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Pakistan Air Force Transport

Any idea if they'll try reviving efforts for a MRTT capable of both boom and hose-and-drogue refueling? There are basically only 2 options available on the market for this: the Boeing KC-46 and A330 MRTT.

Too expensive and not worth it. We have many other things to spend money on than to acquire tankers.

Il-78s are usually used to supplement heavy lift ops. Eg. bringing mulitple JF-17 front fuselage from China etc

Who told you that? We require 8-10 additional C-130 class airlifters to free up at least 2 aircraft without disrupting flight schedules. Ask the guys at 6 and 21 how are they coping with this shortage. they'll tell you their stories.
Why not AN-178 or AN-70,since down the road C-130 life cycle would end,we would be in need of new lifters.
Why not AN-178 or AN-70,since down the road C-130 life cycle would end,we would be in need of new lifters.
Sir G, is not it better to retain same platform, PAF have almost six decades (more than half a century) of wealth of experience under her belt?
PAF knows C130 inside out.
Sir G, is not it better to retain same platform, PAF have almost six decades (more than half a century) of wealth of experience under her belt?
PAF knows C130 inside out.
I am not Sir.
Now coming to topic,Our fleet is ageing,we have to replace them down the road with same type or with system of same category.
We can either buy new C-130's or we can go for used C-130's from around the Globe.
I am pointing at going for new platform which can serve us in many roles for next 5 decades.
From single Harvey transport /c-130 to 3 heavy transport sqns now 6,21 and 10 mrtt , lift capability improved

All ac now with digital cockpit and sat navigational, most of the ac got additional life due to wing box and outer /inner wing replacement and in country depot level maintenance

Only thing perhaps is k-3 awacs based on y-9 platform. If depot level maintenance is developed in country than adding few for transport may make sense as cost of ops and maintenance would be justified along with pilot training hours

So one sqn of y-9 ?? Possibility

The Y-9 is considered China's effort to build a C-130J class transport aircraft.

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