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Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

First of all Manekshaw would have routed even Rommel, Manstein, Zhukov, Clausewitz, Napoleon, Hannibal and Caesar if all of them came together to fight against him with a 9 to 1 ratio in men, 10 to 1 in the air, with a hostile population and backed by paramilitary/militant forces of mukti bhani and 1000 miles away from the homebase with supplies cutoff.

Secondly Manekshaw was a parsi, just as much of an aryan as Niazi and Yahya...

If Indians are proud of this pathetic accomplishment let them be, but please don't perpetuate this idiotic myth of the invincibility and superior tactics and courage of Indian forces in the East..
You are absolutely right on all accounts however that is called planning in all phases to achieve a victory. What was Pakistan doing when India was planting political, ethnic, militant attack on east Pakistan. And what was Pakistan was doing when we see Bharat stocking up forces on the east with near 10:1 ratio in all areas supported by a million mukti bhani and a mostly agitated local population. I called it a state failure and enemy took full advantage of it.... Pakistan failed on all accounts and India gain victory .. plain and simple . It is very disturbing to know that our own brothers went against us and we can't keep them on path of unity ... A grave failure on Bengali intellect and big blunder on non Bengali side of then Pakistan

Very sad indeed
First of all Manekshaw would have routed even Rommel, Manstein, Zhukov, Clausewitz, Napoleon, Hannibal and Caesar if all of them came together to fight against him with a 9 to 1 ratio in men, 10 to 1 in the air, with a hostile population and backed by paramilitary/militant forces of mukti bhani and 1000 miles away from the homebase with supplies cutoff.

Secondly Manekshaw was a parsi, just as much of an aryan as Niazi and Yahya...

If Indians are proud of this pathetic accomplishment let them be, but please don't perpetuate this idiotic myth of the invincibility and superior tactics and courage of Indian forces in the East..
“Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.”
Sun Tzu
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