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Pakistan and China should sign an agreement on division of Kashmir

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Nov 21, 2018
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I think the time have come for Pakistan and China to sign an agreement on the division of Indian occupied J&K.

Green regions go to Pakistan while the Orange/Yellow regions go to China.


we will turn this PART OF ASIA INTO mushroom cloud

You will do well to hold onto Gilgat ……… We are building roads to this junction
I think the time have come for Pakistan and China to sign an agreement on the division of Indian occupied J&K.

Green regions go to Pakistan while the Orange/Yellow regions go to China.

View attachment 642855
Reported for propagating false narrative- This will give others to open a thread about dividing Pakistan with Afghanistan/Iran and India - Would that be ok?

we will turn this PART OF ASIA INTO mushroom cloud

You will do well to hold onto Gilgat ……… We are building roads to this junction

LOL you couldn't save your pilot on 27th and lost more than 20 soldiers in a stick fight.

You don't impress us. We are going to ambush you in ways you cannot comprehend. By pissing off the dragon you have only invited more wrath upon yourself.

Daddy America is not here to save the day. You stand all alone.
Their is a higher chance of Pakistanis selling Gwadar and Gilgit Baltistan to China to pay off their massive 40 billion CPEC debts than the above happening

present Chinese soldiers are too much of wimps to actually fight a real war
They can’t win even when odds were in their favour 6 to 1

LOL you couldn't save your pilot on 27th and lost more than 20 soldiers in a stick fight.

You don't impress us. We are going to ambush you in ways you cannot comprehend. By pissing off the dragon you have only invited more wrath upon yourself.

Daddy America is not here to save the day. You stand all alone.

we have been killing your soldiers on a weekly basis
What has Bajwa done
All Imran does is ask for loan going from one country to another

we will gift him a golden bowl for Christmas
Reported for propagating false narrative- This will give others to open a thread about dividing Pakistan with Afghanistan/Iran and India - Would that be ok?
Not disputed territories recognized as an dispute by majority of the world and also having a UN resolution. You think you won't see, India division thread afterwards?

What you are inferring is just plain trolling. What OP is inferring is legitimate/right/logical solution based on religious division as was done 1947.
LOL you couldn't save your pilot on 27th and lost more than 20 soldiers in a stick fight.

You don't impress us. We are going to ambush you in ways you cannot comprehend. By pissing off the dragon you have only invited more wrath upon yourself.

Daddy America is not here to save the day. You stand all alone.

We are MINDING our OWN business.
Your chinease FRIENDS fresh from spreading a dirty filthy virus around the world are NOW looking for trouble interfering in LADAKH. well we sent 40 of them to hell already . AND that was without firing a bullett

As for Pakistan NEED I REMIND YOU



OR 1971
Their is a higher chance of Pakistanis selling Gwadar and Gilgit Baltistan to China to pay off their massive 40 billion CPEC debts than the above happening

present Chinese soldiers are too much of wimps to actually fight a real war
They can’t win even when odds were in their favour 6 to 1

we have been killing your soldiers on a weekly basis
What has Bajwa done
All Imran does is ask for loan going from one country to another

we will gift him a golden bowl for Christmas

Who told you these bed time stories? Alice Wells and Modi?

Keep fantasizing because you are just a little Brahmin who hides behind low caste foot soldiers.

Pakistan and China will demolish Hindustan. We will join hands and bully you from various ends.

Your soldiers got masacred with sticks LOL Let that sink in for a moment
Who told you these bed time stories? Alice Wells and Modi?

Keep fantasizing because you are just s little Brahmin who hides behind low caste footsoldiers.

Chinese will always demand their money back
And given your current financial position
You won’t be able to meet your debt obligations without a handout
And this time Saudis and UAE won’t open their purse strings since they too are broke due to low oil prices
LOL you couldn't save your pilot on 27th and lost more than 20 soldiers in a stick fight.

You don't impress us. We are going to ambush you in ways you cannot comprehend. By pissing off the dragon you have only invited more wrath upon yourself.

Daddy America is not here to save the day. You stand all alone.

let the CHINEASE bury their 40 is it 50 dead

Then we TALK.

As gfor you Pakistanis .. YOU best leave this to the BIG BOYS
Chinese will always demand their money back
And given your current financial position
You won’t be able to meet your debt obligations without a handout
And this time Saudis and UAE won’t open their purse strings since they too are broke due to low oil prices

LOL why are you so worried about Chinese money?

You just lost 20 soldiers in a stick fight.

let the CHINEASE bury their 40 is it 50 dead

Then we TALK.

As gfor you Pakistanis .. YOU best leave this to the BIG BOYS

LOL keep dreaming. The world has only reported 20 Indian dead cowards.

We are coming for you. The meeting at GHQ took place for a good reason.
Picking up dead frozen soldiers each month at Kargil is hardly a victory.

YOUR LEFT 1400 norther light infantry to die in the cold.

your mushraff denied they were there.


1400 of them bombed to shreds BY MIRAGE2000 fighters and BOFERS

Where was YOUR PAF that day

Your leader Nawaz RAN to USA to save the ARMY which was beinmg butchered

IS theses people PAKISTANIS telling the truth
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