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Pakistan aims to sell national airline before election

Might I offer a British perspective? If British Airways, an airline that can trace it's roots back to 1924 is not immune from Privatization, I really don't see how a loss making venture like PIA can possibly be allowed to keep draining the public exchequer.

Furthermore, I feel sorry for PIA. Because I remember, as a child that PIA had one of the finest offices on Sackville Street, London. I also remember the good old days when if you were travelling from LHR you would see 2/3 PIA aircraft parked up almost every day of the week.

The problem is that PIA failed to diversify, cut costs and improve its business strategy. There is a saying in business "Diversify or Die". It's sad that there is rampant corruption in Pakistan and this has impacted PIA tremendously, PIA still owns hotels in London and Manchester. The sale of these national assets could bring much needed funds back into the airline.

Sadly this is the problem with Pakistan, the apple is rotten from the core, it's only the veneer that looks gleaming and polished :(
Get rid of this white elephant. The service will improve many folds.
Family of thieves going for final assault and the so called dignified parliament of burglars which abetting family of thieves.
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