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Pakistan Air Force has an edge over Indian Air Force: Indian Parliamentary panel

I don't understand why indians think in order to counter IAF PAF needs to be having same number of aircrafts if not more.
PAF can counter IAF even if IAF has twice as many squadrons because India can never use all its force against Pakistan because it has to keep an eye on dragon as well.

I hate to admit but you are right. India has a problem of facing a two front threat. The best fighters and bulk of squadrons are facing china and not pakistan. Fortunately the best aircraft you got is F-16 and not much in number.

Moreover we have seen Israelis always has an upper hand despite the fact that their neighbors always out number them, what they lack in numbers they cover up with tactics and training. Same is the case with IAF and PAF.
PAF was never tasked to attack India it is tasked to defend Pakistani air space and it will no matter how many squadrons IAF may have, they have done it in the past and will do it in future as well.
Things will can only change when IAF gets 5th generation aircrafts but that aint happening for at least 15 years.

Don't compare yourself with Israel. They are in a different league.

PAF failed in 1971 and 1999. Indian MKI is more than enough for pakistan but they are deployed at chinese border.
Israeli airforce is the best trained and equipped in middle east .
309 f16 and nearly 100.f15 ..aesa radars. Phalcon awacs and networked to USA GPS satalites .

Exactly how does the paf mirror this please. With chinease fighters.

I would also suggest that the Indian air force is better trained and equipped than any Arab airforce.

So the paf and Israeli comparison is a million miles off.
Pakistan 76 F-16 18 of them block 50-52 the rest are block 15.
50 jf-17 those are the deal of the Pak fighters now the rest all third G they are worthless.

India 200 Su-30 mki.
66 Mig 29 upgrarde ones.
52 Mirage 2K some upgraded to the M5 level.
8 lca tejas
the rest are all 3rd G fighters
So in Quantity and Quality India has the upper handover Pakistan.

Ithink the claim of Pakistan has edge over India is a BS.

Pakistan should stop cllocting left over from here and there they should induct some either Russians or chinese 4th G to minimize the Indian Superiority.

Although both countries are mature and peacefull.
Pakistan 76 F-16 18 of them block 50-52 the rest are block 15.
Totally wrong data . 76 f-16 ,18 Block 52 rest all are MLU with capabilities equal to block 52 .Similarly F-17 Block 2 are in production with equivalent to block 52 std lack only in A2G i guess but pretty potent in A2A .Mirages are not to be left out along with PG`s so overall it looks formidable coupled with AWACs and data link capabilities i think any fight over PAK soil IAF will get it ,but on Indian soil its different but PAF is all in for surprise .so not to wipe out PAF.Indian SU-30 good plane but mantainenace Nightmare tell me how many are in service at a time among these 200 i am sure 25% or more will always be grounded for some work.MIg-29 cant beat f-16 block 52 ,Mirages when upgrade will be potent (F-17 is more superior in A2A. Lca please this is height of disappointment .regarding rest of 3rd gen vs 3rd gen .PAF has better planes. so strategy to counter for Su-30 i think is pretty much there considering all the fleet will not be available against PAf due to china and mantainenace.
Totally wrong data . 76 f-16 ,18 Block 52 rest all are MLU with capabilities equal to block 52 .Similarly F-17 Block 2 are in production with equivalent to block 52 std lack only in A2G i guess but pretty potent in A2A .Mirages are not to be left out along with PG`s so overall it looks formidable coupled with AWACs and data link capabilities i think any fight over PAK soil IAF will get it ,but on Indian soil its different but PAF is all in for surprise .so not to wipe out PAF.Indian SU-30 good plane but mantainenace Nightmare tell me how many are in service at a time among these 200 i am sure 25% or more will always be grounded for some work.MIg-29 cant beat f-16 block 52 ,Mirages when upgrade will be potent (F-17 is more superior in A2A. Lca please this is height of disappointment .regarding rest of 3rd gen vs 3rd gen .PAF has better planes. so strategy to counter for Su-30 i think is pretty much there considering all the fleet will not be available against PAf due to china and mantainenace.
Bro I'm not against you at all but that's the statics any way I wish we have Air force as good as yours don't get me wrong> But where i'm wrong all the f-16 you have are 76 plus 50 or so jf-17 b2 that's the best you got and the best of your best are 18 B52 is there any thing I'm missingshow me where.

now the rest 3rd gen you have are mainly f-7 and mirage 5 ok the Indian have the same kind as many as you have not including the 200 mki and the rest.
The only time PAF had superior aircraft than IAF was during early cold war during 60s. IAF did not have anything like sidewinder in their arsenal 50 years ago. While Indian pilots had to go close for a cannon kill the pakistanis can stay at a relative safe distance and fire their homing missiles.

From 1971 onwards the tables changed. In 1971 the pakistanis had no answer to IAF aircraft and tactics. It was 100% air superiority over east pakistan and unchecked air raids over west pakistan. This resulted the 1971 war being over in 13 days.

From 1971 the difference between the two airforces have increased in Indian favor. The trump card of PAF is F-16. IAF has Mig-29 upgraded version, Mirage 2000 upgraded and Su-30 MKI to take care of falcons. The Indian navy is going to be equipped with Mig-29s something the pakistanis will lose sleep over. The pakistani navy has nothing to counter the fulcrums of Indian navy.

Indian air force also has many years more lead in use of air-to-air refueling, long range flying and BVR combat. IAF had inducted air-to-air refueller and BVR missiles years before PAK. IAF also has better night fghting capabilities than PAF.

IAF has both numerical and quality advantage.
Im confused by your statment regarding superior Air force ,Please define superior air force for us .If IAF has at any point superior why to hide then.I do agree BVR induction but why not engage with PAF what ever the factors .Tactics what after 1971 ,two of your migs were shoot down by shoulder mounted 80s era tech .1971 please mention East Pakistan as well what happened there also kill ratios (this will go no where) .Important thing is no matter what you will buy you all know what will be reaction from PAF even though there was a time when we didnt have BVR .Numerical yes always and will remain always you have to defend 6 times our size ,quality its a long topic in which aeroplane being 30% .
Who is hiding? Superior air force means more numbers and more flying hours and of course more pilots.

Why would IAF engage with PAF when there is no war, are you drunk? In war casualties occur. Two Migs were shot down but the presence of IAF was so powerful not a single PAF aircraft showed up in Kargil despite repeated request by Pakistanis fighting in the hills. IAF had absolute air superiority in Kargil.

In 1971 IAF was bombing dhaka, which means PAF became extinct there. IAF Gnats killed so many sabres it earned the nickname sabre slayer.

What quality are you talking about? What does PAF have that IAF has to worry?
Hiding yes ,didnt even dare to come when there was saying of surgical strikes .(No BVR with PAF).
What about stand offs between 2000 to 2004 and again after Mumbai.
PAF was not in a loop for this fight and only left with war reserves for spares (Its not IAF terror check your stats)
So Many Sabres (are you seriously OK) you even dont know how many squadrons were there .
Quality like i said (it even reflects your post way you are speaking) its more of childish claims with out proper facts .That goes for your IAF (Imagine you put blame on SU-30 auto ejection seat when it was clear case of bad trainning and panic when your pilots are in world class fighters .I would imagine why now french`s are reluctant to sign with you guys as they know your quality standards.
India wanted nuclear weapons long before Pakistan even planned it. what changed was 1971 war, which proved that india can go to end and even change international geographical boundaries. this is what made bhutto and establishment think that we need a deterrence weapon as this could happen again.
whats stopping india to let say invade sindh and break up Pakistan again. it was fully known fact that india conventional superiority will obviously only increase with time. whats stopping that now is nuclear weapon.

i think this was strategic mistake by indra Gandhi govt, had she not initiated 1971 incidence, today Pakistan may have been a nuclear free state with more tolerance towards India purely due to east Pakistan location and trade dependence upon India.
she might have settled grudges with Pakistan but created a long term hostility in the region. unless of course she was thinking of finishing pakistan altogether and created a single union some how??

i guess despite a golden 50s era and 1960s indus basin agreement things didnt improved between us ultimately effecting both of us.

imagine without 1971 we would have had two heterogeneous demographic countries, this could have been next euro zone

What happened in 65 is ultimate cause of 71.
What does PAF have that IAF has to worry?
If there is nothing to worry then why did your parliamentary panel stated "With regard to the existing squadron strength, we are down to 25 squadrons today while Pakistan Air Force has 26 squadrons of operational combat fleet," they said PAF where as they could have said PLAAF as well.
And then again The 33-member panel said, "Our capability in contrast to our neighbors is eroding quickly." and i think by neighbors they did not mean China, Nepal or Bangladesh.
Pakistan 76 F-16 18 of them block 50-52 the rest are block 15.
50 jf-17 those are the deal of the Pak fighters now the rest all third G they are worthless.

India 200 Su-30 mki.
66 Mig 29 upgrarde ones.
52 Mirage 2K some upgraded to the M5 level.
8 lca tejas
the rest are all 3rd G fighters
So in Quantity and Quality India has the upper handover Pakistan.

Ithink the claim of Pakistan has edge over India is a BS.

Pakistan should stop cllocting left over from here and there they should induct some either Russians or chinese 4th G to minimize the Indian Superiority.

Although both countries are mature and peacefull.

You haven't read the title I am sure. This was discussed by the Indian Parliamentary Panel.
Im confused by your statment regarding superior Air force ,Please define superior air force for us .If IAF has at any point superior why to hide then.I do agree BVR induction but why not engage with PAF what ever the factors .Tactics what after 1971 ,two of your migs were shoot down by shoulder mounted 80s era tech .1971 please mention East Pakistan as well what happened there also kill ratios (this will go no where) .Important thing is no matter what you will buy you all know what will be reaction from PAF even though there was a time when we didnt have BVR .Numerical yes always and will remain always you have to defend 6 times our size ,quality its a long topic in which aeroplane being 30% .

In mountain peaks, even a well placed stone throw can take down a plane at close quarters and at such heights. As for the face off between 2000 to 2004 - it happened just once after terrorists attacked the Indian parliament.
Hiding yes ,didnt even dare to come when there was saying of surgical strikes .(No BVR with PAF).
What about stand offs between 2000 to 2004 and again after Mumbai.
PAF was not in a loop for this fight and only left with war reserves for spares (Its not IAF terror check your stats)
So Many Sabres (are you seriously OK) you even dont know how many squadrons were there .
Quality like i said (it even reflects your post way you are speaking) its more of childish claims with out proper facts .That goes for your IAF (Imagine you put blame on SU-30 auto ejection seat when it was clear case of bad trainning and panic when your pilots are in world class fighters .I would imagine why now french`s are reluctant to sign with you guys as they know your quality standards.
Su-30 is claimed to be the best fighter and a nightmare for paf and yet has problems like automatic seat ejections.
Either iaf should improve their training or declare Su-30 as a tiger on paper.
In mountain peaks, even a well placed stone throw can take down a plane at close quarters and at such heights. As for the face off between 2000 to 2004 - it happened just once after terrorists attacked the Indian parliament.

yea in Afghanistan they would have downed 1000 planes till now as they only need stones ,by the way it was downed by shoulder mounted weapon last thing i have checked both planes were super sonic and one was short down on its way back.Also two times there was stand off one one in 2001 and second after 2007 .
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