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Pakistan Air Force Transport


If this is how you consider the term stored then it is stored.

PAF not in the market for any new or used transport aircraft.
16 C130 B, C, E
3 or 4 CN235
3 or 4 IL78MRTT
are meeting the current lift requirements.
Boeing 707-320s in storage can be used in emergencies.

Who told you that? We require 8-10 additional C-130 class airlifters to free up at least 2 aircraft without disrupting flight schedules. Ask the guys at 6 and 21 how are they coping with this shortage. they'll tell you their stories.
Who told you that? We require 8-10 additional C-130 class airlifters to free up at least 2 aircraft without disrupting flight schedules. Ask the guys at 6 and 21 how are they coping with this shortage. they'll tell you their stories.
I wonder if the PAF would consider the LM-100J. It's basically a stripped-down C-130J hovering in the $60-70 m per unit (all-in) range. Though designed for civilian/commercial usage, LM said it'll position the aircraft for government and military usage.
I wonder if the PAF would consider the LM-100J. It's basically a stripped-down C-130J hovering in the $60-70 m per unit (all-in) range. Though designed for civilian/commercial usage, LM said it'll position the aircraft for government and military usage.

My question is, why did the PAF not move fast enough, or even at all, in order to buy some of the RAF C-130Js that were on sale for a while?
My question is, why did the PAF not move fast enough, or even at all, in order to buy some of the RAF C-130Js that were on sale for a while?
I'm guessing ... too few aircraft available right now to justify setting-up a new logistics line for the engine. But to be fair to the PAF, Pakistan has had trouble getting used military equipment from the UK and Western Europe. They had tried (and failed at) getting the Type 23s frigates or Kortenaer-class frigates. So, something might be up on that road, and the PAF opted to just take a detour.
I'm guessing ... too few aircraft available right now to justify setting-up a new logistics line for the engine. But to be fair to the PAF, Pakistan has had trouble getting used military equipment from the UK and Western Europe. They had tried (and failed at) getting the Type 23s frigates or Kortenaer-class frigates. So, something might be up on that road, and the PAF opted to just take a detour.


If that is the Frigate the a south american country bought---then the blame is not on UK---.

Pak navy fckd up bad on it---. They tried to play cool---gave low ball offer I believe---thought no one else was interested in them---.

So---if that was the Frigate---then indeed the screw up was of pak navy---.

If that is the Frigate the a south american country bought---then the blame is not on UK---.

Pak navy fckd up bad on it---. They tried to play cool---gave low ball offer I believe---thought no one else was interested in them---.

So---if that was the Frigate---then indeed the screw up was of pak navy---.
Not sure about low-ball offers.

It's ironic, but there's about as much political interest in selling new equipment as there is in blocking it. New ships, vehicles, planes, etc create jobs, and used ones don't (or not as many).

If the @Khafee leaks re: F-16 Block-72s & TPS-77 MRRs are accurate, then by now, the governing bodies of the UK, Netherlands, France, etc, are aware of the PAF having more means than what it appears. Sure, it ain't great, but it wouldn't be above the UK to 'suggest' the PAF buy Grifo-Es first (i.e., send some jobs the UK's way) for the JF-17 Block-3 before getting its hands on surplus C-130Js.
I wonder if the PAF would consider the LM-100J. It's basically a stripped-down C-130J hovering in the $60-70 m per unit (all-in) range. Though designed for civilian/commercial usage, LM said it'll position the aircraft for government and military usage.

It is still too expensive. We can get 2 good condition C-130H's in this price. And that is what PAF is looking for.

My question is, why did the PAF not move fast enough, or even at all, in order to buy some of the RAF C-130Js that were on sale for a while?

We did. Believe me.

We were THIS close in getting Ex Belgian C-130H's couple of months back. The deal isn't getting through due to congress.

Who told you that? We require 8-10 additional C-130 class airlifters to free up at least 2 aircraft without disrupting flight schedules. Ask the guys at 6 and 21 how are they coping with this shortage. they'll tell you their stories.
I guess you have all the answers. Case closed.
If C-130 were not approved by congress then how come F-16s and AH-1Z are going to be released?

This was the case couple of months ago.

There has been some development during IK's visit to US. Lets see what becomes of it.

Point being. We definitely need another squadron of C-130's at the center. No. 21 at the south and no.6 in north certainly don't cut it well.
This was the case couple of months ago.

There has been some development during IK's visit to US. Lets see what becomes of it.

Point being. We definitely need another squadron of C-130's at the center. No. 21 at the south and no.6 in north certainly don't cut it well.
Any idea if they'll try reviving efforts for a MRTT capable of both boom and hose-and-drogue refueling? There are basically only 2 options available on the market for this: the Boeing KC-46 and A330 MRTT.
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