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Pakistan allows Kulbhushan Jadhav to meet His Mother

No, that's still not consular access. Besides, that's not happening anyway.

Because we have received a ton of help from him. Reports from reliable but unnamed sources said that he had helped capture several hundred TTP/BLA etc terrorists as well as Bharati terrorist supporters. Yes I know you don't believe those reports, blah blah blah, but obviously the government knows this and hence they are being nice.

We don't tend to hang the bharati terrorists even if they've been sentenced to die. We usually let them live for a few decades in jail and then they die of old age or we release them when they have no value. We learnt something interesting from the bharati terrorists we've released thus far. As soon as they take their first step into bharat, they come clean about what they were doing in Pakistan and that they were in fact working for RAW. That's usually a diplomatic victory, in that we can at least point out that every single bharati terrorist we've released admitted to being a terrorist.


I love the far reaching conclusions being made. So heartening to see. :lol: :lol:

What did i tell you? Please don't make another excuse, okay!

They have allowed him to meet his family and a diplomat. How is that consular access? You are using shitty journalism as your argument? Lol. Anyway, you can consider that a victory, but as I said, it's a meaningless victory. He is at best going to be released in a few decades or will just die in Pakistan.

Read your own post i quoted. Article just quoted your foreign minister using those exact words in an interview. I tell you you are very good at changing goal posts to your convenience. Yet your politicians are not allowing you to save face.
Sorry my dear friends, Most Pakistanis want to be ignorant's or are. But reality is different. Let me tell you

Being an Indian, I won’t commit, whether he is a spy, but definitely it’s a possibility. The truth is Kulbushan Yadav was kidnapped from Iran & India has proofs for that. Pakistan would have executed this man immediately if he was caught inside Pakistan.The problem is because it’s Iran. It’s violation of Iran’s sovereignty.

With the kind of relations we have with Iran, it’s definitely possible, we have intelligence operations in Iran. Every country does it.

So India has & will use all its diplomatic power & pressure with the Iranian leadership to intervene & stop Pakistan from going ahead with any plans of executing KY & we have been successful so far.

Iran needs our Intelligence support on Pakistan to plan its moves. Our knowledge, reach & expertise in this area is far too bigger & useful for Iran, than what Iran can provide us. And if they execute KY, Pakistan has to convince the G20 powers & the international governing bodies, he was indeed a terrorist caught in Pakistan with heinous plans.

This is where your leadership don’t have the spine to go ahead, because if Iran tells the International courts he was in Iran & was kidnapped by Pak forces, the case will reverse against Pakistan.

This is the reason when Pakistan shouts, India promotes terrorism in Pakistan at various international forums, you are unable to use KY as a proof, which you can if you wanted. You are not America, Russia, China to go ahead & execute KY & not care or worry about others. With your present international image, you cannot hang or harm Kulbushan Yadav.

And yes there is great possibility, he will get counselor access because of this & eventually be released one day. Pakistan leadership has blown this man so much in its local media they would have requested the world powers for time, if not there will be backlash from the public. But he will be released after 8-10 years quietly. That's the reason his wife & mother is allowed to meet. It's also to check what's the condition of KY.

plz explain his fake passport and fake name too?

secondly Iran have distanced itself from the case. India never protested to Iran or asked them for help.

he won't be handed to you. he will be anged till death.

ICJ can't decide the matter that whether he is a spy or not. they will just hear the case for counselor access which we are giving him today. you lose there too.
Read your own post i quoted. Article just quoted your foreign minister using those exact words in an interview.

Yes I read the article. You clearly didn't comprehend my post. I said that there is no consular access being given, the article you are quoting is badly written and an example of poor journalism. This is not being reported elsewhere in Pakistani media. Dawn for example is not reporting this and it would be on top of this if it were true. You should watch the video that is linked in the news article on geo. There is no mention of consular access in that video. It's a case of a journalist mixing up family visit with consular access.

I tell you you are very good at changing goal posts to your convenience. Yet your politicians are not allowing you to save face.

Which goal post was changed and how? The very first sentence in my post that you quoted said that even if the diplomat went with the wife/mother, that is not consular access.
A real world exists outside PDF and it does not operate as per the illusions of Pakistani members on PDF. A day before they were celebrating Indian defeat because a terrorist list (routine gesture) was not approved by Heart of Asia group. Lol

And yes if these developments are rightly read, then it's no brainer that Kulbhushan is set to be released. It will involve a lot of drama and time but eventually he will. This is not like Sarabjit's case where Indian effort was almost nil. Here India's interest in freeing KBY is clea, unlike Sarabjit where Indian Govt didn't show any interest at all.
Yes I read the article. You clearly didn't comprehend my post. I said that there is no consular access being given, the article you are quoting is badly written and an example of poor journalism. This is not being reported elsewhere in Pakistani media. Dawn for example is not reporting this and it would be on top of this if it were true. You should watch the video that is linked in the news article on geo. There is no mention of consular access in that video. It's a case of a journalist mixing up family visit with consular access.

Which goal post was changed and how? The very first sentence in my post that you quoted said that even if the diplomat went with the wife/mother, that is not consular access.

Diplomat was in your opinion will never be allowed to consult, read through your own posts. But he is now, and I'd probably trust news reporting than your own interpretation of it. What if, this doesn't stop just at that but given full consular access and representation at a later point. May be your foreign minister was making hint to that point.
They have allowed him to meet his family and a diplomat. How is that consular access? You are using shitty journalism as your argument? Lol. Anyway, you can consider that a victory, but as I said, it's a meaningless victory. He is at best going to be released in a few decades or will just die in Pakistan.
Indian deputy high commissioner will be present there.
Indian deputy high commissioner will be present there.

Which goal post was changed and how? The very first sentence in my post that you quoted said that even if the diplomat went with the wife/mother, that is not consular access.

This is way of satisfying both countries. The Pakistannis say it is just a family visit. The Indians say they also got consular access
bandar kiya ab tu bandar ki maa bhi Pakistan mae hai, aur ye bhartis are living in fools paradise, this is reality we have the monkey and his family.....you all can keep barking....satisfy your false ego with lies.
This is way of satisfying both countries. The Pakistannis say it is just a family visit. The Indians say they also got consular access
this is the only single example in the subcontinent of such meeting of a spy and terrorist with his family.
we won it when it comes to humanity.

its a shut up call to Indians and their liar media which were saying that he is dead.
Pakistan loses grip on this case with this move no terrorist should allowed to meet family
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