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The Pride And The Passion is..... PAF.



dont wanna sound rude but
the lady in the first pic seems "burdened", if u look at her stance.

A male officer with a stance like that would be crucified.
dont wanna sound rude but
the lady in the first pic seems "burdened", if u look at her stance.

A male officer with a stance like that would be crucified.

i dont think she is burdened i think her smaller profile and the bulky ness of flight suit is making her look droopy. Dude guys r squared shouldered more than girls so.... any way i dont think it effect her skills.
Men generally have better posture than females. This is no grounds for passing discriminating comments about abilities of female PAF pilots. PAF knows what it is doing.
Admiral Asif Sandila, Chief of the Naval Staff, Pakistan Navy poses for a group photograph along with Air Marshal Sohail Gul Khan, Chairman PAC Board Kamra and key staff at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra - April 11, 2013.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

CJ advises PAF to uphold constitution

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has observed that the extra-constitutional interventions tainted Pakistan’s constitutional history with successive coup d’états and dissolutions of elected governments and resultantly, non-state elements became active and created an atmosphere of political and democratic instability.

He was addressing a delegation of PAF Air War College, Karachi, comprising officers and the course participants, that visited the Supreme Court, here on Saturday.

The CJP lamented that it is unfortunate that there had been several instances of constitutional deviations and subversions in the history of Pakistan.

He also urged that as the country is faced with challenges of terrorism, extra-judicial killings, nepotism and corruption, therefore, it is high time that all the institutions of Pakistan join hands in bridging institutional gaps and removing rifts in order to turn Pakistan into a true welfare state. Quoting Quaid-e-Azam’s presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on August 11, 1947 he said: “We have to ensure that the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights which are the central components of a democratic government must prevail in the country.”

He said that the democratic governance promotes economic development, peace and security. “As officers of the Armed Forces, you have a crucial role to play in the prevalence of democratic rule and harmony in Pakistan.” Justice Chaudhry advised the PAF officers and participants to study the basic features of the Constitution and the interpretation of constitutional provisions by the Superior Courts, saying the Constitution has clearly defined the role and powers of every organ of State and this trichotomy of power aims at strengthening democracy in Pakistan by ensuring a system of checks and balances.

He said that the Supreme Court is the apex Court in the judicial hierarchy of Pakistan and is the Court of ultimate jurisdiction. It is the final arbiter of disputes and the protector of constitutional norms and guarantees. The Supreme Court exercises original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction. It possesses exclusive original jurisdiction for the settlement of inter-governmental (Federal/Provincial) disputes. The Supreme Court may also exercise original jurisdiction with respect to the enforcement of fundamental rights if the case involves a question of public importance. The Court also exercises advisory jurisdiction where the President of Pakistan may refer to it a question of law of public importance for its opinion. In the exercise of its review jurisdiction, the Supreme Court is empowered to review its previous judicial decisions. The decisions of the Supreme Court are binding on all other courts of the country and the Constitution commands the executive and the judicial authorities in the country to act in aid of the Supreme Court. Any law, order or action of the public authorities, which is inconsistent with, or contrary to, the Constitution, is liable to be annulled by the Supreme Court under the power of judicial review.

The underlying object of judicial review is to check the abuse of power by public functionaries and to ensure a just and fair treatment to citizens in accordance with the law and Constitution.

In the case of Sindh High Court Bar Association, the Supreme Court has had the occasion to interpret Article 245 of the Constitution where it reiterated that it is the constitutional duty of the Armed Forces to defend Pakistan against external aggression and act in aid of civil power whenever called upon to do so.

Lauding the PAF, he said the Pakistan Air Force is one of the best air forces of the world. It had proved its metal in the battlefields not once, but many a time in our history. We are proud of brave warriors like Flight Lieutenant Rashid Minhas and Squadron Leader M. M. Alam and all other fighter pilots who sacrificed their lives and secured a decisive victory for Pakistan during the 1965 war, observed the Chief Justice.
Admiral Asif Sandila, Chief of the Naval Staff, Pakistan Navy poses for a group photograph along with Air Marshal Sohail Gul Khan, Chairman PAC Board Kamra and key staff at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra - April 11, 2013.
138 means 3rd squadron is under developement.

Block 2 should have been there instead of this 138 numbered................
ISLAMABAD: Commander-in-Chief,
Russian Federation Air Force, Lt. Gen.
Viktor Nikolayevich Bondarev visited Air
Headquarters here on Monday. It is the
first ever visit of Russian Air Chief to
Pakistan. Earlier, Air Chief Marshal Tahir
Rafique Butt, Chief of the Air Staff,
Pakistan Air Force had his maiden visit to
Russia in August 2012, for participation in
the International Military Conference.
Lt Gen. Viktor Nikolayevich Bondarev is
visiting Pakistan on the invitation of Air
Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, Chief of
the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, said a
press release issued by PAF.
On his arrival at Air Headquarters, the
distinguished guest was received by Air
Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, Chief of
the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force.
A smartly turned out contingent of
Pakistan Air Force presented the Guard of
Honour. After reviewing the Guard of
Honour, he was introduced to Principal
Staff Officers of Pakistan Air Force.
The visiting guest paid homage to the
martyrs of PAF by laying floral wreath on
Martyrs’ Monument at Air Headquarters,
Later on, he called on Air Chief Marshal
Tahir Rafique Butt in his office. Both
remained together for some time and
discussed matters of professional interest.
The delegation also attended a briefing at
Air Headquarters on the organization, role
and functioning of Pakistan Air Force.
Later in the day, the Russian Delegation
also visited Air Defence Command,
Pakistan Air Force. The Delegation
attended a briefing on the working of Air
Defence Command and also visited Air
Defence Operation Centre.
On their arrival, the Delegation was
received by Air Vice Marshal Ejaz
Mahmood Malik, Air Officer Commanding,
Air Defence Command, Pakistan Air
Source: Directorate of Media Affair, PAF


Bolivian Airforce purchase of K8
The Bolivian Air Force (Fuerza Aérea
Boliviana) has purchased 6 K-8 Karakorum
fighter jet trainer at cost of US$58 million
from China. The Bolivian Air Force also
plans to employ the K-8 Karakorum in light
attack role. The K-8 Karakorum fighter jet
trainer was jointly developed by the
Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing
Corporation. Pakistan Aeronautical

Does PAF pilots carry any service issued weapon / side arm on board aircraft while flying? If yes then which one, i havnt seen a pic of any pilot wearing G suit / maps with a holstered side arm?

Does PAF pilots carry any service issued weapon / side arm on board aircraft while flying? If yes then which one, i havnt seen a pic of any pilot wearing G suit / maps with a holstered side arm?

Maybe it is only in war time situations e.g when the pilots are actually going into hostile territory on a mission.

We haven't seen any offensive missions lately have we?

Note, this is also just a speculative guess, nothing more.
PAF pilots flying bombing missions in FATA areas are prone to land (parachuted) incase aircarft is hit, in a hostile, terrorist controlled territory. this warrents carrying side arm as a personal defence weapon. anyway, what is the standard weapon used by PAF pilots
i remember when i was 8 my Khala husband friend use to work for PAF. He use to fly i think was it the mig-19 ? or F-7 i do not remember but i remember he had a issued side arm that he still had on when he went into his jet. old times tho. like 1993 .
i remember when i was 8 my Khala husband friend use to work for PAF. He use to fly i think was it the mig-19 ? or F-7 i do not remember but i remember he had a issued side arm that he still had on when he went into his jet. old times tho. like 1993 .

in times of war, ops and excercises they carry their side arm

Avic Pitches Y-12F Aircar for 19-seat Market Dubai Air Show
by Thierry Dubois

Avic unveiled the Y-12F Aircar 19-seat twin turboprop at the Dubai Air Show.

Avic unveiled the Y-12F Aircar 19-seat twin turboprop, an upgrade from the Y-12E with a glass cockpit and retractable landing gear. The cockpit is fitted with Honeywell Apex avionics; Pratt & Whitney Canada is supplying 1,100-shp PT6A-65B turboprops.

Fast cruise and long-range speeds stand at 230 and 210 knots, respectively. Takeoff distance is predicted to be 1,770 feet. Full passenger range is said to reach 700 nm.

Efficiency, if measured in pounds-per-mile-per-hour, is 2.25 times better than that of the Y-12E, according to chief designer Li Xianzheng.

Tags: AvicChinaAircarY-12F
FILED UNDER: Air Transport and Cargo Aircraft, Business Aviation Aircraft
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