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PLAAF never showed interest to acquire FC1.

Doesn't it seem weird that an air force as big as China's would only go for 100 of a jet like JF-17. I think it was just a token order that they decided against. They could afford to make their "base fighter" the J-10. @messiach said there was no clause for China to acquire any JF-17s. God knows what the true story is.

It is superior to Block 52... Having AESA radar
there is a lot of difference between whats on paper and whats the reality. on paper su 30 has huge advantage over F-16 but on 27 feb they had no choice but to escape against even our MLUed falcons.
there is a lot of difference between whats on paper and whats the reality. on paper su 30 has huge advantage over F-16 but on 27 feb they had no choice but to escape against even our MLUed falcons.
There are no two ways about it. AESA radar is superior to Mechanically Scanned radars. No matter how well made and dependable the latter is. AESA is technologically superior and belongs to a different generation. Build quality considerations don't factor into it. AESA are LPI radars with better range and Jam resistance features.

The Su-30 MKI got undone by it's huge RCS and it's 90's technology Russian (PESA) radar and above all by the superiority of the AIM-120C-5 over the R-77.
There are no two ways about it. AESA radar is superior to Mechanically Scanned radars. No matter how well made and dependable the latter is. AESA is technologically superior and belongs to a different generation. Build quality considerations don't factor into it. AESA are LPI radars with better range and Jam resistance features.

The Su-30 MKI got undone by it's huge RCS and it's 90's technology Russian (PESA) radar and above all by the superiority of the AIM-120C-5 over the R-77.
dear sirf radar he nahi hota air craft main.
Its main sensor in jets bro, it can guide weapons/detect/track enemy its has ecm/eccm features etc etc
as per AM shahid latif they identified 50 areas in j 10 that needed improvement. during the musharaf era j 10 it appeared that j 1 is about to be inducted into paf very soon but still nothing on ground has materialized . we can speculate about some of the reasons. may be paf was not interested in j 10 and musharraf was forcing paf to induct the jet like other chinese systems but paf was not happy as these systems were not fulfilling paf requirements. ACM kaleem sadat mentioned about this disagreement with musharraf over the induction of chinese systems but remained silenced later on. we all can understand why he remained silenced. so j10 is either not suitable for paf requirements or we dont have any funds right now to induct any new platform.
as per AM shahid latif they identified 50 areas in j 10 that needed improvement. during the musharaf era j 10 it appeared that j 1 is about to be inducted into paf very soon but still nothing on ground has materialized . we can speculate about some of the reasons. may be paf was not interested in j 10 and musharraf was forcing paf to induct the jet like other chinese systems but paf was not happy as these systems were not fulfilling paf requirements. ACM kaleem sadat mentioned about this disagreement with musharraf over the induction of chinese systems but remained silenced later on. we all can understand why he remained silenced. so j10 is either not suitable for paf requirements or we dont have any funds right now to induct any new platform.
are you trolling???, i am answering to your above quote that there are other things in the jet other than radar, but radar is main sensor for fighter jets rest of the sensors/avionics are compliment ( add on) to radar
are you trolling???, i am answering to your above quote that there are other things in the jet other than radar, but radar is main sensor for fighter jets rest of the sensors/avionics are compliment ( add on) to radar
They are not any ‘less’ needed components rather are input sources for various situational awareness algorithms so these sensors are equally important...
dear sirf radar he nahi hota air craft main.
Brother, it is the primary sensor which gives a platform the see first shoot first capability.

After that the other plane will have to take defensive measures and hope to save itself. It's primary objectives will be rendered immaterial.
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Funds are there. Thats why block3 is being introduced. We dont want fighter jet number 10,20,16,17 or 22, we want the fabtech backbone to drive an effective fleet. Part of that will come with Block3, part with NxGF. Thats where the money will go.

as per AM shahid latif they identified 50 areas in j 10 that needed improvement. during the musharaf era j 10 it appeared that j 1 is about to be inducted into paf very soon but still nothing on ground has materialized . we can speculate about some of the reasons. may be paf was not interested in j 10 and musharraf was forcing paf to induct the jet like other chinese systems but paf was not happy as these systems were not fulfilling paf requirements. ACM kaleem sadat mentioned about this disagreement with musharraf over the induction of chinese systems but remained silenced later on. we all can understand why he remained silenced. so j10 is either not suitable for paf requirements or we dont have any funds right now to induct any new platform.
Funds are there. Thats why block3 is being introduced. We dont want fighter jet number 10,20,16,17 or 22, we want the fabtech backbone to drive an effective fleet. Part of that will come with Block3, part with NxGF. Thats where the money will go.
Is the goal still turnkey manufacturing for the whole fighter, gas turbines and semi-conductors included? Or will that taper off a bit to sourcing some components from amenable suppliers (China)? Or is it a gradual thing where the indigenous % will grow with each tranche, e.g., foreign engines in the first tranche of NxGF, but local by the final tranche of NxGF?
I think PAF want European Avionics and Radar/Sensors on block 3 and beyond and China is just not playing ball on this.

Why PAF wants western avionics radars,and sensors, and not Chinese, your guess is as good as mine!!

I think with the Feb engagement, the understanding of how important is the role of EW/jamming & Targeting systems has grown tremendously, atleast among those who visit this forum. In the past it was all about speed and payload.

I for one still think the achilles heel of JFT is the engine. All the rest can be figured out over time and integrated. This bit has not been resolved and until it does, it will always remain a sticking point when it comes to foreign sales.
In Feb, PAF followed the USAF guidebook to successfully carry out its mission. It doesn't necessarily have to have the best jets flying in the theater (although for USAF it is true that it does), but the USAF depends on overwhelming electronic warefare to blins opponents while maintaining superior situational awareness via AWACS, datalinks and overall netcentric warfare and superior munitions. THAT is why on paper the MKI is superior to the F-16 blk 52 and MLUs but was forced to back off because it could see or get locks on Falcons while itself being targeted at great length.

We see that PAF will go for even more Erieye nowand will raise its AWAC fleet to 11 (5th most of any country) which will play huge roles both in EW and in maintaining situational awareness. The munitions superiority will be further augmented by the acquisition of PL-15 AND PL-10 for JF-17. The netcentric fighting is made possible by both Link-16 and Link-17 to enable that all fighters are linked to ground control and AWACs and can see what they see.

Block 3 with enhanced EW capabilities and AESE's resilience against jamming will further improve its capabilities. So it truly is a secondary thing if blk 3 falls slightly short to some IAF fighter or ther other. If the overall senario still pits PAF EW/situational control/netcentric approach against IAF relying solely on the capability of individual fighters or SAM types, the outcomes will likely be similar.
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