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Pakistan aims to sell national airline before election

If it's a free and fair election then PMLN will be wiped out from Punjab.
i doubt it, facts and polls doesnt indicate that

PTI should have focused on sindh, KPK too..IK needs to spend time there

PIA assets are far larger that the little loss that is being talked about. Selling PIA is not an option a better way would be to down size it. The Air lines is too big and has too many destination on it flight path. plus instead of having direct flights they need to have indirect flights to get more passengers.
should i bring up all the details, as PIA is public listed company and assets are known...PIA debt is around 400+ billion rupees, this year losses around 50 billion rupees (revenues were 90 billion rupees)
this is enough to sponcer a mega project like bhasha dam

PIA assets are nearly in negative..i repeat negative..unless you are talking about some fantasy PIA
http://www4.piac.com.pk/pianew/wp-content/uploads/Financial Reports 2017/March PIACL - Consolidated (1).pdf
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total assest 212 billion rupees
total liablites 424 billion rupees
=-tive -212

effects of pakistan's economy ......
every air line is in debt including air india lol
please stay out unless you know what you re talking about..i m tired about mindless discussion with you guys
nope, it wount
PTI are not angels, they are humans as well
govt should focus on policy working and reforms not business(Pakistan ranks 141 in ease of doing business!)
and if PTI focuses on PIA what make you think will happen next time they are not in govt, remember PIA and steels mills were in profit in mushi era
lastly we all know PTI will not win, as they will loose in punjab

If PTI wins, the only thing they should focus on is a complete and utter purge of our current political class. unlikely. Fact is, if you think everything is making a loss because of politicians, you have a choice. Either destroy the political system, or destroy the country. This is the decision Pakistan faces today.
If PTI wins, the only thing they should focus on is a complete and utter purge of our current political class. unlikely. Fact is, if you think everything is making a loss because of politicians, you have a choice. Either destroy the political system, or destroy the country. This is the decision Pakistan faces today.
and than a new corrupt generation will

solution is rapid economical development and education not a political purge..
remember things can be far worse..look at syria, iraq, Afghanistan and even Nigeria..the level of corruption is astounding
total assest 212 billion rupees
total liablites 424 billion rupees
=-tive -212

every air line is in debt including air india lol
please stay out unless you know what you re talking about..i m tired about mindless discussion with you guys
well we are not selling it...but air india is improving day by day..
Selling PIA & Engineering base should not be sold it is idiotic. Selling Aviation Sector is an idiotic move becasue the hired people in company do not have capability to fix problems

Pakistan is a nation with 180 Million - 200 Million people and they need to travel world wide so the need for travel exists in Pakistan

a) PIA needs to reduce it's employee base bring it to modern world standard
World companies have 1,000 workers, PIA has 30,000 workers as a example here

b) All international airlines allowed to fly anywhere in Pakistan should be stopped and they should be allowed to only land on 1 international Airport

c) Local Passenger travel should be restricted to PIA and other national carrier

d) Free Traval on PIA for Government officials and other officials should be cancelled

e) Do country to country trade to purchase cheaper then market Jet Fuel

f) Charge for baggage like most world airlines restrict the bags being carried

  • Operation Improvement Should be done with 15 International Consultants
  • 3 Leaders for Human Resource Improvement and Reduction
  • 4 Leaders for Managing Sales (Track every single ticket being sold)
Over the country / online sales
Discounted Deals for Corporations in Pakistan/deals for employees​
  • 4 Leaders for Customer Service (International/Local / Airport Hubs)
  • 3 Leaders who focus on Bringing cost of operation down (Fuel/Food/Cleanup)
  • Have the 15 consultants report , to a Care Taker for Organization
  • Every single flight that flies up in air and lands , management need to track if $ flow was positive or negative.
+ Income from Ticket Sales (150-300 tickets)
+ Income from Baggage Charges
+ Income from First Class incentive
+ Income from carrying freight (mail , special delivery, over night packages )
+ Sales from Duty Free Gift purchase on airline while coming to Pakistan

- Minus fuel charges trivial , Minus Airport Tax, minus 6 crew salaries (Per flight)
- Minus the salary (hourly rate) by ticket processor at checkin at aiport trivial cost

  • Do this for 365 days if planes are flying full or 95% capacity an all is green thru such reporting we need to figure out where the money is going ?

Identify the None contributors
(These are people who are not needed to run operations , politically hired workers)
This is where the problem VENOM exist)

  • Managers sitting and doing nothing
  • Workers that are just attending office and collecting check
  • Figureout how many layer of managers exist in PIA , manager or manager roles
  • Figure out all the International Sales center cancel all discounts
  • Release all the above in this list from company
  • Having 10 managers and 2 worker so these managers need to be released

  • Ensure all tickets are purchased online from PIA portal and paid with credit card so 100% money goes into PIA account in Pakistan, and no offshore redirect of balance is possible
  • Create printable boarding passes
Official numbers of employee as stated by Wiki
PIA employed nearly 14,000 people as of annual report 2015 and the airline has overall punctuality of 88%

  • PIA has 33 planes (FACT)
  • Crew needed to run 1 Round Trip = 198 crew and pilots for 33 planes (FACT)

What are other 13,802 workers doing ?

What is break down of Engineers
What is break down of Managers
What is break down of Sales
What is break down of Useless managers
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Selling PIA & Engineering base should not be sold it is idiotic

Pakistan is a nation with 180 Million - 200 Million people and they need to travel world wide so the need for travel exists in Pakistan

a) PIA needs to reduce it's employee base bring it to modern world standard
World companies have 1,000 workers, PIA has 30,000 workers as a example here

b) All international airlines allowed to fly anywhere in Pakistan should be stopped and they should be
allowed to only land on 1 international Airport

c) Local Passenger travel should be restricted to PIA and other national carrier

d) Free Trave on PIA for Government officials and other officials should be cancelled

man you seem to be clearly a novice when it comes to simple economics

1. are you going to pay the TA/DA for politicians that would even be more expensive, i think you can ask them to just use PIA and pay TA/TD per that
2. closing your economy is going to hurt Pakistan more, as competitiveness of our business will get a hit due to expensive PIA

3. you still didnt answer my question as long as we have humans PIA will be over worked
This is the magic question for PIA

Official numbers of employee as stated by Wiki
PIA employed nearly 14,000 people as of annual report 2015 and the airline has overall punctuality of 88%

  • PIA has 33 planes (FACT)
  • Crew needed to run 1 Round Trip = 198 crew and pilots for 33 planes (FACT)
  • Ground crew for baggage = 300 crew people to service 33 planes
What are other 13,502 workers doing ?

  • :yes4:What is break down of Engineers? 100-300 (These are 100% needed)


These 13,000 Extra players are what is killing PIA

What is break down of Managers? ------>90% can be released of Job
What is break down of Sales? ------>90% can be released if not creating sales
What is break down of Useless managers--> 90% can be released
How many extra Finance workers --------->90% can be releaed

> Sales can be done online portal 100% ticket sales
> Do you need 13,000 managers ? to manage 198 flight crew members who fly with planes?
> You can generate all financial reports by Software don't need 13,000 finance workers

May be out of 13,000 workers , we just need 300 Customer Service Agents / Call center workers or in person helpers to help passengers with questions

You still have unaccounted for 12,700 workers !!!

Totals 15 Billion Rupees per year in Salaries (calculation done at rate of 1 lakh per month)

What is the salary of these dormant managers? who can't create profit? Do they take 1 lakh per month or higher rate ?

Simple Summry:

Total Employed workers 14,000
33 planes

> Keep 200 Flight crew & Pilots for 1 Trip
> Keep 300 Baggage crew team to process baggage

> Keep 300 Enginers for plane service and checkups (Increse it if needed)
> Keep 300 Customer Service Agents at airport / call center

Remaining 12,700 Workforce (Release /Let go)

  • Save 15,000,000,000 (15 Billion Ruppes per year)
  • 150 Million USD saved

Keep -> Force of 1,100 workers
Layoff -> 12,700 workers
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and than a new corrupt generation will

solution is rapid economical development and education not a political purge..
remember things can be far worse..look at syria, iraq, Afghanistan and even Nigeria..the level of corruption is astounding
The Chinese had a purge worked for them.
The Chinese had a purge worked for them.
Chinese purged happened in "cultural revolution" it led to famine, destruction, death
and they learned from it and focused on skilled education and that worked
we showed learn from Chinese experience

This is the magic question for PIA

Official numbers of employee as stated by Wiki
PIA employed nearly 14,000 people as of annual report 2015 and the airline has overall punctuality of 88%

  • PIA has 33 planes (FACT)
  • Crew needed to run 1 Round Trip = 198 crew and pilots for 33 planes (FACT)
  • Ground crew for baggage = 300 crew people to service 33 planes
What are other 13,502 workers doing ?

  • :yes4:What is break down of Engineers? 100-300 (These are 100% needed)


These 13,000 Extra players are what is killing PIA

What is break down of Managers? ------>90% can be released of Job
What is break down of Sales? ------>90% can be released if not creating sales
What is break down of Useless managers--> 90% can be released
How many extra Finance workers --------->90% can be releaed

> Sales can be done online portal 100% ticket sales
> Do you need 13,000 managers ? to manage 198 flight crew members who fly with planes?
> You can generate all financial reports by Software don't need 13,000 finance workers

May be out of 13,000 workers , we just need 300 Customer Service Agents / Call center workers or in person helpers to help passengers with questions

You still have unaccounted for 12,700 workers !!!

Totals 15 Billion Rupees per year in Salaries (calculation done at rate of 1 lakh per month)

during zardari era peoples that were dismissed from jobs in PIA and steel mills in 1990s were not only reinstated ut given salaries backwards

so no its not possible because no matter what happens zardari and nawaz are not going any where

usually its in millions for high end posts
CEO might be making 5-10 million rupees/month
which is okay as they can earn more in corruption( a single shaddy deal is measured in billions of rupee)
many many were uncovered just google it
Abbasi sahib can buy it for peanuts and then will eat malai of CPEC in few years.
just like Modi is eating the cream of every project BJB launch.

You guys are miles ahead of Pakistan in corruption.
Strategic asset my foot. Its just a political asset for PPP. As post# 39 is showing the whole data about this organisation.

We listened this strategic asset crap talk back in 2004-2005 at the time of PTCL privatization. Today its been proven that decision was right. No matter how much bail out plan government give to these white elephants, all the money will pour through gutters of corruption.
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