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Pakistan Air Force Transport

PAF should start placing order for new Transport Aircrafts or will China going to provide Pakistan with it's

but PAF should acquire some used C-130s from USA and other operators.
C-130 #4180 incident on November 8th, 2018

Folks, the incident report is an internal document hence cannot be posted here. (and also because its the long one)

I would, however, post (in my own words) declassified core details and causes of the accident in layman terms.

The maximum torque produced by each engine is around 19600lb

On approach, the torque is leveled down to 3500lb 3500lb 3500lb 3500lb (for all 4 engines)

Upon touch down, the aircraft is idled at 1000lb 1000lb 1000lb 1000lb

Upon slowing down below 115 knots, reverse thrusters are engaged to produce NEGATIVE -3500lb -3500lb -3500lb -3500lb

However, there is a phenomenon called 'Pitch Lock'. The blade angle of the propeller is locked and hence torque remains high.

The engine No.1 of C-130 produces the most torque due to some design characteristics of the aircraft.

The engine No. 1 of the C-130 was pitch locked, leading to the rise in torque at +5500, while the rest of the engines were at -3500. This forced the aircraft to wear off the runway due to the induced force produced by this effect.

Pitch locks happen sometimes, but they are the most difficult to recover from once the aircraft engages reverse thrusters.
C-130 #4180 incident on November 8th, 2018

Folks, the incident report is an internal document hence cannot be posted here. (and also because its the long one)

I would, however, post (in my own words) declassified core details and causes of the accident in layman terms.

The maximum torque produced by each engine is around 19600lb

On approach, the torque is leveled down to 3500lb 3500lb 3500lb 3500lb (for all 4 engines)

Upon touch down, the aircraft is idled at 1000lb 1000lb 1000lb 1000lb

Upon slowing down below 115 knots, reverse thrusters are engaged to produce NEGATIVE -3500lb -3500lb -3500lb -3500lb

However, there is a phenomenon called 'Pitch Lock'. The blade angle of the propeller is locked and hence torque remains high.

The engine No.1 of C-130 produces the most torque due to some design characteristics of the aircraft.

The engine No. 1 of the C-130 was pitch locked, leading to the rise in torque at +5500, while the rest of the engines were at -3500. This forced the aircraft to wear off the runway due to the induced force produced by this effect.

Pitch locks happen sometimes, but they are the most difficult to recover from once the aircraft engages reverse thrusters.


It is information---but it means nothing here---just show boating by the poster---.

It is information---but it means nothing here---just show boating by the poster---.
Actually previously I thought the accident was due to a hard landing during touch and go, where the tyres burst and thus causing the aircraft to veer off. Its good information to know.
Actually previously I thought the accident was due to a hard landing during touch and go, where the tyres burst and thus causing the aircraft to veer off. Its good information to know.

But the same in a car---torque horse power---. What does that mean to an average customer---nothing---Only way to find out---step on the gas and see it go---.
But the same in a car---torque horse power---. What does that mean to an average customer---nothing---Only way to find out---step on the gas and see it go---.


It is information---but it means nothing here---just show boating by the poster---.

Not everyone is intellectually dumb and numb like you.

No one can and should help you if you are unable to swallow your misplaced sense of pride.

Also, go back to school. This is the reason why you can't understand what torque is. Thanks for demonstrating your idiotic sense of purpose once again. :D
Not everyone is intellectually dumb and numb like you.

No one can and should help you if you are unable to swallow your misplaced sense of pride.

Also, go back to school. This is the reason why you can't understand what torque is. Thanks for demonstrating your idiotic sense of purpose once again. :D

Automotive engineering background by schooling son---. I guess you did not know---. I guess you the only idiot left on the forum who did not know that---.

The video did prove me right didn't it---pilot at the wrong place in the mountain terrain---. Talk is cheap---there have been many like you who have come and many who have gone---and ample time to EJECT---.

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Automotive engineering background by schooling son---. I guess you did not know---. I guess you the only idiot left on the forum who did not know that---.

The video did prove me right didn't it---pilot at the wrong place in the mountain terrain---. Talk is cheap---there have been many like you who have come and many who have gone---and ample time to EJECT---.

I dont care what your profession is. Chances are, whatever you do, you'll be at the bottom of the entire food chain.

As for your conclusion of the investigation, I just hope you dont look as stupid as you sound. Otherwise, you'd be twice as useless.

Still I'd say, hold your tiny nuts and wait for the investigation report. Your automotive engineering might be only limited to tuk tuk and which you are forcing on to aviation.

Is there any chance the PAF is keeping an eye on the Chinese Y-20? It feels like a natural successor to the IL-78s -- certainly more fuel efficient and, in turn, better at the heavy transport and tanker role. Or is the PAF willing to stomach and take on a riskier bet, such as one of Antonov's shelved aircraft (e.g., An-70), like Turkey is doing (i.e., funding a variant of the An-70 equipped with jets). The An-70 is the closest A400M-like aircraft out there.

Is there any chance the PAF is keeping an eye on the Chinese Y-20? It feels like a natural successor to the IL-78s -- certainly more fuel efficient and, in turn, better at the heavy transport and tanker role. Or is the PAF willing to stomach and take on a riskier bet, such as one of Antonov's shelved aircraft (e.g., An-70), like Turkey is doing (i.e., funding a variant of the An-70 equipped with jets). The An-70 is the closest A400M-like aircraft out there.
Il-78s are doing their work pretty well. Furthermore, PAF does not have the priority of strategic lifters. They are expensive to acquire, maintain and fly. I keep hearing about AHQ looking for C-130's because we need a squadron in Multan to take some duties off from No.21 and No. 6 sqn.

Is there any chance the PAF is keeping an eye on the Chinese Y-20? It feels like a natural successor to the IL-78s -- certainly more fuel efficient and, in turn, better at the heavy transport and tanker role. Or is the PAF willing to stomach and take on a riskier bet, such as one of Antonov's shelved aircraft (e.g., An-70), like Turkey is doing (i.e., funding a variant of the An-70 equipped with jets). The An-70 is the closest A400M-like aircraft out there.
Seems eveeyone is betting on cheap used equipment from USA۔۔which IMO isnt going to happen given change in geo startegic realities
I dont care what your profession is. Chances are, whatever you do, you'll be at the bottom of the entire food chain.

As for your conclusion of the investigation, I just hope you dont look as stupid as you sound. Otherwise, you'd be twice as useless.

Still I'd say, hold your tiny nuts and wait for the investigation report. Your automotive engineering might be only limited to tuk tuk and which you are forcing on to aviation.

Go away---shoo off---.
The video did prove me right didn't it---pilot at the wrong place in the mountain terrain---. .
How does that matter.....he didn't crash into some mountain.....besides if anything he was flying over a jungle/woodlands.....considerably away from Margala Hills.

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