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Pakistan Air Force Transport

Pakistan can get AN-178 from Ukrain for transport or other EW operations...
Its too early days for an 178 , PAF will not going to take any risk secondly they will not be available on credit instead in same range y9 can be option from china we already using Y8
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Lockheed L-100 Serial # 64145 Ex AP-AUU.

This Particular Aircraft Crashed Into The Northern Areas Mountains Back In 1968.

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Sir G, in those days routine sorties to China for overhauling F-6 power plants - that aircraft lost while on returning leg due to very bad weather in that area and the wreckage found months later.
Il-78MP Of Pakistan Air Force.

Il-78 Soviet Four-engined Aerial Refueling Tanker Based On The Il-76 Strategic Airlifter.

© Zohaib Malik


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