Navy. Since the latter doesn't have the financial clout for aircraft carriers, Su-35's long range will prove appropriate for Pakistan Navy.
Pakistan should only use US make aircrafts for reliability, security, safety and durability. our diplomatic mission in Washington must find a way to mend ties with Pentagon. We need more F16s.

Chinese things are a big no no... and by buying Russian stuff we are more vulnerable to S400. S400 has been doing machine learning on these jets only.. Hint: US didnt allow Turkey to use F35 while having S400.
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