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Pakistan Air Force has an edge over Indian Air Force: Indian Parliamentary panel

Pakistan Air Force has an edge over Indian Air Force: Indian Parliamentary panel
These are tactics for budget approvals nothing else . Every parliament in the world does this crap to get more defense budget
Record low strength at what point is the question? Neither Pakistan nor China at any of the realistic threat levels that that cannot be tackled by the present force levels. So while there is a dip.. there is no panic situation as is being painted.
Vis-a-vis, Pakistan, the entire coercive diplomacy falls on it's face, because of inadequate Military power, none of the tactical advantages can be used due to lack of Air Power, Arty, ammunition, Tanks, MBRL's, Submarines etc. Every time there is a , parliament attack or a mumbai, India cannot do jack because of lack of it;s required force levels to even threaten an all out conflict, because Pakistan knows that India won't be able to deploy the right amount to cause any grave strategic issues for pakistan.
At the end of the day we are the laughing stock, where pakistan is laughing at our dossiers with the Perps. Either India should stop wasting tax payers money on defence and get rid of all issues with pakistan, or commit to the defense and adopt zero tolerance, this middle ground is good for nothing. Raise at least 50 Sqdns or cap it at 30 sqdns as a defensive force.
So if everything goes right India will have indigenous 4.5 Gen fighter....and 5th Gen FGFA from Russia by 2022. But inducting them in significant numbers will take another 3-4 years....what until then?? How and what will be the stopgap between 2015-2025 the MMRCA deal is going nowhere and the squadron numbers are dwindling.
33 squadrons is the minimum no. of squadrons required for tackling a two front war.

So,By the end of 2017,we will have-

6 x sq Bisons
6 x sq Jags
3 x sq M2K
3 x sq Mig 29
13 x sq MKI
1 x sq LCA MK1
1 x sq M-MRCA (made in France)
=> 33 sq
You can leave one squadron of tejas so that makes 32 squadrons but RAFALE is a very capable fighter so one squadron less of Tejas is compensated.

By the end of 2022-
6 x sq Bisons
6 x sq Jags
3 x sq M2K
3 x sq Mig 29
15 x sq MKI
2 x sq LCA MK1
4x sq M-MRCA
1 x sq PAKFA
=> 40 sq

LCAMK2 and FGFA will also be ready by this time and and will then be subsequently inducted to get the required 43 squadron strength.

Bottomline is IAF will have a tough time till 2017 only.
Vis-a-vis, Pakistan, the entire coercive diplomacy falls on it's face, because of inadequate Military power, none of the tactical advantages can be used due to lack of Air Power, Arty, ammunition, Tanks, MBRL's, Submarines etc. Every time there is a , parliament attack or a mumbai, India cannot do jack because of lack of it;s required force levels to even threaten an all out conflict, because Pakistan knows that India won't be able to deploy the right amount to cause any grave strategic issues for pakistan.
At the end of the day we are the laughing stock, where pakistan is laughing at our dossiers with the Perps. Either India should stop wasting tax payers money on defence and get rid of all issues with pakistan, or commit to the defense and adopt zero tolerance, this middle ground is good for nothing. Raise at least 50 Sqdns or cap it at 30 sqdns as a defensive force.
I concur entirely.
This charade has to stop...and somehow it seems to be that Mr Parrikar will be the man to bring things on track.
33 squadrons is the minimum no. of squadrons required for tackling a two front war.

So,By the end of 2017,we will have-

6 x sq Bisons
6 x sq Jags
3 x sq M2K
3 x sq Mig 29
13 x sq MKI
1 x sq LCA MK1
1 x sq M-MRCA (made in France)
=> 33 sq
You can leave one squadron of tejas so that makes 32 squadrons but RAFALE is a very capable fighter so one squadron less of Tejas is compensated.

By the end of 2022-
6 x sq Bisons
6 x sq Jags

3 x sq M2K
3 x sq Mig 29
15 x sq MKI
2 x sq LCA MK1
4x sq M-MRCA
1 x sq PAKFA
=> 40 sq

LCAMK2 and FGFA will also be ready by this time and and will then be subsequently inducted to get the required 43 squadron strength.

Bottomline is IAF will have a tough time till 2017 only.

Those 12 Squadrons that are in bold are my real concern.....those should have been out of service by 2015. Its a overkill dragging them to 2022.
Those 12 Squadrons that are in bold are my real concern.....those should have been out of service by 2015. Its a overkill dragging them to 2022.
Jaguars are going through upgrades which will push there service life beyond 2030.

Jaguar upgrade.jpg
Jaguars are going through upgrades which will push there service life beyond 2030.

View attachment 179762

It's the Darin 3 upgrade..jaguars didn't even had radars in the past. It is a dedicated ground attack and deep penetration attack fighter like the Mig-27. I don't say it isn't an effective fighter...but it is like an Ambassador car....no matter how much you upgrade it, the basic design and framework is of a 3rd generation fighter. A lot of money has been spent on the upgrade, why not induct more LCA Mk-1 with that money instead.
It's the Darin 3 upgrade..jaguars didn't even had radars in the past. It is a dedicated ground attack and deep penetration attack fighter like the Mig-27. I don't say it isn't an effective fighter...but it is like an Ambassador car....no matter how much you upgrade it, the basic design and framework is of a 3rd generation fighter. A lot of money has been spent on the upgrade, why not induct more LCA Mk-1 with that money instead.
Upgrading a jaguar is cheaper, faster and easier than building inducting and training newer platforms
Upgrading a jaguar is cheaper, faster and easier than building inducting and training newer platforms

Most of all remember: that a Jaguar can do some things that the other aircraft like M2Ks, Su-30s, LCAs etc cannot do.......
Seems like india want to buy every fighter jet in market from west and russia and you soon see next they buy fighter jets from usa too i gurantee u take my word they may go for F 35

Seems like india want to buy every fighter jet in market from west and russia and you soon see next they buy fighter jets from usa too i gurantee u take my word they may go for F 35
Most important upgrades of jaguar IMO are SEAD capability and defensive suite.
These two upgrades can make jag relevant in a future war.
Why always comparing to Pakistan?
Because comparing themselves to China would have made parliament shoot themselves and a comparison against BD or SL would have made parliament laugh at them. Pakistan is a easy comparison, suits their interests as well.
Little? I see a lot of care, almost to the point of obsession.

They heavily crush when they saw our Girls and because that they fall in jealousy and do these things.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

An utter myth propagated by many Pakistani members, please provide the examples where the PAF has shown an edge "again and again".

The IAF's training is world class and on par if not superior to the PAF's.

In what way? The AWACS operated by the IAF are FAR more powerful than those of the PAF. Although PAF has more AWACS, this is true.

To be honest I'm

To be honest it is a good thing that the numbers are being misrepresented/misreported in such a way as to downplay the IAF's capabilities, it's better this than the other way around.

Let's cut the parliamentary body a little slack and say they are ignorant and not being directly influenced by Dassualt/IAF (The arms lobby in any nation is always massively influential) and failing to take into account capabilities and looking purely at a numbers game.

This is still good for the IAF, at a time when most Western nations' politicians are looking at their Air Forces and actually applying quite an intelligent formula of factoring in increased capabilities of the newer generation of a/c (they are saying to their AFs they can do the same with less airframes), the Indian politicians are still in a backwards mindset of looking at numbers alone. This the IAF is going to get the best of both worlds, quality (they aren't looking for 126+ MiG-21s but top-end Rafales, the IAF has acquired a very expensive taste) AND quantity.

Most AFs around the world would love to be in the IAF's shoes- with such ignorant/easily misled politicians such as those found in India and two hostile nations (one that can be described as a constant threat and the other as a long term threat) on their borders the IAF/Indian military can pretty much ask for blank cheques from the GoI.

The deal is worth $15-16 Billion spread out over 10 years with 10% paid up front. So that is $1.5-1.6 Billion USD a year and with the IAF's budget growing year on year this isn't an issue.

The $15-16 BN figure was stated officially this month by the IAF and Dassualt. Any reports you see quoting higher than this are entirely wrong.

Airforce not only about pilot's but also about ground staff, especially maintenance staff and that is why PAF is considers as a professional Airforce around the world.
Good for Pakistan. And India should do everything to catch up with Pakistan.
Vis-a-vis, Pakistan, the entire coercive diplomacy falls on it's face, because of inadequate Military power, none of the tactical advantages can be used due to lack of Air Power, Arty, ammunition, Tanks, MBRL's, Submarines etc. Every time there is a , parliament attack or a mumbai, India cannot do jack because of lack of it;s required force levels to even threaten an all out conflict, because Pakistan knows that India won't be able to deploy the right amount to cause any grave strategic issues for pakistan.
At the end of the day we are the laughing stock, where pakistan is laughing at our dossiers with the Perps. Either India should stop wasting tax payers money on defence and get rid of all issues with pakistan, or commit to the defense and adopt zero tolerance, this middle ground is good for nothing. Raise at least 50 Sqdns or cap it at 30 sqdns as a defensive force.

listen this. He is a gem in idiots, a true strategic thinker.

Airforce not only about pilot's but also about ground staff, especially maintenance staff and that is why PAF is considers as a professional Airforce around the world.

How you know that India is not. BTW, what you even know about PAF Q&A standards and pilot edge?

Dont make mockery of yourself.
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