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Pakistan and Israel should step up as Mutual Friendship and Cooperation

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Let me guess how you came up with this. Zaid Hamid?


</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995

A Story of Israel's Threat to Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal--- Special Report ~ ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS

ISRAEL, PAKISTAN AND THE ISLAMIC BOMB (Prof. Louis Rene Beres) June, 1998

Exactly, my point.
They sent all criminals into Pakistan during Zia era. No one in his right mind would deny this. Those radical Madrassas did exist in Pakistan thus we were dragged into it by those fanatics in the lawless regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

And its the innocent Pakistanis who are being killed by the U.S. drone attacks every other day because that area is a threat to America. Do you think if there was a threat to Zionism in Pakistani soil, the Israelis will sit quiet in an embassy building in Islamabad, GOD forbid they should be even allowed in Pakistani soil.

Bhai sahab, Israel was not the one that attacked you.
India did. Care to explain why arabs are unwilling to sacrifice for Pakistan? as we did for Palestine.

Pakistan and India had wars over Kashmir, and Pakistan didn't do much for Palestine. There were more we could do if we wanted for the Palestine issue, but these days no one in the government brings up the Palestine issue. Even though Jerusalem is Islam's 3rd most holiest city. Kashmir are just mountains and we have plenty of that in Pakistan.

Did you know Israel's GDP is greater than that of Pakistan?
I'm guessing not. Population has got nothing to o with GDP or trade.?

Israel is also the largest receiptant of foreign aid in the world. Israel's economy is built by America and America will never bring their war OF terror in Israel like they did in Pakistan, so Israel will not have to worry about their economy anytime soon.

How does not having trade with Israel help Pakistan?

You are talking as if doing trade will Israel will make Pakistan a developed country.

Better to enhance trade with populated countries like China, India, and even Bangladesh than a country with the same population as one of our cities.

Yet again, conspiracy theories

U.S. officials: Raymond Davis, accused in Pakistan shootings, worked for CIA

Raymond Davis Freed: CIA Contractor Accused Of Murder Released In Pakistan

Raymond Davis 'was acting head of CIA in Pakistan' - Telegraph


Accused Killer Raymond Davis: US Diplomat in Pakistan or CIA Spy?

I could careless about India's relationship with ME or Arabs.

Why should we sacrifice for arabs? when they are unwilling to do in kind. Relations must be with mutual respect or none at all.

All I care about is Pakistan and our well being

If you care about Pakistan's well-being then you should chose the benefits for Pakistan and not the risks.

A country that calls Pakistan the biggest threat can never be our friend, and in today's world where intelligence agency officials are going by as diplomats, roaming around strategic sensitive areas of your country and killing your innocent people, then you have to be careful about allowing every tom, dick, and harry in your soil.

</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995

A Story of Israel's Threat to Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal--- Special Report ~ ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS

ISRAEL, PAKISTAN AND THE ISLAMIC BOMB (Prof. Louis Rene Beres) June, 1998

And its the innocent Pakistanis who are being killed by the U.S. drone attacks every other day because that area is a threat to America. Do you think if there was a threat to Zionism in Pakistani soil, the Israelis will sit quiet in an embassy building in Islamabad, GOD forbid they should be even allowed in Pakistani soil.

Pakistan and India had wars over Kashmir, and Pakistan didn't do much for Palestine. There were more we could do if we wanted for the Palestine issue, but these days no one in the government brings up the Palestine issue. Even though Jerusalem is Islam's 3rd most holiest city. Kashmir are just mountains and we have plenty of that in Pakistan.

Israel is also the largest receiptant of foreign aid in the world. Israel's economy is built by America and America will never bring their war OF terror in Israel like they did in Pakistan, so Israel will not have to worry about their economy anytime soon.

You are talking as if doing trade will Israel will make Pakistan a developed country.

Better to enhance trade with populated countries like China, India, and even Bangladesh than a country with the same population as one of our cities.

U.S. officials: Raymond Davis, accused in Pakistan shootings, worked for CIA

Raymond Davis Freed: CIA Contractor Accused Of Murder Released In Pakistan

Raymond Davis 'was acting head of CIA in Pakistan' - Telegraph


Accused Killer Raymond Davis: US Diplomat in Pakistan or CIA Spy?

If you care about Pakistan's well-being then you should chose the benefits for Pakistan and not the risks.

A country that calls Pakistan the biggest threat can never be our friend, and in today's world where intelligence agency officials are going by as diplomats, roaming around strategic sensitive areas of your country and killing your innocent people, then you have to be careful about allowing every tom, dick, and harry in your soil.

the liberal facists idiots have not a single bit of knowledge and they say us conspiracy theorists and delusional?
How about food and water? I hear those are quite lacking in Pakistan, that`s one thing Israel is famous for, making a lot from little..

Are you kidding? Pakistan is one of the largest food producers in the world, and we have plenty of water. Ever hear of the mighty Indus and Kabul rivers that flow through Pakistan? Pakistan is blessed with all natural resources.

I honestly at this point see no gain in relations with a country that hates Israel more than any Arab does.

I honestly dont see any relation with any country that calls Pakistan their biggest threat.
are you kidding, pakistan lacks food and water???? those are actually some things pakistan is world reknowned for

Maybe in the world you live in, sure.
If your country is so blessed with food and water, how come is it so tempting for so many young Pakistanis to turn to terrorism?
Lack of a good life is what leads to such extremities.
Maybe in the world you live in, sure.
If your country is so blessed with food and water, how come is it so tempting for so many young Pakistanis to turn to terrorism?
Lack of a good life is what leads to such extremities.

water and food are fine, but no enough education, electricitries, and millions jobless. Extremists influences everyone alike after Soviet Afghan war.
Maybe in the world you live in, sure.
If your country is so blessed with food and water, how come is it so tempting for so many young Pakistanis to turn to terrorism?
Lack of a good life is what leads to such extremities.

are you sure you belong to the chosen race???
water and food are fine, but no enough education, electricitries, and millions jobless. Extremists influences everyone alike after Soviet Afghan war.

Before the Soviet-Afghan war, there was prosperity?

The point is did they attack? NO!

And its the innocent Pakistanis who are being killed by the U.S. drone attacks every other day because that area is a threat to America.

How conveniently you forgot about those 35K innocent civilians who died as a result of those scumbags hiding in those areas.

Why do you only see drones?

Do you think if there was a threat to Zionism in Pakistani soil, the Israelis will sit quiet in an embassy building in Islamabad, GOD forbid they should be even allowed in Pakistani soil.

Another Zaid Hamid line.

Pakistan and India had wars over Kashmir, and Pakistan didn't do much for Palestine. There were more we could do if we wanted for the Palestine issue, but these days no one in the government brings up the Palestine issue. Even though Jerusalem is Islam's 3rd most holiest city. Kashmir are just mountains and we have plenty of that in Pakistan.

Didn't do much? perhaps you need history lessons.

Israel is also the largest receiptant of foreign aid in the world. Israel's economy is built by America and America will never bring their war OF terror in Israel like they did in Pakistan, so Israel will not have to worry about their economy anytime soon.

Where does aid come into this? all I seek is relationship based on mutual respect and trade that is beneficial for both.

Better to enhance trade with populated countries like China, India, and even Bangladesh than a country with the same population as one of our cities.

If you approve trade with India then why not Israel?

We already have FTA with China.

Isn't this what you said? I didn't say anything about RD but what you mentioned.

Diplomacy is what got Pakistan into the Raymond Davis mess, and Israel admitted it sees Pakistan as its biggest threat. Dont be surprised if they send their Israeli "diplomats" like Raymond Davis into Pakistan, to fight the threats to zionism in Pakistani soil.

If thats not a conspiracy theory than I don't know what is.

Why do you have INdian High Commission in Islamabad? by your logic RAW must be roaming around everywhere in Pakistan.
the liberal facists idiots have not a single bit of knowledge and they say us conspiracy theorists and delusional?

Please! feel free to enlighten us with your divine knowledge.
Maybe in the world you live in, sure.
If your country is so blessed with food and water, how come is it so tempting for so many young Pakistanis to turn to terrorism?
Lack of a good life is what leads to such extremities.

Then by your logic most of the people of Africa and india should be terrorists! :disagree:
Then by your logic most of the people of Africa and india should be terrorists! :disagree:

Well Hinduism doesn`t promote Jihad as far as i`m aware. Correct me if i`m wrong but aren`t most terrorists Muslims, doing what they do in the misguided belief they are doing it in the name of Islam?
Before the Soviet-Afghan war, there was prosperity?

Yes, correct, there were alot of very vibrant civil society during 1970s, where there were rare extremists in Pakistan compared today. To them, extremists are cure to destroy superpowers after experienced against Soviet war.
Yes, correct, there were alot of very vibrant civil society during 1970s, where there were rare extremists in Pakistan compared today. To them, extremists are cure to destroy superpowers after experienced against Soviet war.

Too bad they aren't aware that they are the disease.
How about food and water? I hear those are quite lacking in Pakistan, that`s one thing Israel is famous for, making a lot from little.
I honestly at this point see no gain in relations with a country that hates Israel more than any Arab does.

We have no shortage of food or water, it is just all politically made up issues so that the top heads in the governments and the politicians increase the balance of their respective bank accounts
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