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Pakistan and Israel should step up as Mutual Friendship and Cooperation

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Jun 4, 2009
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United States
I think, Pakistan and Israel must start a new chapter as Mutual Friendship. Since US continuely pressure Pakistan and Israel as their common goals and interests.

US humiliate Pakistan in whole medias and harrassing them even killing our soldiers, US pressure Israel to accept Two-States, settlements issues, and medias playing drum against Israel step by step.

Both Pakistan and Israel not willing cooperation with Obama Administration, both hate Obama as well as dealing against huge neighbors aggressors. Few years, both countries share same concerned with US' growing bully. US probably plan to cut foreign aids if these countries didn't respect regards their plans.

Since US attack Pakistan and its Afghan borders, Pakistan must praise Israel's massive success against its Master similar to Pakistan success against its Master in Afghanistan war.

Feel free your thoughts.
Very much possible to open an Israeli embassy in Islamabad if they go back to the areas of pre-1967.
Well, before you start the process of forging "Mutual Friendship", you need to deal with the insecurities of the people. With half of Pakistanis shouting "Zionist Conspiracy" at the first whif of trouble, even when we have no diplomatic relations with Israel, one can only begin to imagine how out of hand this situation will go IF(and that's a big if) we do decide to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations.
Very much possible to open an Israeli embassy in Islamabad if they go back to the areas of pre-1967.

The anti-Semitic sentiment in Pakistan is higher than any other place in the world.. even the arabs dont hate Israel as much as the common Pakistani does.
And this hate has grown exponentially thanks to the likes of Zaid hamid and the fanatics.
The anti-Semitic sentiment in Pakistan is higher than any other place in the world.. even the arabs dont hate Israel as much as the common Pakistani does.
And this hate has grown exponentially thanks to the likes of Zaid hamid and the fanatics.

This was also and still is in Egypt.

After Sadat signing the treaty, the number of Israelis (normal "citizens") visiting Egypt was far more than Egyptians (normal citizens) visiting Israel. It was a conception within the Egyptians (the normal citizens) that if an Egyptian visited Israel he is definitely a spy or a traitor of the nation.

As for Jordan, they have a free zone and anything from Israel that has to enter some Arab markets can come to that free zone and then moved forward as "a shipment from Jordan".
Pakistan should have relationship with all countries based on mutual benefits and respect.

In terms of Israel, I don't see how not recognizing them has any effect on their policies or the situation in the Middle East.

However the biggest hindrance in doing this is the prevalent anti-Israel mentality that is found in some sections of Pakistan. Decades worth of propaganda whereby Israel has been made a scapegoat for everything negative in Pakistan has left people bitterly against Israel.

First you have to change the mentality of the people in this nation if you want to initiate relations with Israel.

Nawaz Sharif was about to recognize Israel in the mid 90's just before he was forced to resign for other reasons.
Pakistan should have relationship with all countries based on mutual benefits and respect.

In terms of Israel, I don't see how not recognizing them has any effect on their policies or the situation in the Middle East.

However the biggest hindrance in doing this is the prevalent anti-Israel mentality that is found in some sections of Pakistan. Decades worth of propaganda whereby Israel has been made a scapegoat for everything negative in Pakistan has left people bitterly against Israel.

First you have to change the mentality of the people in this nation if you want to initiate relations with Israel.

Nawaz Sharif was about to recognize Israel in the mid 90's just before he was forced to resign for other reasons.

Pervez Musharraf was about to recognize Israel but it was bitterly opposed by the people................
Personally I think the Pakistanis have gone beyond the point of no return in hating the Israelis due to various events and propaganda.

It would be political suicide for any political party attempting to do that.
Personally I think the Pakistanis have gone beyond the point of no return in hating the Israelis due to various events and propaganda.

It would be political suicide for any political party attempting to do that.
I think there is no untouchable like thing for us , it is very well in our history , our Prophet (p.b.u.h) had talked manytimes to jews in his life . He (p.b.u.h) had many joint pacts with jews for the sake of peace . I think we are never taught to stop talking to anybody . IT IS VERY RELEVENT TALKING TO ISRAEL FOR THE GEOSTRETEGIC AND GEOPOLITCAL INTRESTS.
Well if Pakistan can deal with India which it considers it's eternal enemy (think Kashmir, Bangladesh, water etc etc) it strange why can't it deal with Israel. Infact lately India and Israel got real close and India benefited from it immensely, if Pakistan had diplomatic relations with Israel probably the story would have been different cause Israel would have cherished partnership with an Islamic country
Well if Pakistan can deal with India which it considers it's eternal enemy (think Kashmir, Bangladesh, water etc etc) it strange why can't it deal with Israel. Infact lately India and Israel got real close and India benefited from it immensely, if Pakistan had diplomatic relations with Israel probably the story would have been different cause Israel would have cherished partnership with an Islamic country

The Pak problem with India is mostly political (though some think in a religious sense) and many Pakistanis underneath the enmity still feel a cultural oneness with the North Indians. But Pak-Israel problem is seen in a fully religious angle and I dont think it is solvable.
I think recognising Israel gives an outside chance to start a relationship. It is not just what Pakistan wants but what Israel wants. It takes two to tango.
Quran Says - Al-Ma'idah -

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضٍ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُم مِّنكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْهُمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ (5:51)

O YOU who have attained to faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies: they are but allies of one another [72] and whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily, one of them; behold, God does not guide such evildoers. [73]
Israel may well want so but its Pakistan who must not align with them.
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